Hypersomnia, excessive daytime sleepiness

If despite rested well overnight feel exhausted during the day and need to rest to recover, could suffer Hypersomnia. You will learn how you can prevent this sleep disorder.
Persons with Hypersomnia are excessive sleep during the day


Hypersomnia is a disorder of the normal sleep-wake cycle - which usually coincide with the light-dark- and in which there is an excessive need to sleep during the day without apparent cause that justifies it, or where the nocturnal sleep stretches too reaching the ten hours or more. To consider that it is of Hypersomnia, sleep alteration must maintain at least a month.
Sleep is essential for our health, not only to rest from the fatigue of the day, but because during the same is activated to a greater extent our immune system, and develop a number of key processes for the organism. This rest is normally coinciding with the night, although in some places is also customary to have a short break halfway through the day, NAP, a regularity which is broken by Hypersomnia.
It is a disorder of unknown origin, in which patients show no difference in the dream at the neuronal level, and presents a low incidence in the general population - between 0.5 to 5% of adults, affecting men and women equally. His home is early, usually between 15 and 30 years, and if there is a diagnosis and appropriate treatment, can become chronic, increasing its frequency and the number of hours in which the patient sleeps.

Symptoms of Hypersomnia

The demonstration most outstanding and evident of Hypersomnia, also known as prolonged drowsiness or excessive daytime sleepiness, is precisely the significant increase in the number of hours which passes the patient sleeping; either because your night dream extends beyond the eight hours recommended for adults, or because he also sleeps a few hours during the day despite rested enough for the night.
If there is any type of therapeutic intervention to correct it, this disorder is becoming chronic and the affected increases progressively the hours devoted to sleep, and can go take a short NAP, at three, five, or more daytime episodes of sleep, causing them to stay asleep for more hours than it is awake.
Although in principle it does not seem to have any consequence on the health of the patient, Hypersomnia Yes will affect significantly to other areas of your life such as work, social, and even the family, who are bound to deteriorate based on increasing the number of occasions on which the patient sleeps during the day or sleep.
In fact, the job loss can be one of the most serious professional consequences, but you can also undergo a traffic accident while driving, because that the sleepiness especially when monotonous tasks as driving or sitting in the Office Chair, thus making it more likely that the patient fall asleep; instead activities requiring greater effort physique they keep you awake but exhausted him.

Diagnosis of Hypersomnia

The manifestations that indicate an excessive sleepiness have to maintain at least a month in order to establish the diagnosis of Hypersomnia and there to distinguish this disorder of the sleep of others who may present with similar symptoms such as:
· Simulation, where there is an intention to deceive to derive some benefit or to avoid an obligation, simulating the person an excessive dream while you feel.
· Idleness and laziness, that make that person present a tendency to not want to work and to postpone tasks without cause that justifies it.
· Secondary Hypersomnia, caused by the intake of a substance or drug, or motivated by a disease as in the case of some cancers.
· The Kleine-Levin syndrome , also known as sleeping beauty syndrome, where besides Hypersomnia is also given a hyperphagia (compulsive and excessive feeding), hypersexuality, and some cognitive and mood disorders.
All these manifestations must be evaluated and discarded by the specialist before you can give a diagnosis of Hypersomnia and establish appropriate treatment to overcome it.

Treatment and prevention of Hypersomnia

To treat Hypersomnia, and whenever so deemed the sleep specialist, specific medicines prescribe to help the patient to stay awake any longer. This is preferable to the massive intake of substances psychoactive, like coffee, with what some people try to compensate their Hypersomnia, not realizing that one ingest excessive psychostimulants can bring serious consequences to their health, especially heart rate level.
Pharmacotherapy of Hypersomnia or excessive daytime sleepiness is to:
1 body therapy, with the aim that the person learn how to spot when he begins to show symptoms of drowsiness, to get up and perform a series of exercises that help you to unwind.
2. techniques to strengthen care and constancy in the tasks carried out.
3. social communication techniques, allowing you to comment and conveniently explain your problem to others, and thus avoid the consequences of misunderstanding.
In addition to these techniques, it is important that you follow advice of sleep hygiene that we offer below:

Tips for preventing Hypersomnia

Although the causes of Hypersomnia are still unknown, following these tips you can increase the quality of sleep and rest, and prevent its occurrence:
· Try to sleep eight hours a day, either once or at various separate times.
· Establish a regular sleep schedule, lying you and raising you every day at the same time.
· Prevents little physical exercise before bed, since it will make harder to sleep.
· Keep the bedroom ventilated and free from noises, sleep calmly and smoothly.
· Disconnect from the social networks at least two hours before bedtime.
· Try deep breathing exercises and visualization positive before sleep to calm the mind.
· Avoid concerns, discussions, and dislikes before bedtime, that will negatively affect the quality of sleep, and you can do that is not good, and you pick up the next day with feeling tired despite having slept eight hours.
· Dinner of lightly, because the copious dinner interfere with sleep.
Article contributed for educational purposes
Health and Wellness