What is the Local Group of galaxies | Earth, Solar System and Universe.

Nearby galaxies are attracted by its gravity effect and are grouped in clusters. Smaller clusters are called groups. Our Galaxy belongs to one of these groups: the so-called Local Group.
The Local Group has a diameter of 4 million years light and brings together about 30 galaxies. It is a still young cluster that is part of one still greater structure, called the Virgo supercluster.
The Local Group has three main galaxies in a spiral: Andromeda, milky way and Galaxy of the triangle. The rest are dwarf galaxies orbiting around these big three. Are called satellite galaxies.
Andromeda is the largest and most brilliant of the Local Group Galaxy. It is a 2'5 millions of years Earth light and you can see with the naked eye from the southern hemisphere. It is the most distant observable object with the naked eye from Earth. Its gravity attracts the Galaxy of the triangle, which could be spinning her around. It also attracts the milky way, and in the future they are destined to collide.

Main Galaxy Satellite galaxies
Andromeda Andromeda I-VII, M32, M110, NGC185 NGC147
Milky way SagDEG, Magellanic Clouds, Ursa Minor, and more can
Draco, Carina, sculptor, Fornax, Tucana, Sextans, Leo
Triangle PISCES

The milky way in the Local Group

The milky way is the second largest Local Group Galaxy. Even so, it is half the size of Andromeda.
The galaxies of the Local Group closest to ours are more Can and elliptical dwarf galaxy Sagittarius or SagDEG.
The small and the large cloud of Magellan are two dwarf galaxies that are currently colliding with the milky way and in the future will become part of it.
Published for educational purposes