Premenstrual syndrome, relieves your symptoms

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a set of physical and psychological symptoms that present women in the days prior to menstruation, and that every woman can manifest itself in different ways; in fact, they have come to describe up to 150 different symptoms.
It is estimated that 70% of women suffering premenstrual syndrome. It has not been easy to calculate this figure, since it is a very controversial subject. Thus, according to the countries and different cultures, the number of women suffering from PMS varies considerably, and while in some countries only have 20% women, in others affects almost 90% of the female population.
This syndrome is not always manifested during all periods, i.e., not all women who have discomfort prior to menstruation days have them in all their rules, and may even suffer different symptoms in each menstrual cycle.
Why and how you can tell if you suffer from this syndrome? Below are the most common symptoms of PMS, and if you present two or more of these demonstrations, it is likely that you become part of that 70% of women who are affected by this disorder.
But most importantly to determine if you suffer from is your personal doctor to send you a detailed clinical history and physical.

Symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

There are described up to 150 symptoms attributed to PMS. Some women suffer several of them in each rule, other none and others vary the symptoms in each cycle. Below we describe the most common symptoms of premenstrual syndrome referred to by women who suffer from it:
· Headache and migraine: is the most common symptom among women who suffer from PMS. In addition, most likely, associated with head pain, there is a greater sensitivity to light, noise, and even smells. It's as if all the senses of the woman were more developed.
· Fluid retention: which leads to weight gain. Frequently occurs bloating, so surely these days you have the more swollen than usual belly; This is normal. Also produced fluid retention in the legs, which gives a feeling of tired legs.
· Emotional disorders: you can feel more vulnerable, sensitive, and wanting to cry, sometimes without apparent cause. Also appears to lack of concentration.
Women, during these days, suffers from a high level of anxiety than usual, what makes you be more irascible.
In addition, this syndrome causes the woman sits with low self-esteem.
You should not worry by changes in mood, because they are typical these days and then disappear.
· Breast discomfort: you will feel that you have increased size breasts and they will also be more sensitive to touch, and even rubbing can cause you pain.
· Problems sleeping: during these days it is very normal that suffer insomnia and you wake up several times during the night. You can also suffer nightmares, due to the State of anxiety in which you find yourself.

Causes of premenstrual syndrome

Multiple studies have been conducted to find out the causes of premenstrual syndrome and there are various theories on the matter. But in what professionals have been agree is that this disorder is due to various reasons and is not possible to designate only one.
What is clear is that one of the main factors influencing the emergence of premenstrual syndrome is a hormonal variability that occurs in this period of the menstrual cycle. These hormonal changes refer to the estrogen and progesterone, since it has been observed that these days there is a drop in progesterone and estrogen increased.
Also influences a neurotransmitter, serotonin, which varies from the half of the menstrual cycle, which produces many of the emotional symptoms in women.
But investigating and conducting studies in different cultures, we find women who do not suffer from this syndrome, depending on the region where they live, which leads to thinking that, in addition to serotonin and hormones, there is a cultural and social component that affects each woman to a greater or lesser extent.
Other studies claim that there is a genetic component.

Treatment and prevention of premenstrual syndrome

It is difficult to determine a treatment of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) that serve to help all women affected, since is not known exactly what is causing this syndrome. However, we can offer some recommendations that relieve common symptoms of PMS and that can also help to prevent its occurrence.
The best thing is that you try to improve the symptoms of the premenstrual syndrome with natural treatments:
· Evening primrose oil: oil rich in polyunsaturated essential fatty acids. This oil acts at the level of the nervous and hormonal systems, and regulates the processes of coagulation.
· Vitamin B6: this vitamin can be found in foods such as liver, Brewer's yeast, whole grains, and nuts. This vitamin also helps the nervous system.
· Magnesium: is located in the fish, nuts, and vegetables.
· It is advisable that you eliminate coffee and other beverages with caffeine from your diet.
· Obviously, it is important that you have a healthy diet, stay hydrated, and practise exercise regularly to improve your quality of life.
If these natural methods are not enough, you must go to your doctor to recommend you a pharmacological treatment of premenstrual syndrome. Often is prescribed the contraceptive pill to control the female hormonal system and lessen the discomfort caused by PMS.
It is important to note that symptoms of premenstrual syndrome are not always negative; There are women who claim to meet much more energy and vitality the days prior to the rule. Although it seems to some incredible, this is true, and is that in such cases there is a very important psychological component.
Article contributed for educational purposes
Health and Wellness