What is the Meaning of Heartbeat | Definition and What is Heartbeat

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

The rhythm is the repetition (or frequency) more or less important event. This is the number of times that a given periodic process repeats over time. More the pace is important, more repetition or regularity increases.
Heart, from the latin cardiăcus, said of what is bound or belongs in the heart. This muscular organ which, in the case of humans, is located in the thoracic cavity, is responsible for boosting the blood.
Mean heart rate the number of beats (heartbeat) per unit of time. This frequency is usually expressed as the number of pulsations per minute, where the normal number varies according to the conditions of the body (if it is active or at rest).
The pulse can be taken at various locations on the body. The most common are the wrist, neck and chest because that is where we get to feel the heartbeat more easily. The most used to measure heart rate pulse points are those in which the arteries are closer to the skin.
For a correct pulse taking, should be supported with the index and major finger (because the thumb has its own pulse). The fingers should exert a slight pressure on the area where the artery passes so that we can feel the pulse.
Heart rate varies according to the characteristics of each person, depending on the physical condition, age, genetics and environmental conditions, among other factors. A healthy adult has a heart rate between 60 and 100 beats per minute, which can fall to 40 during sleep and go up to 200 in full physical activity.
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