What is the Meaning of Immunity | Definition and What is Immunity

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

Immunity is a concept that comes from the word latin immunitas and that means the quality of immune (which is not challengeable by certain diseases or who is exempt from certain obligations and penalties).
For biology and medicine, immunity is a State of resistance that certain individuals or certain species were facing the pathogenic action of microorganisms or foreign substances. This State can be natural or acquired.
The immune system also known as the immunological system is the set of structures and biological processes of an organization that can protect against diseases where it happens to identify and eliminate pathogenic cells. This immunity is achieved through the action of lymphocytes, leucocytes, antibodies and other components.
When a trouble occurs in a person's immune system, therefore, it may fall ill. If the immune system is less active than normal, it is a deficiency, a condition that can be caused by infections such as AIDS.
Diplomatic immunity, on the other hand, is an advantage enjoyed by diplomats in the country where they play their official role and that their are not to be subjected to the civil and criminal local courts jurisdiction. This immunity is justified in the representation of a different sovereignty of one conducted by the diplomats in question.
Parliamentary immunity, finally, is the privilege of Deputies and senators, which may not be arrested, detained, prosecuted or tried without the permission of the respective co-legislator body.
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