What is Stress | Psychology Concepts.

The stress or 'stress' (in English) is a complex of physical and mental symptoms that reflect the difficulty of people called between reality and the hopes and experiences of each. This term was first used in 1936, in the scientific journal Nature, in an article written by the doctor Hans Selye. The scientist baptized him initially General Adaptation syndrome, divided into three stages-alarm, resistance and exhaustion. If the crisis persists after this last phase, the body goes into serious imbalance, with the appearance of diseases of concern, such as ulcers, hypertension, arthritis and even damage to the myocardium. Experts distinguish two kinds of stress – the chronic and the organic. Its essence can be physical, psychological or social.
Every change in life, affective, professional order or family, cause a certain amount of performance anxiety, which can degenerate into a stress. Depression after a sudden event or an environmental imbalance, causing the same effect. In fact, several factors of modern life can trigger stressful crisis – a high volume of work and responsibilities, the traffic chaos, fear, violence, pain, prolonged exposure to light intensity, a very loud sound, financial problems, frustrations, love between others. This term has spread very fast, becoming a fertile field for the exercise of popular psychology, self-help literature and of psychotherapy.
As the stress acts within the body? It stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and the standalone, releasing an excessive amount of hormones, including adrenaline, epinephrine and cortisol. There's a stress considered negative, during which the individual passes its limits and cannot arouse itself the power to adapt to a new situation. The body loses important nutrients and decreases your mental capacity and may get sick. Positive stress already is that initial state, the corresponding to the stage of alert. The body, powered by a vital necessity, produces adrenaline to get the layout that's lacking. This is a productive moment of the human being. Between these two extremes, there is the ideal stress that occurs when the guy has learned how to use this mechanism in its favor, alternating moments of warning and exit this State, so that the body's balance and restore.
When an individual is stressed, the body may react of different modes, depending on the level he reaches. The pituitary gland, which is located in the frontal part of the brain, expels hormones that make active adrenal glands – on top of the kidneys, which in turn release cortisol, propelled into the bloodstream. If this substance is excessive, may cause the removal of white blood cells, responsible for defense of the body, that's how stress relates to the fall of immunity in our organic Constitution, causing numerous diseases.
Distressing feelings can stimulate the appearance of disorders such as gastritis, which disappears if the subject free himself of his resentment. Thus, it is imperative to meet our emotions, create an intimacy with its operation within our body, so that we can make them emerge in times of crisis, and manipulate them for the benefit of our body. Mobilise positive thoughts, willpower and discipline contributes to the disappearance of stress. When necessary, treatment may also consist in the use of medicines and in regular physical exercises, under the supervision of trained professionals. Sometimes, when the stress reaches an alarming or chronic level, it may be useful to the intervention of a psychotherapist.
Published for educational purposes
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