What is the meaning of Maslow's pyramid? Concept, Definition of Maslow's pyramid

Definition of Maslow's pyramid

1 Meaning of Maslow's pyramid

Definition of pyramid of needs Maslow

The pyramid of needs Maslow is a tool of the psychology of belonging to the current humanist in which all slopes lead to the ranking of own and direct human needs. The pyramid of needs Maslow is the opera prima of Abraham Maslow, American psychologist that I base their work on the study of the ability of man autorealizar your goals and objectives by the application of generic tools and in some cases up to obvious as for example breathing and feeding. The pyramid of needs Maslow is a diagram that leads us to our most basic needs from the base: breathing, food, sex, rest and homeostasis (cell process whereby the body assimilates and leverages necessary meals and foods that receives all the nutrients and vitamins).
In the pyramid of needs Maslow applies a hierarchical system which does not impose the needs, simply serves as reference to what is natural, elemental, and primarily just, however, the free will allows the human being the capacity to decide that investing time of his life. This hierarchy "Elementary" placed at the base the more basic physiological needs, i.e., that which every human must make to live, on the upper floor we stumbled upon security needs, these include all what makes life quiet, stable and secure, this is the case of the safety in the home, employment, health, among others.
The third and fourth floor explains needs that after insured expressing the first two floors, are applicable to socialize among themselves. Human beings live in communities that evolve as agents as the technology thrive, then, to complement the process of food and sex, must interact with others and nature itself. In these floors are most essential feelings, friendship, love, sexual desire and also moral and ethical principles like trust, respect, dignity and pride. Finally, at the top of the pyramid of needs Maslow we find more complex life processes, resolution of deep-seated problems as the most important of them, basically problems and circumstances of the floors below, but which likewise require the implementation of analysis and morality, creativity and the acceptance of facts.

2. Definition of Maslow's pyramid

The cast of human needs is very broad, since the person is a highly complex being. Therefore, it seems more useful to present the best-known systematic classification of human needs, which is that of Abraham Maslow.

The pyramid of needs Maslow

The classification of needs Maslow is perhaps the best known of all. This classification has a hierarchical structure and represents the five levels of which consists in ascending pyramid.

Maslow explains each of these needs in the following manner:

(a) physiological needs

These needs are the lower level of the pyramid and are essential for physical survival.

These needs are the most arrogant of all needs. This means specifically the human being who does not have everything in life, in an extreme situation, it is likely that his biggest motivation were physiological needs more than any other need.

b) need for security

Security needs include protection, care, stability, dependence, absence of fear, anxiety and risk; need a structure, order, rules and limits. Other broader aspects of the attempt to find security and stability in the world manifests itself in preference by the familiar things more than which are not or what is known by the unknown.

(c) sense of belonging and love needs

This level of the pyramid represents the need for affection, acceptance, and integration into groups, something that offers support and Association. Are expressions of need the behaviors and the creation of structures suitable for search in others, acceptance, affection and integration, such as the extended family, tribe, partner, children, youth gangs, groups of friendship, etc.

Love needs involve give and receive affection. When they are unsatisfied, a person will feel intensely the absence of friends, partners or children. Such a person will be hungry for relationships in general - a place in the group or family - and will strive hard to achieve this goal.

d) need for esteem

This expectations, our experi includes feelings of personal assessment, prestige and competence; with this needs the man feels important for themselves and for others.

The satisfaction of the needs of self-esteem leads to feelings of self-confidence, strength, capacity and sufficiency, of being useful and necessary in the world. But the frustration of this needs produces feelings of inferiority, of weakness and helplessness. These feelings in turn give way to other elementary discouragements or other trends neuroticas or compensatory.

Need for self-realization
The latter group represents the needs of upper nature and represent a higher level of personal maturity.

The need for self-realization is the desire of the person by self satisfaction, i.e. the trend in it to realize that it is in power. This is could be expressed as the desire to become more and more what one is according to their dreams, goals or lifestyle, i.e. become everything one is capable of becoming.

