What is the meaning of Re-education? Concept, Definition of Re-education

Definition of re-education ‒ compendium of concepts and meanings

1. Definition of re-education

We understand by re-education to the process whereby a person returns to learn what ever learned but special circumstances no longer know or lost the ability to play it. Re-education can be understood in many ways and spaces. It is usually used to refer to situations in which a person must learn something basic or natural how to recover the mobility of any part of the body lost due to an accident or illness or when the ability to speak or write to retrieve.
Re-education is very significant in a person's life because it means that she has gone through a stage of education that has been valuable, but has lost that knowledge or learning and should be returned to educate about the same topic. In the case of older people, this re-education is very common in relation to health and body since the person should perhaps recover through practice and rehabilitation movement in any area of the body. This is also common for a person who may have suffered an accident and which must be reeducada both physical or motor level and mental level (for example when a person must again learn to speak or write due to a serious accident).
Re-education may also occur as something negative if it is understood as the process through which the consciousness, thinking, someone's personality is completely changed from the phenomenon known as "brain washing". Through pledges, armed phrases and other figures of speech and discourse a person can reach to doubt of their personality and to shelve it completely to assemble a new personality and even a new identity around new values, new interests, etc. This form of re-education usually occur in adulthood a person since it is considered that a personality is changed or a character that was already properly constituted, although also can happen in adolescence if the individual completely alter your way of being or of understanding life.

2 Concept of re-education

The notion of re-education is associated with the verb re-educate. As the term suggests, it consists of educate or teach something again.
The concept is very frequently used in medicine. Doctors re-educating the patient when they have to return to teach how to use those organs or limbs that have been damaged by disease or trauma.
The re-education, in this sense, implies a series of techniques that are used so that the person can then make use of those powers who lost by some kind of incident.
The idea of retraining, anyway, is applied in different areas. In the prison system, for example, focuses to improve the training of the detainee so this can reintegrate into society. In these cases, are common plastic and artistic activities, as well as education in any profession, to offer these people a job, once the judgment.
Psicofuncional rehabilitation, on the other hand, is linked to those techniques that are developed in an interdisciplinary manner and seek help reverse any alteration to a subject.
Re-education is also used when arise disadvantages as the product of an excessive effort or certain changes in some feature of the voice; a very intense discussion in which shouts in a violent way, or some too shocking event tend to be the causes of these problems. Experts, it usually suggest not talk too, whispering when possible and not smoking, among other tips.
Refers, finally, of food re-education to refer to the process you are looking for a person affected by anorexia, bulimia or another disorder, to regain a healthy diet. The intention is that the person leaves the harmful habit and begin to associate food with a positive, healthy and life essential element.
The re-education after a comma
Sometimes, a person's life is interrupted by an accident that suspended her in a coma for months or years. In the last decade, they have given to know several cases of amazing recoveries. However, the experience of who awakens from a coma far is be as simple and miraculous as the Hollywood earmarks.
Depending on the type of trauma that have suffered, these people may need assistance to relearn such basic and everyday actions as speaking, eating, walking and writing. Clearly, this whole process is very costly and many patients do not have the economic means to meet the costs involved. As if this outside little, on more than one occasion has been given that public sector doctors they recommend euthanasia for patients who, once they accessed private treatments, recovered completely.
One of the biggest challenges of who awakens from a coma is to recover speech; for this reason, there are speech therapy professionals. In the same way, these therapists re-educating his patients to use your mouth for eating and drinking, since the most common is that they fed through gavage. Physical therapy, on the other hand, is essential to help regain the mobility of the body in general, both for walking for actions more sophisticated like using a telephone.
As for the memory, it is common that is post traumatic amnesia; This translates into an inability to remember events leading up to the period of hospitalization, as well as very recent experiences. The duration of this disorder is variable, but generally does not extend more than a few weeks. There are also software programs that assist doctors to cognitively stimulating patients; for its use, however, it is necessary to get to the point where the person can move at least a hand.

3 Meaning of re-education

Children's re-education of psychopedagogical basis aims to improve the relationship with the child or adolescent with their process of learning and the way you need to acquire knowledge. Unlike a treatment with a psychologist where different aspects or the patient's problems can be treated, here the emphasis is exclusively in the area of learning and academic performance. Although in some cases a combined treatment of reeducaciones and psychotherapy is recommended to work with the patient in a comprehensive manner, this has to be the case in a systematic way.
On the basis of a strong relationship between the reeducador and the child, it delves into the basics of learning, which are attention, concentration and memory. Souvenir material of very diverse, with the end of the stimulation being varied and attractive is used to do this.
The reeducaciones psycho-pedagogical work with the aim of:
• Improve self-esteem in the child/adolescent with regard the study and the realization of tasks, identifying skills and reinforcing them.
• Acquire habits of organization, learn how to keep a school schedule and have an adequate management of the schedule.
• Increase the school achievement orientation.
• Teach and implement study techniques: pre-read, careful reading, analysis, underline, realization of outlines and summaries.
• Teach and reinforce behaviours appropriate for the accomplishment of tasks.
• Practice strategies for the preparation of exams.
• Finally, coordinate efforts with parents so that they monitor the organisation of the study at home.

4. What is re-education

Laogai (Chinese: 勞改; pinyin: găi lao), the abbreviation for Laodong Gaizao (勞動改造) which means reform through labour (usually translated as re-education through labour), is the motto of the Chinese justice system and is used to refer to the use of forced labour in prisons of the People's Republic of China and, by extension, to the places where it occurs. It is estimated that in the last 50 years more than 50 million people have passed through the Laogai camps.
The laogai system is distinguished from the laojiao, or re-education through labour (which is the administrative detention of a person who is not considered a criminal but has committed minor offences) and is devoted to the reform of the detainees in citizens respectful of the law persons arrested under the laojiao are detained in facilities other than those of the general penitentiary system of laogai. Both systems, however, involve penal labor.
During the 1960s, Chinese prisons, which were filled with prisoners accused of being critical of the Government or counter-revolutionaries, were organized like factories. At the beginning of the 1980s was freed many people arrested for political or religious reasons thanks to the reforms of Deng Xiaoping. China, 1997, revised code of criminal procedure, revised in 1997 put an end to official laogai policy, but some prisons in the Autonomous Republic of Tibet and Qinghai province followed the practice of forced labour as a continuation of the laogai.