Definition and Meaning Landing | Concept and Importance of Landing

Landing is a word that derives from the French language (atterrissage) and that is associated with the form of aterrar. This action refers to what makes a flying object when put on a firm surface.

Examples: "ladies and gentlemen, the landing at Frankfurt airport will take place in ten minutes", "air travel makes me pretty nervous: I'm waiting for the moment of landing for hours", "the chopper had to perform an emergency landing by a flaw in your gas tank".

The landing, therefore, is to get an aircraft back to establish contact with the ground and stay there. It can be said that vehicles moving in the air should start by taking off (leave the surface), then perform the air route and, finally, carry out the landing, returning to Earth.

In General, the landing is carried out according to a plan. The aircraft in question will land in the place previously determined after your flight plan. If any complications arise (with a strong storm or a mechanical failure), it is possible that the pilot should accomplish a landing that is outside of the plans (that is, which was not provided for).

Is the case when it decides to land at an airport other than the one that was provided, just to mention a possibility. When the decision to change the plan must be taken urgently because the safety of passengers and crew at risk, there is talk of forced or emergency landing.

The colloquial level, one can use the notion of landing to refer to everyone who rushes/shoots to the ground/floor: "the model tried to parade with heeled shoes when she tripped and made a heavy landing.

Translated for educational purposes.

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