10 tips to achieve the work-family life balance

Work-family life balance

Find the balance between work and personal life supposed to understand that both aspects are two fundamental pillars of happiness that can be in harmony, although the difficulties arising from the rhythm of life in the 21st century, marked by the hurry, low wages and long working hours, are notable.
Achieve work-life balance and family is difficult because, in general, parents working hours and vacation are not similar to those who have children in the school. In addition, another aspect to keep in mind is that all human beings need to rest. Who reconcile work and family also have less space for themselves and having more difficult to disconnect from the obligations, stress arises.
The work-life balance is also complicated because in the majority of cases continue to be mothers who assume more responsibilities in the care of the children. For example, they usually be them more frequently attend the school tutoring or take their children to the doctor. Guilt that many women presented in relation to motherhood shows the inner struggle that all those who feel badly about themselves by not to devote to their children so long as they would like.
For the majority of workers, it is difficult to ensure that its labour issues do not affect his family life, and vice versa. For any worker who is concerned about a familiar topic, it is also difficult to concentrate 100 percent on their professional work; the mind is not a machine, and this is the first basic premise in order to understand the own needs.
From the economic point of view, many families are struggling to reconcile their work and family life because they do not have the material resources to be able to hire a nanny. Given this impossibility, grandparents have become the great support of the families of the 21st century. They play with the children in the Park, come to seek them out of school, and deal with all your needs while the parents are not. This also has a price: many adults have renounced their freedom to continue sacrificing for the grandchildren, after a lifetime doing it for their own children.
The work-life balance more or less difficult depending on the assumed life style. For example, is easier to reconcile work and family when living in a village, which if you live in a big city, in which loses long journeys, spent more money on housing and transport, and there is no confidence among neighbours so common in small towns, which allows you to ask and do small favors like staying with the children of another person while this makes a messagefor example.

Consequences of a bad work-family life balance

When breaks the equilibrium in the balance of work and family life for the time passed in the office, comes an internal unrest which grows longer creeps this situation. Work isn't everything, and however, many people are living with the feeling that their work has become his vital Center because in the technological society they feel that they have to be permanently connected. The fear of losing employment and a financially uncertain future increase this dependence of the worker to his job, but the consequences of a poor work-life balance and family will adversely affect the quality of a person's life:
1. in the first place, chronic dissatisfaction who feels that it is waiving important goods for your happiness by work issues. Work and family are very important in the life of a human being, however, is more important to the health and well-being of loved ones to the satisfaction that brings a professional success. When perspective is lost in the order of things, emerges an inner struggle that seeks to be resolved through means that facilitate work-life balance.
2 arriving tired home after a hard day at the office, couples continue their day by having to take care of the tasks of the home and the care of children. In this case, in an atmosphere of exhaustion, arise discussions of couple that when they become standard, damaging the relationship.
3. before the daily fatigue, parents also have less patient with their children that which you have during the holidays when we are relaxed and calm.
4. a poor work-life balance also translates into lower yield by the worker in the office, issues of motivation, low level of personal satisfaction and desire to find a better job. Therefore, the work-life balance is a profit both for the company and for the family.

Tips to achieve the work-family life balance

Work-life balance and family is a difficult, but possible, challenge that must be tackled with a great sense of humor and with a practical vision of life, in which a family form a team fighting for the common goal of sharing more time. Find the balance between personal life and work life requires different adjustments in the way of life. You are ten tips that can assist you in:
First, they must be partitioning of an equitable form the household chores between both members of the couple to assume domestic responsibilities to fifty percent. For this purpose, it is advisable to develop a task calendar to follow an order. It is advisable to devote the weekend to clean the House thoroughly and address immediate issues from Monday to Friday. In addition, a sample of emotional intelligence is learning to relativize, because nothing happens if the House is not perfectly clean and tidy.
Since the labour point of view, work at home, flexible hours, or I part-time work by one of the parents can be effective measures to achieve work-life balance. Similarly, where father and mother have complementary hours can take turns in the care of children without having to ask for help so often grandparents.
Having a network of family support and friends also is essential to cope with the work-life balance. For example, it is helpful knowing that an uncle or a grandfather can take care of the child when you can not attend class because you're sick. It is basic to nourish personal relationships through a fluid contact.
Once the child comes to school or daycare also it is common that parents do friendship with the parents of other children. In that case can also be practical set weekly shifts with another couple and that every week is a person who carried the children of both families to school. In the same way, depending on the working hours, it also facilitates conciliation the child left to eat in the dining room school. You can also choose to hire a nanny for hours to fill certain periods, and even there are centres where to go the children sporadically, for example no school days in which parents do work.
Analyze what your present situation according to your hours of work and the resources that you have to make the best possible use of them. The work-life balance starts by being realistic and having expectations that are tailored to your personal situation. Once you have analyzed your current situation, define an area of concrete improvement; It analyzes i.e., if what you want is to find more time for yourself because you need it, or your goal is to better manage your schedule to spend more time with your family. Manage your agenda according to the objective.
He devoted fifteen minutes each day to be alone with yourself. Don't give up on your leisure time and, for example, during the weekend and while your partner takes care of the children, you can organize a plan with your friends. One of the mistakes that many couples when they have children is to leave friendship in the background. However, it is easier to be able to delegate to another at times during the weekend.
You are looking for quality over quantity time. The reality is that the more occupied are, better you take advantage of your time. Not by having more free time you'll make a better management of the same, as well shows the human experience. Invest in your family relationships during the weekend with plans that you can enjoy with children. Remember that it is not necessary to organize expensive plans to enjoy with your family. A trip outdoors, a session of home theater, pay a visit to a loved one, play in the Park, practice sport in a polideportivo municipal, organise a storytelling... are simple ways to enjoy in common without spending much money. It is important that during the week all members of the family can dine together every day.
It uses an agenda to take control of the outstanding issues in the daily routine and avoid unnecessary mistakes. Sets priorities in your life to differentiate between what for you is a priority and what is secondary. You can do a coaching process to take more advantage of your resources.
To better organize your time you can make the purchase at the grocery store once a week, and perform errands in your neighborhood. It is convenient that the care of the child is located near your place of work. Some tricks that you can serve are reducing the time you spend in front of the TV, put the alarm clock a quarter hour before, cooking for two or three days, and prepare the night before all needed for the Morrow, for example, clothing and backpack for children. Sets a fixed in your life routines because the order will also help you to gain time. Not you turn on the computer from 8 o'clock, and turn off your mobile phone from the 7.
Enjoys the job satisfaction that brings you to comply with your obligations, and being aware that the work is an act of love through which you strive you every day to provide stability to the kids. I.e., establish a connection between family life and work, looking for the positive thing is a good technique for emotional intelligence. For example, celebrate with your family your professional happiness.

How to improve your quality of life

Take care of the kids and work is not incompatible with take care of you. In fact, to be able to assume other responsibilities, it is essential to first take responsibility for taking care of yourself by adopting healthy habits. For example, quitting smoking reduces stress, walk to work brings vitality, practicing a hobby in your spare time helps you connect with the fun part of life, and take care of your diet and take calmly the food also is essential to recharge the batteries.
Performed relaxation exercises to connect with your present, and see the positive side of reality because, when you do that, everything flows better.
Article contributed for educational purposes
Health and Wellness