What was the French Revolution?

The French Revolution was more than an act or series of revolutionary actions, as discussed in the article. He was philosophical, social, political and military movement that led to the end of the monarchy in France and eventually to the disappearance of most of these regimes in Europe immediate effect. Like many I think the thoughts and works of philosophers and encyclopedists of the eighteenth century were the main cause of this revolution.

In simple words they put the human being as an object of study center and unlike medieval thought that meant that God was the center of the universe. This in turn undermined the premise that the power of a sovereign from God, the famous "Divine Right" because "all men are equal". However this was not enough to cause such a change as to bring the French Revolution itself, there are other factors: France went through a serious economic crisis due to loans that kings had taken to fund different armed conflict which had involved the country in addition to paying the excesses carried out by the same nobility; the power of the nobility was so undermined because the bourgeoisie had found a niche in the economy that could fill more efficiently than the nobility.

Remember that the absolutist states were characterized by avoiding change and could not respond appropriately to changing situations eighteenth century manner. The bourgeoisie exerted pressure on both the nobility and in the state, this leads to Louis XVI to convene the general states formed by the nobility (the first state), clergy (second state) and the bourgeoisie (Third Estate). Bet of the king was trying to get new taxes and regain power undermined by the circumstances.

The bourgeoisie had another contrary to other states agenda and against the people as demonstrated later "National Assembly" autonombra as well legislature and is committed to establishing a constitution (this kind of uprising is not entirely strange and has a history even in the same "Magna Carta" nobles make you sign John Lackland in England). Formally this is where the French Revolution begins though many see their first few days after the taking of the Bastille on July 14, 1789.

The following years were marked by constant power struggles between different factions, European states financed wars against France to stop the Revolution. At times governed terror especially when a fraction trying to eliminate his rivals and indeed there were many heroes and martyrs up on all sides. In the struggle to defend the revolution the figure of Napoleon Bonaparte, the Corsican origin and a great military genius both as a politician. However it is Napoleon who overthrew the republic to be appointed emperor ending the French Revolution. While Napoleon who gives the final blow the revolutionary process had serious problems of command and it already had in itself the seeds of its destruction.

The overall visionary only advantage of the situation as he would any other, we must also remember that its revolutionary spirit is born one of the greatest eras of France and her we have the Napoleonic Code, a system of laws which serves as a model for many existing rules and if the only contribution that time we could say that would be worthwhile. The French Revolution marks the beginning of the introduction of democratic principles and human rights in Europe and a change in philosophical thought and the balance of power.
Translated for educational purposes.
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