Screens and smartphones: Sleep enemies ... 15 good reasons to get up early ... Mega Post » Sleep well!

Mega Post Health and Wellness » Sleep well

  1. Screens and smartphones: enemies sleep
  2. One 15 good reasons to get up early!
  3. Alone sleep together ...
  4. So we can improve the quality of our sleep
  5. Orthodontics can improve your child's dream
  6. Dreams and pregnancy
  7. Teenagers and lack of sleep

Screens and smartphones: enemies sleep

Screens, tablets, computers, mobile phones ... new technologies invade our privacy and have come to occupy a place in our rooms, disrupting our rhythms of life, but above all, sleep. This is what has found the French Institute of sleep and wakefulness (InVS by its French acronym), in a study to mark World Sleep Day 2016. We analyze the findings of experts.
• Smartphones and tablets up under the sheets
• Using the screens at night: effects on sleep
• Light screens affects our biological clock
• Ignorance of the effects of screens
• Change screens by other small pleasures
The Spaniards sleep an average of 7 hours and 12 minutes per night. Besides rest least 8 hours recommended 30% of the population suffers from insomnia, of which 10% chronically; apneas, affecting 17% of men and 9% of women; the syndrome of restless legs, which affects 10%; or narcolepsy, suffered by 25,000 Spaniards. These disorders sometimes be, or may be increased, to prolonged exposure to screens night.

Smartphones and tablets up under the sheets

The use of new technologies and screens often at night in most homes. There are several behaviors. Those who watch television every night just before going to bed. Those who use the computer, the tablet or smartphone after dinner or already tucked up in bed, and those who sleep with the phone on the nightstand. Among the latter, half they wake up often for messages that sound in the middle of the night. And, who has never received the famous "Are you sleeping?" And almost dawn ... Most surprising of all is that most will respond to the message on the spot. The study reveals that young people remain the most addicted to these new technologies. More than half of people who use their tablet or smartphone at night, in bed, are between 18 and 34 years.
Another finding: The more functionality the device has less sleep. It is no wonder then that digital natives are the largest consumers of screens at that time of night. Born with new technologies, live permanently connected, which can cause problems with daytime sleepiness.

Using the screens at night: effects on sleep

Users screens that disconnect only a moment before closing his eyes, spend more time in bed before turning out the light. "So long tucked up in bed in front of a screen has an impact on sleep quality, " says Dr. Joëlle Adrien, neurobiologist and president of the French Institute of sleep. Dr. Sylvie Royant-Parola, a psychiatrist and vice president of the institute estimates, meanwhile, that new technologies have generated a vigilante society, where everyone is on alert, day and night. Instead of disconnecting from what happens around them when they lie down, the attention of addicts remains active screens.
This causes the brain to receive a mixed message, a sign of sleep and waking at the same time. However, we must foster an attitude off to sleep overcomes us little by little. And we must not forget that sleep is essential to health. As the experts remind us, only monophasic sleep is truly refreshing. Several naps a day (polyphasic sleep) in no case may cover these gaps so important dream.

Light screens affects our biological clock

Light, whether natural or artificial, plays an essential role on the biological clock and synchronize our vital functions. For example, body temperature, blood pressure, attention, cognitive performance, among others, are highest during the day. At night, however, is the time of muscle relaxation, drowsiness and secretion of melatonin ( a hormone that promotes sleep), which are at their highest levels. However, if the person is unconsciously waiting for a communication, the slightest light signal emitted by the screens may disturb your rest. "At night, the light flashes of a few milliseconds can slow the biological clock and the system is so sensitive that light acts even if we are sleeping, " says Dr. Claude Gronfier, neurobiologist. In fact, the circadian system can be affected even with low light intensity. In addition, the blue light, LED screens (between about 6500 and 7000 kelvins) is the most active on the circadian system. By contrast, the warm lights are less aggressive for our body. Sunlight, meanwhile, is perceived as white light (5800 kelvins).

