What is the Meaning of Superstition | Definition and What is Superstition

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use
From the latin superstitĭo, superstition is a belief which is contrary to reason and foreign religious faith. The superstitious believes that some phenomena have a mystical or magical explanation.
Examples: "by superstition, I never passes under a ladder", «Paul wants not to marry Friday the 13th by superstition», «superstition does that worry people.
Superstition is usually based on popular traditions that are handed down from generation to generation. This means that, in a community, the ancestors who claimed that certain actions (as having an amulet or a lucky charm or repeat certain words) attracted the chance or away misfortune, passed such beliefs to their descendants.
Science believes that some disciplines are superstitions such as astrology, spiritualism, or the tarot. However, the superstition is not always part of a set because it can be an isolated belief.
By believing in superstition, the person attributed a causal link between events to a supernatural force. A superstitious may believe that a black cat wearing misfortune. So, if it crosses this animal in the street, he prefers to go back or move away. There is no evidence, of course, that black cats have the ability to influence the fate or the (bad) luck. In addition, if this superstitious meets a black cat and falls down, it will issue this accident to the presence of the cat even if he fell because of the poor condition of the sidewalk.
Today, many people associate religious beliefs with superstitions. That said, a Catholic man may prefer not to open an umbrella indoors, because beyond its Christian faith, it considers that this action attracts bad luck.
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