What is the meaning of WWW? Concept, Definition of WWW

Definition of WWW

On this website you will find one or more meanings in your language for the word or expression: WWW. As well as definitions of Wikipedia pages and other Web pages related to the WWW Word and, of course, WWW synonyms with appropriate images related to the use of this expression.

1. Concept of WWW

The WWW, short for World Wide Web, is the worldwide global network of exchange of documents through commonly known as Internet hypertext.
For computers, the World Wide Web is a system of information and documents linked through hypertext and hypermedia which is accessible through the Internet, more specifically, with a web browser.
In 1989 Tim Berners Lee and Robert Cailiau, two researchers at CERN (European Organisation for Nuclear Research) created the Web, then engaged in the development of the different standards and Web scenarios from his invention.
The operation of the Web occurs through web browsers (the most common, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Safari). The user can display the content included in web pages and sites by entering a URL in the given field. Thus, you have access to all types of content, text, videos, audio, images, and navigate among multiple units of content using hyperlinks that lead you through simple clicks.
The "www" is now a global standard that the majority of web sites include as part of their address and that it is necessary to enter and navigate the Web. While the Internet is not simply the exchange of information and content through web sites, it is perhaps one of the most widespread uses of this technology.
Easily, any user can not only access but generate their own content to be published on the WWW using free and fast applications that allow for Exchange of information to and from all parts of the world using the same navigation Protocol. The "www" is closely linked with the "http" Protocol ". net", "jsp", "php" and "asp", among others.
To facilitate navigation and search information on the Web, there are the so-called search engines, such as Google or Yahoo, which allow a user to enter a term of interest and receive as result hundreds of thousands of web sites related to that concept or keyword.

2 Meaning of WWW

WWW are initials that identify the phrase World Wide Web, set of documents of hypertext that link each other and accessed via the Internet. Through a software known as the browser, users can display various web sites (which contain text, images, videos and other multimedia) and navigate through them using hyperlinks.
In this way, we could say, using a comparison with the field of telephone communications, that www is the "prefix" having all portal that is in the aforementioned network you want to access.
Thanks precisely to the Internet, the use of the www and, accordingly, to various web pages presenting those citizens from around the world have access to endless spaces where we can find information on an aspect that we are looking for, where we have the opportunity to entertain us viewing interesting images or even where we can communicate with people from every corner of the geography of our planet.
In this regard, and based on the exposed examples, we can underline that some of the websites that have more influx of users around the world are the search engine Google, social networks like Facebook or Youtube video portal.
It is noted that all this Internet and the www world has become on the revolution and innovation of the 20th century and undisputed hub of the current century. And it is that it has managed to cause an absolute change not only in technology but also social scope.
In this way, expert sociologists have emphasized as those in part changed communication between human beings. And is that not only is that many people bet on the network to be able to have conversations with their friends or family but also a large number of them use the same thing to meet new friends or relationships, to regain contact with people or even to establish labour relations.
The WWW, is warned to review the origins of this acronym, was developed at the beginning of the Decade of the ' 90s by an English man called Tim Berners-Lee, who with the collaboration of Robert Cailliau, a Belgian who worked with him in Geneva (Switzerland). Anyway, its antecedents go back to the ' 40s. It should be noted that Berners-Lee and Cailliau were key to the creation of various standards related to the web universe, as happened with the markup languages that make possible the creation of pages.
The operation of the WWW is started when a user enters an address (URL) in your browser or follow a link from Hypertext included on a page. The browser then drives a series of communications to obtain the data of the requested page and, thus, view it.
The first step is to transform the URL server name to an IP address, using the database known as DNS. The IP address allows you to contact the web server and make the transfer of data packets.
It then sends an HTTP request to the server in order to obtain access to the resource. First ask the HTML text, and occurs after the analysis from the browser, making other requests to the graphics and the rest of the files that are part of the page.

3. Definition of WWW

WWW is English for "World wide web", which is the name given to the system that are linked with each other through text links and documents that can be accessed through a web browser. These documents are called web sites, and can contain from text to multimedia such as videos, games or maps.
The invention of the www is attributed to the British computer scientist Tim Berners Lee, who in 1989 published a project which proposed to use hypertext links to access to information of various types in a network of nodes in which the user could browse at will. In December of that same year, the project was made public, giving way to what later was to become the largest network of land information. The original draft also featured the participation of the computer scientist Robert Cailliau.
In 1990, Tim Berners Lee was devoted to the www become something more usable. End of year, I had already configured the first server on the Internet and had also written the first Web browser, called WorldWideWeb precisely. Similarly, Berners Lee had also published the first web sites, which were nothing more than pages describing the project in itself.
Subsequently, the World Wide Web became popular thanks to which was completely free and free for those who it would like to use. The development of web browsers with GUI boosted that more and more users enter on the web, and its free character allowed people from all over the world to create their own web pages and domains, which could be seen by thousands of people around the globe. No other technology propocionaba (or provided by) a big diffusion for the average person capacity.
Today, the www is so big and wide that it has created for itself an economic important source, in addition to being an essential part of the lives of billions of people.