Ignorance of the effects of the screens

One of the concerns of experts focuses on the ignorance of users about the harmful effects they can have screens, especially at night. In fact, one in five people think, wrongly, that the use of new technologies at that time of day is good.
On the other hand, users are not aware that when reading a message when they are already lying send a clear signal metabolism waking, which can disrupt the secretion of melatonin. If this happens, it will be virtually impossible to sleep.
For experts, it is essential that users have greater access to this information. It is also important to take appropriate routines: bedtime always more or less at the same time and know off technology at certain times of the day. And at night, it is best to turn off the phone or leave it in another room to avoid temptations.

Change screens by other small pleasures

Philippe Maslo, family physician and co - author of the book "Dormir enfin sans médicaments" (Sleeping finally without medicating) advises change the time spent in front of screens at bedtime for other "leisure activities", which favor the dream. Recommends, above all, make love. A lack of partner, the specialist invites night owls to surrender to massages, especially feet, insisting on energy points known as sleep centers in Chinese medicine .
The meditation can also be effective. To do this: try to visualize pleasant scenery. "Close your eyes and deep and quietly for a few minutes breathing. Then imagine that you are walking along the seashore, in the countryside, in the hills of a snowy mountain, in the woods. Take time to perceive all bodily sensations: touch the ground beneath your feet, the softness of the air on your skin, smell the air ... Then sit down for a moment (on the sand in the trunk of a tree on a rock ...) to enjoy the tranquility of the place, "he proposed.
Also do not forget to read. Immerse yourself in a good book is an excellent night occupation. In addition to helping get away and relax, this activity will invade you sleep peacefully.
If you suffer from insomnia, work your breath lying on his back before falling asleep. "Breathe calmly through the nose, without concentrating your attention on the air going in and out. Imagine you're a doll, sitting in one of your nostrils, facing your airflow. The air is fresh, but not cold, like a spring wind. then exhale through your mouth concentrating on the air that touches your lips. Continue until you fall asleep. "
Now you have all the keys to relax at night and get more rest. In case of a large screen addiction, do not hesitate to contact a specialist to help you unwind.

One 15 good reasons to get up early!

Are you one of those who gets up at the last minute? Do you feel like stamping the clock against the wall when every morning sounds? Quiet! Isalou writer Beaudet-Regen invites us to adopt the famous saying: "The early bird God helps you." And it gives us plenty of reasons to get going in the morning. Conclusion: it is best to advance the clock at least one hour. Do not hesitate and do it!

1. To admire nature!

Today we barely have contact with nature, and that's a concern. Therefore, we encourage you to spend some of your time to admire nature, because it can change your day. "When I run in the mornings, I love to enjoy the scenery, especially from heaven" says Isalou Beaudet-Regen. Then come, contemplates the sky and start the day right.

2. To sort the ideas

To start the day with energy, nothing better than spending a few minutes inside organization. The famous psychiatrist Christophe André gets up very early, when the city is still quiet, to prepare for the day. His morning routine: "I take a connection time with myself to guide my spirit and encarrilarlo to calm, openness, serenity and retrospection".

3. Early Rising promotes the renewal

Every morning dawns a new day, a day in which everything is possible. "In the morning I get up like a spring morning," said Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris. It is easy! Just breathe some fresh air and enjoy the dawn, the birds singing ... like a spring day.

4. A good early start to set goals

Sometimes it is difficult to find new stimuli, but nothing better than to give them up early. If you want to find a motivation, start early and Dedicate some time. "Sit a while in a place you like and be quiet. You must be alone. And do not forget to bring a pen and a notebook. And then ask yourself this question: What motivates the day you're about to start? That's the advice of Isalou Beaudet-Regen. Neck one knows the magic that can lead to a good early ...

7. To succeed!

A study in 2008 by students from the University of Texas showed that those who rose early to study performed better compared to those who slept late because spent the night studying.

8. To connect with oneself

The morning is the perfect time to focus. The founder of The Bureau, Delphine Remy-Boutang, start working early in the morning because it is more effective. His morning routine: Twitter, social networks and email. She has it clear: "Tomorrow is a moment of connection with yourself ... that allows me to remember my goals and have a global vision."

