Taxes of the raja - Parables to teach values

Parables and stories
to teach values

Contents Parables and stories to teach values

There was once a Raja who lived in a sumptuous palace, surrounded by luxury and opulence. Cruel and bloodthirsty maintained its way of life by squeezing tax ever more terrible and burdensome to his subjects that barely had worse live. For this reason, he was hated by his people and increasingly lived more isolated. Now he hardly left his palace and was fearing a plot, an uprising, suspecting everyone.
One day, he had called his Finance Minister and said:
-It is time that you go to the annual tax.
-Majesty - said the Minister--this year the harvest was very bad. Storms and hailstorms destroyed fields and people will not even have to eat. I would ask you to have a bit of understanding...
-Are you crazy? -Raja shouted full of wrath-. I don't have the guilt of storms or poor harvests. If you don't want to end your days in prison, obey my order and make it all without exception to pay what they owe.
Very good as always said the Minister--will charge taxes. And to what use the money collected?
-Always something to repair or improve. It runs well all the Palace and write down what you need some improvement. In that, we will use the money.
The Minister took the tour and saw the Raja with the gloomy and fearful, face the Queen eaten by boredom, to the principitos alone and without friends, eager to get out to run around the field. He saw the intrigues of courtiers, the looks of grudge and hatred of servants and peasants who came to the Palace.
Completed his inspection, he said to the Raja:
-Majesty, you were right. There are many things that restore and improve in the Palace. I'm going to charge taxes and with them I will arrange everything is broken.
He began his tour of the field. To touches of the real town crier, the crowd was murmuring to the plaza, joining their rags, rages and miseries. Known memory address to bleeding. But, by this time, they were mistaken. They could hardly believe what they heard. The words of the Minister were a fresh rain who washed his fears and rages and fatigue and was putting sparks of wonderment and joy in their eyes and their hearts:
-Raja, our Lord, to learn that this year harvests have been very bad, and to fulfill the wishes of the Queen and their children princes, has
decided to forgive them taxes. And not only that: those who are passing difficulties, will be aided by the Royal Treasury, as the Raja has decided that none of his subjects pass hunger or need.
A great wave of joy and gratitude was gushing all peoples and corners of the Kingdom.
Finished their tour, the Minister appeared before the Raja, who ignored their measures, fully accountable.
-How you did? He asked the Raja. I can imagine that in several villages have had to dip into the army to force them to pay.
-No, no, nothing of that. Never heard so much welcome what you
He said.
Raja looked puzzled:
- And where is the money collected?
-It already spent everything.
-Yes, as you said me, I have repaired main faults of the Palace. As I saw that what was missing most was the joy and confidence, fruit of the mercy and goodness, forgave all taxes and debts.
The King flew into a rage, ordered the jailing of his Minister and himself set out to get out in front of his army to collect the taxes. As soon appeared behind the door of the Palace received a shower of applause and cheering groups that left you baffled. From all corners of the Kingdom people had come to pay a tribute to the Royal family and saw a few children with bouquets of flowers, with singing, approached with gifts for their children, the Princes.
For the first time in many years, in the King's heart began to beat the tenderness and gratitude, are they filled with emotion and tears the eyes and understand that happiness was possible. He had to find his imprisoned Minister and said:
-Good and wise man. You were right. You got it in to remedy the main needs of the Palace. You're an excellent administrator because you know to convert money into happiness. You give my manager and Advisor of lifetime.

(Tale of Malabar)

For most people, money is the Supreme good. They are convinced that all the doors are opened with money and it is possible to satisfy all desires. They think that money is, ultimately, the way to happiness, and in order to obtain it, are willing to do anything. Believing find freedom, they enslave their lives to money.
Money is necessary to live, but it is very sad to live for money. Important thing is not to have wealth, but rich self. We say that such an entrepreneur, artist, athlete, or professional, is very rich, but are rich in what? Is it truly rich person, rich in peace, generosity, fullness, happiness? The money, certainly, can buy many things, but doesn't buy the important nor manages to satisfy the deepest desires:
"Purchase the bed but not sleep." Us why sleep in beds of gold and exquisite feather mattresses if we can not get to sleep?
"Purchase a House but not a home." The essence of a home is not in furniture, spacious rooms, lamps of fine crystals, the silver tableware, the kitchen... Home comes from the Latin word "focus", which means heat. In many mansions home, people languish in boredom, boredom and loneliness. Do not purchase a home: a home is made, it is building day by day with love.
"Purchase the pleasure, but not love." The pleasure is fleeting, love endures. The pleasure never filled the gaps of the soul, does not fully meet true love, Yes. Many buy bodies and pleasures, but fail to buy the hearts. Perhaps, they are feared or envied, but not loved.
"Purchase a crucifix, but not the faith". Many exhibit gold crucifixes around their necks, pay Sumptuary religious celebrations, call the press when they give great handouts. None of this, however, brings them to God. Many atheists have costly works of religious art, and the simplicity and humility of many poor and small Springs robust great faith.
The secret is not so much piling money, but turn it into a source of genuine happiness. Many people have money but they are not happy. They seek happiness not where. They follow blindly promises sellers of illusions...
You'll never be happy if you causes problems to others, if you know, if you use your power to oppress and humiliate. You will only find happiness if you're it directly, if you commit to make it possible for others.
I know a sower master of happiness. Strive to understand and to love each student and treats that your living room is a long celebration of friendship, work and service.
Translated for educational purposes.