General characteristics of the theory of Maslow

Only unsatisfied needs influence the behavior of people, as the satisfied need does not generate any behavior.
Physiological needs are born with the person, the rest of the needs arise with the passage of time.
As the person manages to control their basic needs gradually appear higher-order needs; not all individuals feel needs of self-realization, since it is a single victory.
Highest needs do not arise to the extent that low are being met. They can be concomitant but the Basic will prevail over the top.
Basic needs required for your satisfaction a motivator cycle relatively short, in contrast, the top needs require a longer cycle.

Principles of the pyramid of needs Maslow

• The actions of human beings are the result of efforts to meet human needs; Once satisfied, they leave generate behavior whatsoever.

• Physiological needs are born with the person, the rest of the needs arise in the course of time.

• As the person manages to control their basic needs, gradually appear higher-order needs. Not all individuals feel needs of autorrealización which is the top level, since this is a single victory.

• Needs of higher hierarchy will not be satisfied unless hierarchy needs had been satisfied lower.

• The motivational sign of basic needs is relatively short, as opposed to the higher needs that require a longer cycle.

3 Concept of Maslow's pyramid

In his work ' Motivations and Personality ", published by Harper and Row in 1954, psychologist Abraham H. Maslow proposed a theory of motivation based on five categories of human needs. To understand it better, it is useful to define some terms that, in this case, refer exclusively to human behavior previously:

Needs: Lack or absence of things that are necessary for the preservation of life. Create impulses that make is to seek a solution to mitigate or eliminate the deficiencies that originate them. For example, the need for breathing, drinking or eating.

From you: Are pulse strong and specific needs. They are oriented towards the possession or enjoyment of something concrete, which is well known, that seems to be or which has already proven to be effective. Create impulses which can be irresistible to concrete objects. For example, the desire to drink a certain beverage or eating a particular treat.

Motivations: Are internal forces that drive the individual to act in a certain way. The motivation may have originated in positive or negative sources. For example, greed can be a source of motivation to steal or love can be a source of motivation for personal development.

Pulse: Are actions that are carried out without further reflection, usually as a result of attitudes or customs acquired. For example, impulsively buy a magazine that is in the box of a supermarket when a housewife prepares to pay for their purchases.

Stimulus: They are situations, actions, or words that originated by someone, to operate the receiver subject incites. For example, an insult to incite a backlash or, conversely, a kind word encourages a similar response.

Reactions: Are the response to the stimulus received. For example, the recognition of a job well done may have in response the maintenance or improvement of the quality achieved in the affected person's work.


Maslow based his theory of motivation in the needs and desires of people. He argues that it can be applied both in family life and in work, politics, or any other human activity. Defines five levels of needs and desires, sorted in ascending order, which indicates, in general, first the first category you must meet and then the following. However, it also recognizes that an individual may be involved in two or three levels at the same time. These categories are as follows:

PHYSIOLOGICAL. They are the basic biological needs of subsistence, whose satisfaction is urgent, cannot be postponed beyond a limit. The motivators are hunger, thirst, fatigue, sleep and sexual appetite. In the individual, the reactions to a lack of this kind can become violent.

SECURITY. They are psychological needs, which give the individual confidence and trust. The motivators are, among others, the certainty about something, the tranquillity that gives a good veneer door, physical wellbeing, health, order. They are the elements that ensure the conservation of what has been achieved in the previous level.

OF BELONGING. They are social needs. They are in the scope of the individual relationships with groups that interact, whether in the family, social, religious, scope of work or other. The motivators are the momentum towards the interaction with other people like them, group acceptance, affection, as well as the need or desire to share activities observing the norms and customs adopted by the group. Across enterprise there is a working environment that must know and whose Customs should abide by. The elements that may be observed in companies include:

ESTIMATION. They are the needs and emotional desires of intimate and individual character as the love of the beloved or possession of an object that satisfies their ego. This is what it feels like to buy a luxury car or other property that makes it grow in status to their group. Also is the need or desire to achieve success, prestige and recognition by others, that others know about a job well done, receive a prize.

OF SELF-REALIZATION. They are the wishes of personal satisfaction that produce a feeling of triumph, the feeling of power and dominance, which increases the self-esteem of the person, what he or she think about themselves. It is the culmination of the aspirations of most desired goals difficult, to do something that requires to be used to fund.