9. To listen to the heartbeat of the world

A latte, a slice of cake and the news. For the writer Marc Lévy, it is a time commitment that he loves. For him, the day begins with the news. That's when life awakens. Hear the pulse of the world to feed your writing. His morning routine: some Pilates exercises, walk with the dog and get to work!

10. To fill with positive energy

Do you think you're a good night person? Well, it changes your mind! "Think of the morning is the most beautiful time of day and so will motivate you to get up early and enjoy the sunrise," proposes Isalou Beaudet-Regen. To help you, the author suggests you convert every morning in an ideal experience, that is, full of positive energy: buy the best coffee, tea or jam jar. Dress the table. Transforms the morning at a time of happiness.

11. early the daybreak for meditation

The morning is the perfect time to meditate. Your goal is to empty the mind before filling again with a million and objective information must reach throughout the day. Isalou method: "Sit on a cushion, his back straight and breathe ... Feel the support on the pad and connect with your feelings, cold, heat, fatigue ...". Meditation is carefully observing everything that happens within oneself at a given time. "I assail a lot of thoughts. At first, it's normal: let them untie and watch them as if they were clouds of heaven. Savor the moment! "

12. Words of love in the morning

"The morning is the perfect time to open the heart, " says the author. Louis Chedid and sang: "Say I love all the people you want". Takes the opportunity to get up early and spend words of love to those around you. You can point it at the door of the refrigerator, in the mirror of the bathroom, in a note you keep in your backpack ...

13. early to live life fully

"Life is very short, so do not lose a second!" Said Chantal Jouanno, karate champion. Their main motivation is to be effective and to live life fully. His morning routine: abdominal bodybuilding session, give exercises derived from yoga ... before waking her 3 children. And then it is ready to survive a crazy day.

14. The list of the 3 suns enjoy from morning

"Enjoy!" Advises Isalou Beaudet-Regen. From early morning, take a few moments to list of moments of "pleasure" that promise to have throughout the day. "Those are the suns that light up your day and you will comfort, " adds the author.
His proposal: at night, check out this list and cross off three things that you really enjoyed.

15. Your program winner

To help you rise early and stay motivated (we know that is very difficult), the author has prepared a one - hour program routine "prodigious", you can arrange according to your morning mood.
Awakening the body: 15 min
awakening of emotions: 15 min
Affirmation I: 15 min
Focus on yourself: 15 min

Alone sleep together ...

It seems like a symbol of the couple together could be a big bed, "marriage" as popularly called. So when you decide beds or even separate rooms to tell there is some suspicion out there, you 'll probably find ourselves with criticism or speculation about the happiness of our relationship. But what is so important to share bed?
• Decide sleep apart
• Advantages and disadvantages of separate sleeping

Deciding sleep apart

We must untie the fact sleeping together with being a happy marriage. This idea is totally culturally, that is coming from the beliefs and customs of our society. In other cultures couples sleep apart and can not say that for it are less united or want less.
Making the decision to separate the beds can come for many reasons, perhaps one snores or other moving too much, or just you sleep better separate and do not want to sacrifice the rest for a popular custom.
There are many reasons for wanting to sleep apart, so as to do together and if the couple agrees there is nothing wrong with that.
It could be that one of the partners wants to separate beds (or rooms) and the other not. Like everything else, we must start with good communication and negotiation use. You could even reach a compromise and to separate the beds during the week to rest well and perform at work and join them at the weekend.
A good option is to have two beds that can be joined simply by using larger sheets and separated again with individual bedding. You may also sleeping in a wider bed some of the problems are solved without sleep apart.
Anyway, it's something you can try if it works temporarily and not return to the original option, no major drawback.

