What are the literary arts?

The literary arts are different manifestations classified within the great concept of literature, which can be described as the art that uses the Word as a tool. In addition, to understand these manifestations, it is necessary to mention that literature is presented in three large genera that contain different literary works: epic, lyric and dramatic. We will review briefly each of these elements, for order to us a very good idea about the concept.

The epic genre is in simple words, presenting to an author who recounts the events and talking to his characters. This genus was named by Aristotle; However, over time it has evolved in meaning, especially to include the novel. Therefore, currently referred to it with the concept of narrative. According to its characteristics, the narrative works are classified into subgenera, the most important being the tale, the novel and the short novel.

The story is a brief narration of events, real or imagined, with fantastic elements and a simple argument. You can find police stories (Hunter Casado, the three horsemen of the Apocalypse, the signal of the sky), fantastic (the leg of Mono, the heart Delator), fairy (little Red Riding Hood, El Gato con Botas, Aladdin and his wonderful lamp), terror (the fall of the House of Usher, the black cat, the dweller in darkness) and science fiction (dusk, flowers for Algernon(, Star).

Among the literary arts, the novel is a narrative of more extensive than the story that can be idealistic or realistic fiction. These are works that have, usually, 300 to 1300 pages. Very long to be tales are called short novels or nouvelle and the works considered very short to be novels. Unlike the story, novels have more characters and plots more complicated or intense. They include works such as one hundred years of solitude, metamorphosis, the ingenious Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, pride and prejudice, Moby-Dick, Robinson Crusoe, David Copperfield, the Mrs. Dalloway, Anna Karenina, among many others.

Other subgenres of narrative are the epic (the Iliad, the Odyssey, La Araucana), the Chanson de Geste (the song of Roland, El Cantar de mio Cid) and the epic poem.

The lyrical genre is a poetic form with which the author expresses her feelings, emotions or thoughts. It is more personal and subjective in the literary arts genre. Presented subgenres as the oda, which is a hymn of praise; Elegy, which expresses the suffering the death of a beloved; the eclogue, which is dialogue between pastors who speak of country life; the satire, which ridicules others defects; the Epigram, which expresses a feeling for the ordinary, the festive or satirical; the epistle, with which the author expresses a missing person; the song, which are verses that are expressed in songs with music. Highlights of poets like Schiller, Gohete, Petrarch, Tasso, Pablo Neruda, Gabriela Mistral, Fray Luis de León, Ronsard, Racine, Dryden, César Vallejo, Federico García Lorca, Miguel de Cervantes, among others. Poetry can be considered within another genre called poetic, described as the literary resource that tries to beautify all that talk.

The dramatic genre is one that represents verse or prose that are known by the dialogue of the characters because there is not a narrator. The main manifestations of this genre are the tragedy, comedy and drama. In the tragedy the main characters confront destiny always with a fatal outcome. The comedy deals with topics of the daily living with happy endings. In terms of drama, pains and joys it represents, but dominates the suffering; usually, it has no happy ending.

Finally, the literary arts, some authors point out a fourth didactic called genus, which includes works that have the intention of highschool or moralize. Fables, are with animals as protagonists and a final moral; the trial, which exposed an idea that the same author defends. Also found in this genus treaties, the speaking, the biographies, the dialogues, articles, treaties, chronicles, news, reports, dictionaries, encyclopedias, among many others.
Translated for educational purposes.
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