What is the meaning of Happiness? Concept, Definition of Happiness

Definition of   Happiness

1. Concept of happiness

To that State of mind that occurs in a person he believes have reached the desired goal is happiness. It is one of so many emotions that experiences the human being and is usually associated with the feeling of enjoyment, fullness, joy and fulfillment. Meanwhile, from a biological perspective, happiness would be the result of a neural activity fluid, which stimulate factors, both internal and external, of the limbic system.
Moreover, from the philosophical plane should go back to classical Greek philosophy, which has left three clear positions, namely: according to the position defended by Plato as by Aristotle, happiness meant self-realisation, arrive to a human being's own goals. Meanwhile, from the cynicism and stoicism, being happy is self-sufficient, implying that fend for itself without relying on absolutely no one or anything. On the other hand, the third corresponds to Epicurus, who argued that being happy was to experience pleasure, like thus also avoid suffering both physical and mental, physical and intellectual.
In another order, for the so-called religions theists to happiness only get through union with God. According to this point of view, it is impossible to be happy if that union have not been performed. Happiness is considered as final obtaining the fullness and satisfaction of needs of all kinds just status is reached in that grade after the death. At the same time, Christianity, happiness comes to express themselves in the experience of the Beatitudes and the teachings that leave the Bible and communion with Christ, risen through the Holy Spirit. For Buddhism, lasting happiness is to eradicate the anxious longing, that at the same time is only achieved by the awakening from the illusion of the self; i.e., to be fully aware and conscious to the true nature of life and existence.

Synonyms of happiness

Let's see now what synonyms has the term that we gathered here: prosperity, tranquillity, well-being, happy, satisfaction, happiness, fortune, comfort, bliss and delight among others.

2. Definition of happiness

Happiness is one of the many emotions and States we experience human beings in this life and is associated with a feeling of fullness, joy, enjoyment and accomplishment.
As it is the case with all the emotions, happiness, has a physiological explanation, result of a fluent neural activity in which the internal and external factors interact mutually stimulating the limbic system, which is one that is composed of several brain structures such as: the thalamus, hypothalamus, Hippocampus, amygdala, septum, Corpus Callosum and mesencephalon and on which rests the function the to respond to emotional stimuli that require it. In this sense, stands out the participation of certain substances, such as dopamine, a neurotransmitter involved in most of the phenomena that generate pleasure, as the own happiness and reward. Therefore, that certain drugs that Act on the brain circuits connected via the dopamine are associated with well-being, as it is the case with most of modern antidepressants.
Meanwhile, happiness is not the same for everyone and this is because all human beings are unique and unrepeatable, which leads us to have different aspirations, ambitions and goals in life, which will also have much to do with the achievement or the end to which all human we tend that is to achieve, in what we do and next to the emotional environment we have chosen, happiness.
Then, will be for these differentiations of the human species which for some, for example, marry the one who loves is equivalent to happiness, but for others this does not involve the happiness and if it is a journey to any destination that always añoró. Also and continuing along this same path, there are people who are happy living a life without many surprises and changes, on the other hand, there are others who think that a routine life without emotions, adrenalin is equivalent to a frustrated existence, the main cause of unhappiness as they say.
This indicates that happiness is an inner process that depends on more than the ideals of life we have, and we have proposed, rather than a social Convention imposed by the society in which we live, and this is very evident on the basis that what makes me happy to me, can and does do happy who have beside me. This apparent contradiction occurs at all scales of human existence, from the own inner world of each human being, by couples, nuclear families, small communities and even Nations. In this context, phenomena such as philanthropy, altruism or faith are considered tools looking for ultimately achieving personal happiness in the happiness of others, finding just in case one of the roads of greater nobility in this sense.
However, it is prudent to differentiate the joy of happiness, since it is postulated that happiness requires a rational sublimation of emotions. Thus, an animal may be joyous or happy, but it is difficult to say whether he is happy. On the other hand, a human being can find both joyful and happy, or cheerful but not even happy.
Anyway, it is appropriate to recognize that happiness will depend not only on big aspirations that is able to specify a person, but rather the small things of every day, as well as the solution of everyday aspects that arise as tiny challenges will also contribute to making a person more or less happy. The reality, far from constituting a permanent obstacle to happiness according to subjective appreciations, perhaps represents a prodigious tool to achieve this goal of life to which everyone aspires, in a personalized way or title of the community of which it forms part.

3 Concept of happiness

Happiness is a mood of existential fullness where life is valued as something positive and worthy of being lived. It is the proposed goals, and enjoy them, not perceiving the lack of achievements as frustrations, but as challenges. A happy person smiles, enjoys, enjoys, as a permanent feeling, in contrast to the joy that is a transient state. How to find happiness depends on each one of us, since what makes someone happy may not represent happiness for another.
Since ancient times, man sought happiness and worried to know where to find it. Epicurus (341-270 a. C) held that happiness can not be dissipated life, wealth, or anything that generates dependency, because to keep what you have, the concern, it prevents from being happy. For Epicurus happiness is the absence of disturbance, given by the serene reason, which prosecuted acts of so serene, achieving peace of the soul.
Aristotle contended that happiness only virtuous man, whose will has a permanent disposition towards good, can find it what is called virtue. It teaches us that man naturally tends towards enjoyable, fleeing from the sad and painful things, but there are pleasures that are not real, they are reprehensible, and the man who prefers them is a corrupt, which may not be happy.
For the Stoic school, founded by Zenón de Citio, at the end of the fourth century, happiness is achieved living according to the rational nature, being indifferent to pain, passion and pleasure.
St. Augustine (354-439) subordinated all intermediate purposes to the ultimate goal of reaching God, absolute truth, to attain happiness.
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) defined it as that State that accompanies the rational being that in the whole of your life, you what you want and want, regardless of the moral.