How to care for oral health during pregnancy

Common oral diseases affecting pregnant women

Throughout the pregnancy, women suffer many psychological, physical and hormonal changes, and the mouth could not be less. In the oral cavity also changes as, for example, the modification of its bacterial flora.
These changes make pregnant are more likely to suffer a series of oral conditions. Specifically, the most recurrent in the case of pregnant women are caries, periodontitis and gingivitis.
  • Caries: the fact that its incidence is greater during gestation is mainly due to two reasons; on the one hand, to modifications affecting the flora bacterial mouth that we have already mentioned, and, on the other, to the trend of the pregnant women to eat a greater amount of carbohydrates and foods high in sugars. In this sense, the best way to avoid tooth decay is, undoubtedly, proper oral hygiene.
  • Periodontitis: there are studies demonstrating that periodontal disease magnified by the pregnant woman a series of biological fluids that, in certain circumstances, can affect directly to the development of the fetus, influencing notably their size and weight. In addition, they can also be a risk factor to prevent premature delivery.
  • Gingivitis: is a gum disease that causes inflammation of the same. Sufferers have gum with great sensitivity, edematous, of a deep red color and that tend to bleed easily, either spontaneously or by friction, for example when brushing teeth or when chewed. If gingivitis is not treated properly it can lead to processes much more serious as it is the case of periodontitis, which can result in loss of teeth because in advanced stages it involves bone loss and deterioration of the tissues that attach the tooth to the bone.

Specific oral pathologies in pregnant women

In addition to the above, there is another series of pathologies specific oral suffering from pregnant women. They are as follows:
  • Xialorrea or excessive salivation: occurs due to hormonal changes that women experience during the first trimester of pregnancy and usually disappears spontaneously throughout the pregnancy.
  • Epulis in pregnancy: affects the soft tissues of the oral cavity, and consists of a benign growth in the papilla which has its origin in the ligaments or supporting structures of the teeth.
  • Dental erosions: is trafficking of wear on the surface of the teeth that are caused by the acidity of vomit which tends to be quite common in many women, especially during the first months of pregnancy. As a result of wear increases tooth sensitivity with the temperature (hot or cold), which can be very annoying. The solution is simple, and so it is enough to brush teeth after vomiting to eliminate acid waste.

How to care for oral health during pregnancy

"Certainly, prevention is the best way to take care of our oral health during pregnancy," says Dr. Héctor M. Suárez, Alicante Navas Dental Clinic Oral medicine specialist. For this reason, this expert recommends that, as a woman visits the gynecologist when becoming pregnant, also should go to your dentist's confidence so that perform you a complete dental review prior to pregnancy. "It is the best way to prevent the emergence of problems of oral health during pregnancy."
But if you're pregnant, don't worry. Héctor M. Suárez says that "today there are drugs and dental treatments that are perfectly compatible with pregnancy and lactation, and which do not pose any risk to the mother or the baby. In this sense, it is essential that treatment is done in an interdisciplinary manner, gynaecologist, dentist-patient".
In addition to visiting the dentist, offers two basic tips which serve for the entire population but which, in the case of pregnant women, are obligatory:

Good dental hygiene

Properly brushing after every meal, use mouthwash and dental floss, prevent dental pathologies that we mentioned earlier, that is, gingivitis and caries in a very high percentage. Dental hygiene eliminates the main bacterial, responsible Board of such pathologies.
Regarding brushing, Dr. Suárez says that "it is the best and only way to remove plaque, provided it passes through all surfaces of the teeth, either with a conventional brush or with the electric. There is a percentage of women that brushing during pregnancy produces them nausea and induces them to vomit, but find it unpleasant but necessary, and very important for your oral health".
On the other hand, Dr. Suárez recommends "using a toothpaste fluoride-enriched because it's an antibacterial component which, moreover, reinforces the tooth enamel. Similarly, there are specific mouthwashes for treating gum problems and to strengthen the teeth".

Balanced and healthy diet

You always have to carry out a healthy and balanced diet, but much more during the gestation period. "This not only we will be caring for the health of the MOM, but also that of the baby, since we must not forget that at the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy begins the process of dentition in the fetus".
Article contributed for educational purposes
Health and Wellness