Advantages and disadvantages of separate sleeping

The couple may feel some suspicion by separating the beds if this means a departure in the relationship or loss of privacy. Actually, you do not need to be together 24 hours to love each other madly and could even notice that this separation makes night we miss the couple and then seek harder. If we have been separated by business trips, for example, perhaps we can get an idea of how we would react to something more continuous nights.
Separate sleeping can add some curiosity to the relationship. Not the same bed with your partner and be able to touch only to reach out having to do more to find him, say that you want and need to see him in his bed.
What the couple should consider sleeping apart is that it should not mean that the moments of intimacy are reduced to zero. If it was the only time so far that they were together it is better not to separate beds for the moment.
It is also important to analyze well the reasons why you want to sleep separately, perhaps after the arguments of snoring and the need to miss is a desire to move away from the other or a deeper crisis partner.

So we can improve the quality of our sleep

The nocturo rest is a subject neglected by many of us ... But can we do something to sleep better? Is there any way to not wake up as exhausted as if we had spent a sleepless night?
• The consequences of a bad night 's sleep
• A tip is to be regular
• Better with sunlight
• Physical exercise also helps
• Do not take stimulants morning ...
• ... or relaxing at night
• Naps, if we can not avoid, best short and controlled
• feeding and resting
• Some dietary recommendations
• What about the room?

The consequences of a bad night's sleep

Multiple. Some are obvious: physical tiredness, lack of energy, decreased ability to cope with our work and household chores ... Other can deduct all those who have spent some time bad night 's sleep: stress, anxiety, irritability, major difficulty concentrating and perform computational tasks, programming, programming ... even appearance of multiple phobias.
If the status of poor and insufficient night rest is perpetuated, we may be suffering from boxes mood disorder (depression, for example), to cardiovascular events (heart attacks or stroke, without going any further).

One tip is to be regular

Especially regarding the time to go to sleep, and also with getting up in the morning. The body is a machine that works best with routines, regular and stable cycles over time. So, we avoid insomnia, and therefore bad break early, if our schedule is regular. As with the depositional habit, for example.

Better sunlight

The reason is simple: there is a hormone called melatonin, which happens to be certainly one of the most important in regard to the sleep-wake cycle. This hormone is secreted by the body in low light; and it is inhibited in the presence of powerful lighting (solar served us obviously); albeit intermittently. That is why it costs less get out of bed when the sun has already gone, and its rays come through our window.
In addition, the sun acts as an antidepressant. Well known are regularly conducted studies linking suicide rate in a particular country, with hours of sunlight they receive their inhabitants. And with a good mood it is easier to get out of bed, right?

Exercise also helps

Just 20-30 minutes of light exercise are enough to prepare for the effort involved day to day. In addition, exercise releases certain substances (endorphins) that make us feel better. So we have a reason to always get up at the same time, even if it costs us to do so.

Do not take stimulants in the morning ...

Most they altered, although in some cases, low importantly, it is true, the circadian rhythm (sleep-wake) daily. Thus, stimulants such as coffee, tea, chocolate ... can vary our pace, and condition the subsequent emergence of insomnia.

... or relaxing at night

The reason is again the same: disruption of normal sleep-wake rhythm. So, alcohol, contrary to what might appear, chemically behaves also as a sedative. And let alone the pharmacological tranquilizers, that while help you sleep better, they do so at the expense of an artificial sleep, which bears little resemblance to natural sleep. In addition to generating a dependency that makes it difficult to abandon these drugs more or less voluntary. Much better, no doubt, read for a while before going to sleep; or perform some type of relaxation technique. Or even beat us a hot bath, quiet, unhurried.

Naps, if we can not avoid, better short and controlled

A few years ago, it was described as the ideal nap lasting 26 minutes that, and that was made about 13:30 hours (before, just, lunchtime). We would add one more variable: if you decide to sleep that siesta, do it every day; not a day yes and two no.

Feeding and resting

soft dinners, do not leave us hungry, but not overfilling. This is especially important in the case of people suffering from gastroesophageal reflux, in which a heavy, fat, rich, dinner can be raining on night. In these cases, it is recommended not lie down having spent at least a couple of hours after dinner.

