What is the motivation | Diseases and conditions.

Motivation, the engine of our actions

The motivation, that "construct" that everyone talks about, crave... but very few know define. Motivation is a highly desired ingredient in order to achieve success in different facets of our lives, but what is the motivation?
The motivation is not a body magic or fallen from the sky, but a concept indicating the reason for our behavior. We act because we have reason to do something.
So it is necessary to be given the combination of different intellectual elements (concentration, attention...), physical (desire, strength, etc.) and psychological (expectations, perception of self control...), which in different circumstances determine the desire or energy with which acts are and how this energy is directed.
Obviously, any motivation was born as a result of a motive. This desire triggered by external or internal stimulation (e.g. hunger) means (e.g. more money) that directs behavior to achieve that desire or need.

Theories and types of motivation

Several researchers have defined theories about motivation, here you have the most relevant:
• The needs of Maslow theory: we are motivated to achieve different needs classified hierarchically; physiological, safety, social, esteem, self-realization. As man meets these needs increasing from simple survival to self-realization.
• Skinner's reinforcement theory: that conduct following positive consequences increases their probability of recurrence in the future, while decreases it the behavior that has negative consequences (law of effect).
• Theory of Locke goals: impose ourselves some goals to achieve, but to motivate us must have the skills or strategies to achieve them.
• Adams equity theory: we tend to value the fair and just received rewards. We are motivated when we believe that our reward is equitable to our effort and fair compared to other rewards for the same effort.
With respect to the types of motivation, this can differ in:
• Intrinsic motivation: the desire that drives behavior is internal. The enthusiasm, interest, etc are examples of internal stimuli that give rise to the intrinsic behavior that makes the individual to enjoy "no more" than it makes.
• Extrinsic motivation: the desire that drives behavior to get an external reward or avoid punishment. Money, gifts, a stable job or avoid a Guv'nor are examples of external stimuli that give rise to the intrinsic behavior.

Effects of motivation in our daily life

Be or not motivated is essential in the result you get in different areas of our everyday life:
• Labour motivation: is the a high relationship between motivation and productivity. Herzberg proposed that there is labour motivation must combine "hygiene factors" (relationship with the supervisor, working conditions, salaries, relationship with colleagues, subordinates, status, and security related) that prevent job dissatisfaction and "factors motivators" (achievement, recognition, interest, responsibility) that increase satisfaction and productivity. Lack of motivation at work is among the most common causes of syndromes such as burnout or professional or occupational wear syndrome.
• School motivation: at school, motivation is a key aspect to facilitate learning. For good academic results, students must possess motivation and ability. Motivation will influence the intentions, goals, perceptions and beliefs of the student. In its motivation influence factors on the one hand personal (knowledge, skills, auto-conceptos, goals, etc.) and external (teacher, classmates and characteristics of the task). All this also influence the motivation to study student.
• Sports motivation: in sport motivation has a close relation with performance and expectations. It greatly influences the perception of self-control of the situation based on the interpretation of past failures and successes (has depended on me vs. depend on the others). When an athlete feels that what does the results are independent of their conduct, their level of motivation and, therefore their performance, descend.

Factors that influence our level of motivation

Motivation is the result of the interaction of various factors that will influence our desire to according to the specific area that we're talking about (work, school...). However, some factors appear in all of them. Among the most important are:
• The valencia: value that we put to the possible outcomes of our actions. To higher value, higher motivation.
• Expectation: the belief in the possibility of seeing fulfilled our goals. She is influenced by our beliefs about the ability to control over the goal.
• Elapsed time to get a reward: the sooner get it, greater motivation.
• Internal/external recognition of our behavior: internal recognition (intrinsic motivation) is the most powerful. When this missing or to accompany him not a little dose of extrinsic motivation comes bad.

Self motivation, how to get it?

Who has not been lifted one morning not wanting to no, or work, or do the work of the House... And we keep on waiting, thinking of how to get that motivation that we need to start a task, on the job or we decide to do that at home we always leave for another day. We must raise awareness of that we ourselves are the cornerstone to enhance our levels of motivation.
For this reason, it is important to have in mind the following techniques to get increase your self motivation:
• The desire to come not alone: many people are confused into thinking that they must first "get to" and then act. This is a mistake. Get the test; It acts first and then you'll find you have more desire to continue doing things. Many people decide to keep working once it has begun.
• Set yourself realistic targets: is good that divided these objectives into sub-objectives that allow you to assess whether you're actually approaching the desired goal. Seeing that we are on the right track is very motivating.
• Provide a prize when you think you've done things well.
• Avoids delaying tasks: the postponement (defer tasks without reason) can make your motivation levels to be see you unable to get your goals.
• Learn skills: to achieve a goal you think that you are missing specific techniques, try to acquire them or requests help another person to show you.
• It is with others to undertake a task if you are able.
If you want to know if you're really motivated or unmotivated we recommend our test of motivation.

Coaching: training your motivation

A proven and very fashionable technique today is coaching, that helps us to get our personal goals of a "personal trainer" hand, usually a psychologist. This professional helps us direct our behavior towards our goals as well as equip ourselves with the skills required to get it: personal leadership; use of our personal talent, etc. Coaching searches for personal and professional growth of the individual in order to provide a clear view of their goals and their possibilities to achieve them.
Increasingly, more entrepreneurs, athletes and people in general in search of success in a particular goal come to coaching to acquire a set of skills that allow them to achieve their personal goals or professional. Numerous courses and professionals offer these services from coach to groups or individuals.
In addition to coaching, there are other types of intervention that can help us to increase our motivation. Some such as psychotherapy cognitive-behavioral will be fundamental in those cases in which the lack of motivation is antecedent or consequent emotional problems (e.g. depression). Among other techniques, in this type of psychotherapy your therapist will help you identify the thoughts and behaviors that are incompatible with adequate levels of motivation.
Published for educational purposes
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