Déjà vu, a trap of memory

It is estimated that 80% of people have ever experienced the feeling of having lived, and therefore know, a situation which, in reality, is new for them. This phenomenon has a name: reduplicative, although colloquially it means the French word déjà vu (already seen), devised by the philosopher and researcher Gallic Émile Boirac at the end of the 19th century.
But, why is there this kind of repetition of the past? What are the causes of déjà vu? Have been established many assumptions in this regard, since acts of childhood - stored in the unconscious - that emerge when the person is in a similar environment, to the memory of a dream, a movie, or an image described in a book that is brewing in the present context, or even a response from the unconscious, which captures an experience until I make the conscious self andWhen this happens, the experience is already stored in the memory, and the conscious self identifies it as if it were a memory.
Also, of course, who are looking for Paranormal explanations to déjà vu, and in this case refers to such experiences of past lives, returning briefly to mind when the subject is in places or situations similar or equal to those in which supposedly lived in his other life.

Déjà vu: what the science says

One of the explanations that neurologists have given to these episodes is that the brain focuses on a detail of the scene that the subject is experiencing, as a sound, odor, or the vision of an object, and the familiarity of this particular detail causes a confusion between the past and the present for a fraction of a secondenough to make you feel that already has lived the same situation earlier.
Déjà vu also is has epilepsy-related, because many patients have experienced this phenomenon before and after a seizure. Epilepsy is characterized by an alteration of the brain's function and many people can suffer from it's mild form without knowing it. In that case it is often manifest as small absences, in which you can produce a slight gap in the interpretation of the time, and thus promote the sense of déjà vu.
Déjà vu also has been associated with epilepsy, because many patients have experienced this phenomenon before and after suffering a seizure
Some researchers argue that, by having two different cerebral hemispheres, even though they work together, when one of them the situation we live in a fraction of a second before the other hemisphere, there would be that feeling of déjà vu feature familiarity.
Another similar theory explains the déjà vu on the basis of the existence of two different channels in memory; one to retrieve the stored information, and another of familiarity which, when activated independently, in the subject provokes the feeling of an experience that has already lived.
Different theories, Yes, but so far, science has not found a unique and universal explanation for this phenomenon; the truth is that it is real, and the majority of people will experience it, at least once in their lifetime.
Article contributed for educational purposes
Health and Wellness