Some dietary recommendations

Avoid soft drinks, dinner fast, and do it while we chatted nonstop. All these are factors related to the occurrence of abdominal distension (the so - called functional dyspepsia), which can, and often do, dificultarnos sleep onset.
Some foods also are especially interesting for those who want to sleep peacefully, and are not usually get. Are foods rich in tryptophan, an amino acid precursor of two key hormones in our normal operation: Melatonin, as we have seen, could be considered the main actor in our sleep-wake cycle; and serotonin, principal regulatory molecule of our mood. Some of these tryptophan - rich foods are:
• Blue fish: sardines, mackerel, tuna ...
• Legumes such as chickpeas, lentils, beans, peas ...
• Cereals: wheat, barley, rye or oats, in the case of people without intolerance gluten; and rice or maize, in those suffering from celiac disease.
• Nuts: walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, almonds ...
• Fruits: oranges, strawberries, dates, peach, apple, grape ...
• Vegetables: watercress, arugula, squash, asparagus, spinach, potato, cabbage ...

And the room?

There are several factors to consider in our room to improve the quality of our sleep:
• Lighting is essential: underpowered lights focused to the wall or to the ceiling, preventing dazzle us ...
• well oxygenated stay, well aerated during the day, avoiding, especially allergy sufferers, the onset of condensation or moisture.
• Temperature is also an important factor to be pleasant without being stifling due to excessive heat, nor too cold.
• And, as we said before, we must avoid intense light pulses, or emotional stimuli that can alter us . So it seems clear that habituation television is not a good idea.

Orthodontics can improve your child's dream

Sleep apneas exist in children and may be related to nasal problems but also with the morphology of the palate. A child who has trouble getting up, having nightmares or snoring can have an orthodontic problem. A review of a relatively quick and simple anomaly whose correction can give tremendous results.

How do you know if your child has sleep apnea?

French physician Jean-Baptiste Kerbrat ensures that "loud snoring with respiratory arrest phases cause a reduction in blood oxygenation, characterized by mouth breathing."
A child with sleep apnea sleep poorly, hoarse, agitated, has nightmares, sweats and drools. In the car, it is usual to fall asleep with his head back and mouth open.
As a result of all this, the child 's sleep is not restful, that is to say, it will be shallow. It will cost you up in the morning and then be hyper, obnoxious and start having school problems if not resolved apneas.
If parents or doctor detect the problem, a test can confirm the diagnosis before taking therapeutic measures.

How the diagnosis is confirmed?

Diagnosis can be made by night recording with various sensors called polysomnography test should be performed in specialized centers sometimes known as "units dream."
Kerbrat mentioned, however, that it is possible to test through another system called respiratory polygraphy, which only carries five sensors and can be done at home without medical assistance.
The narrow palate is a known cause of sleep apnea
Chronic nasal obstruction (allergic rhinitis, cold, nasopharyngitis repeated, deviated nasal septum, etc.) is the most obvious cause of sleep apneas and should therefore be corrected by a adapted treatment.
Another factor favoring the occurrence of apneas is the narrowness of the palate: When this is the case, the child has the half - open mouth and tongue falls back to him, blocking the air passage.
Now the palate begins in the nostrils, so that if the holes are reduced by the narrowness of the palate the air will be difficult to pass. The child then breathe through the mouth, which will expose you to possible problems with sleep apneas, present in a third of cases.

How to correct the narrow palate?

Once the problem has been diagnosed, it is possible to mechanically correct the narrow, at least in children. For that, the orthodontist will molars respective rings joined by an iron will gradually separating the two halves of the palate.
Nostrils then begin to break free. Simultaneously specialist will recommend rehabilitation exercises so that the child used to breathing through the nose. Re - education should begin right away because if not, the child will continue breathing through his mouth which will widen the mucous membranes and airways are blocked.
According Kerbrat, the treatment is not effective in 100 percent, also can correct breathing problems that disrupt the lives of children.
However, if the two halves of the palate is completely welded at puberty, then you have to perform surgery to correct the narrowness.
Why is the capital diagnose the problem early, to treat it painless and easy way (orthodontics gives results in just a few weeks) and in order to "prevent the child lost his chance" to resolve the impact on their daily lives have sleep problems.
So if, as parents, you suspect that your child suffers from sleep apnea, do not hesitate to consult a doctor.

