Anger, what makes us enfademos? | Diseases and conditions.

Controlling anger

Anger is a basic and universal emotion. Basic because it is at the service of our survival from three functions; facilitating the rapid development of behaviors of Portugal, the invigoration of our conduct and the regulation of social interaction. Universal because any member of the species healthy experiences anger. Therefore not only angry is normal but also necessary. However, when the anger is too prevalent in our lives or disproportionate, the problems appear. For this reason, in addition to experiencing it, we must learn to control anger and know how to express it.

What makes us enfademos?

The emotions are very linked to our thoughts, so that a situation can be "lived" in very different ways depending on the person. Therefore we refer to "objective" situations that give rise to the emotion of anger, the right thing is refer to thoughts associated with that situation that cause anger. Anger is an emotion that appears when we are subjected to situations that they lead to frustration or we are unpleasant, because we feel attacked. Therefore, there are two broad categories of trigger this emotion situations:

Frustrating situations

• Obstruction of access to a goal: when our objectives is interrupted, the cognitive assessment (thoughts) that person carried out on the relation between their conduct and the results thereof will determine the type of emotion resulting. When it is estimated that you can act on the factors that block their access, restoring previous situations, appears the ira.
• Transgression of rules and rights: when social norms are exceeded, our rights are violated or treat us unfairly feel anger.
• Extinction of learned contingencies: when does not appear the reward expected after performing a behavior we get angry (for example when not to get the can of coca-cola after introducing the currency).

Aversive situations

Unpleasant experiences contribute to the emotion of anger by facilitating the expression of aggressive behaviors. The clearest example of this is the experience of pain. For example, when something hurts, flowers our bad character.
Know what unsettles us will help us to be able to control the ira.

The expression of anger and its consequences

There are two major forms of expression of anger. The external expression of anger refers to when our expression of anger lets the other know that we are angry through our gestures, facial expressions or tone of voice. Conversely, the inner expression of anger refers to the expression of anger "inwards", i.e., others do not have why to know that we are angry but we do know it thanks to the feelings of tension or the thoughts of revenge that we cherish.
Sounds? Indeed, it is what our grandmothers made reference with "red face" and the "yellow face" or "shame on face" and the "heartache". They were right when they said "best once than twenty yellow red face" or "better embarrassment in face that pain of heart"? The truth is Yes. Each of the forms of expression and anger have their consequences, but anger towards inside worse enemy than external anger.
The external expression of the anger of improperly can lead to interpersonal problems. However, the internal expression of anger can keep this State too long, resulting in a high level of activation psychophysiologic that relates greatly impaired health, especially cardiovascular (hypertension, heart attack, etc). In addition, the internal anger is accompanied by negative emotions such as frustration, sadness...

Profile of people who experience more States of anger

Not all people react equally to situations of conflict. There are traits of personality and the socio-cultural environment that Act by modulating different aspects of emotional processing of the ira.
• Factors personality: experience more States of anger against the introverted Extrovert people. The neurotic have an ira more intense and frequent than people with low neuroticism. Likewise, people with more self-esteem and a major trait narcissist tend to experience anger more frequently.
• Environmental or context factors: the socio-cultural context modulates the expression of anger (e.g. seems worse view higher socio-economic classes). In the individualistic societies such as ours is better accepted in the collectivist (e.g. Eastern culture), where an important value is given to self-control and inhibition of rage.

How to control our anger?

We can not ask prevent anger since, as we have said, it is a basic emotion that should appear. His absence would be reason for a possible emotional pathology. The objective is therefore experiencing the wrath in situations that requires it, but that Yes, knowing it express and manage in a proper way, ultimately learning to control anger. Thus, a healthy anger allows us to detect and solve problems, achieve goals and ease or overcome obstacles that prevent us from achieving them. On the contrary, an excessive anger can block us emotionally, making us perceive adequately the situation.
To achieve a proper control and expression of anger, then we offer you guidelines so you steps your anger in a healthy way:
• Detects early signs of anger: this is critical so that you begin to self-regulate, preventing that your thoughts and physical sensations increase.
• Try to relax to be able to think. Therefore it is sometimes necessary out of the evocative anger always possible and this results in another provocation to the person with which you argue.
• At least as a first attempt, tries to downplay what has happened giving choice to the "misunderstanding".
• Give fair returns. You are not repenting in the same week.
• Give yourself time, and gives time to the other person so that it passes the time of maximum anger, what we call phase of explosion in psychology.
• Manage the anger does not suppress it. Therefore, when you find yourself more calming express what has annoyed you using an assertive communication style (please see your point of view but respecting that of others).
Published for educational purposes
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Diseases and conditions