What is the meaning of vessel? Concept and Definition of vessel

Definition of vessel:Their meanings, concepts and importance

Definition: vessel and its importance

1. Concave Bowl and something deep, small size and manufactured, generally, with the mud, which is used to hold liquids and food: my grandmother made a delicious liqueur of blackberries in a vessel.
2. [For expansion] any containers of various sizes used for this purpose: yerba mate is an Argentine infusion which is taken in a vessel that receives the name of Matt.

3. Set of barrels, vats and vats that are part of a winery.
4. In some areas of Cantabria, set of dishes, glasses, cups, sources, trays and other containers which are used for serving food at the table. See tableware.

(1 and 2) Cruet set, belez, jug, callana, wineskin, glass; (4) tableware.

The word vessel means glass, which in latin is "you 're" as its diminutive "vasicula" means a vessel, which can be defined as a receptacle, with a concave space or interior used to contain or store liquid elements, fatty like oil liquids, solids, and can be made with different materials, mud, clay, ceramic, wood, iron, etc., and their sizes and formats can be variable.
The first prehistoric men, from the Neolithic period, to generate its first cultural manifestations, created vessels for storing food or products intended to be used in no immediate way, as a result of a typically human behavior that is predictability.
The first vessels were preceramicas, to discover as great discovery Neolithic pottery, probably to cover the baskets with mud. The bell beaker spread especially towards the year 2000 BC by the Mediterranean, whose origin would be Andalusia, but came to Denmark, and was characterized by the shape of inverted campaign and their geometric decorations, in straight lines or winding, which were made using an awl or nail...
In the Archaeological Museum of Barcelona a vessel of ceramic excisa, can be seen which means that before baking you it took is part of the surface, probably based on the technique of pastoral in the manufacture of bowls in wood that are ahuecaban using mount knife. It was used to make them, one pasta orange or black.
The technique of baking to harden the material dates back to Persian and Mesopotamian peoples of seven thousand years ago, and the ancient Egypt of the first moments of its history.
Many times vessels had a significance and religious use, and may contain balsamic oils, wines or other beverages intended for worship, and also serve as a charnel house.
In Ecuador there is a traditional song, dating back to 1950, whose name is "Clay pot" where is expressed that value religious and mortuary vessel, when it is expressed in the letter, the desire of the author to be buried in a vessel of clay like their ancestors, since the American aborigines also created their vessels.