Dreams and pregnancy

During pregnancy, women have an extremely rich and varied dream life that reflects the intensity of psychic transformations that cross. The French psychoanalyst Pascal Neveu explains the phenomenon.
The nights of pregnant women are almost never quiet. Dreams are multiple and can be hectic, distressing, intriguing or, conversely, sedate and comforting. "During these nine months, some dreams are recurring Neveu- explains. And they correspond to symbols, archetypes that reflect both the psychic evolution as particularly intense psychological work of pregnant woman. You should know that we always dreamed about ourselves, under more or less disguised forms ".

Childbirths and abortions

Thus, pregnant women often dream of the birth and delivery. "In psychoanalysis, the birth always associated with the idea of renewal, evolution and maturation. Nacer is let die a part of one to grow and mature; and the pregnant woman is forced to evolve, to change status to become a mother. Dreams about childbirth also symbolize this creative potential. But acceptance of this change is not always easy, which can translate into dreams coming to represent a difficult world, and bloody forceps deliveries. It may also dream false labor. These dreams express the fear of not being able to carry out creative project, "says the expert.

populated nights of mothers and babies

During pregnancy, the relationships that the mother has with her own mother are at the heart of this psychological evolution. They may resurface some problems relationships, which require to be addressed. Also appear unconsciously, many memories of childhood, when the mother was a baby. Some children 's anxieties, fear of being abandoned, of lack of affection, etc., can also be reborn in the form of dreams in which the mother of the pregnant woman has an important role.
It also sounds a lot with babies; but it is not the baby in her womb but from your inner baby, she once was. "He dreams of babies narcissistically, in the sense that you want the baby to be as good as or better mother, hence appear anxieties linked with dreams of misfolded childhoods. These malformations are deficiencies that have felt and feared convey to the child, "says Neveu.

Nightmares are normal

The last trimester of pregnancy seems to be the most hectic from the point of view dream and when the woman is most disturbing dreams or violent. "This expresses all the anguish he feels as the pregnancy is terminated. The woman knows she will soon give birth and that the state of fusion with the baby come to an end. We will have to leave him, let him leave. This can translate into bloody nightmares, dismemberment or loss of body parts, for example. But do not worry, these dreams are normal and allow better assume anguish "he concludes.

Teenagers and lack of sleep

Between 11 and 15 years, teenagers lose an average of 20 to 30 minutes of sleep per night preceding one school day. That is, the 15 year old boys sleep one hour and 31 minutes less than 11 years. This is confirmed by surveys hours of sleep HBSC conducted by the French Institute for Prevention and Health Education (INPES), the Medical Service of the Rector of Toulouse and French Sleep Institute (ASI).
This difference in hours of sleep on nights preceding school days is offset by more sleep classless day. This compensation phenomenon affects 16% of boys 11 years and over 40% of boys of 15 years. As age increases also increases the separation between sleep time, have class or not the next day. "Pass 51 minutes at 11 one hour and 49 minutes at 15. At 15, this separation is an average of two hours and two minutes for girls and of one hour and 35 minutes for them" says the notice.
The authors note that while a lack of timely sleep is easily compensated, chronic sleep deprivation may promote the development of mood problems and behavioral problems, high blood pressure, obesity and could also involve an increased risk of morbidity. "Children from 11 to 15 years need more sleep than adults. In adolescents talking about severe sleep deprivation when you sleep less than seven hours. While this deprivation rarely occurs before age 13, affects a quarter the 15 year olds, who therefore have a high risk of morbidity ".
When your children remoloneen to go to bed, remind them that getting enough sleep every night is crucial to be healthier and feel good.
* The study was conducted with 9,251 students aged 11 to 15 years.