All about pregnancy: week by week

Diseases and Conditions

Pregnancy: Week by week

Table of contents

1. first month of pregnancy
2. second month of pregnancy
3. third month of pregnancy
4. fourth month of pregnancy
5. fifth month of pregnancy
6. sixth month of pregnancy
7. seventh month of pregnancy
8. eighth month of pregnancy
9. ninth month of pregnancy

Note: is it this translation only for educational purposes. Any translation of this web site may be inaccurate and imprecise.

1. first month of pregnancy

You know the symptoms that indicate that you could be pregnant. If the test result is positive, you emprenderás a lovely way with numerous changes. In these first few weeks of pregnancy the embryo begins to develop the foundations of the organs, the characteristics and the nervous system. The miracle of life begins.
First month of pregnancy
• Week 1 pregnancy
This week it is, actually, the menstrual period, since the due date is calculated from the first day of the last rule.
• Week 2 of pregnancy
The placenta, the organ that nutria baby in the coming months, begins to form during this second week.
• Week 3 of pregnancy
In the embryo, they begin to form certain organs, such as the heart, which in the 22 days of pregnancy comes into operation.
• Week 4 of pregnancy
This week is particularly sensitive, since the organs of the baby are being developed and any environmental element may alter the health of the embryo.

Week 1 pregnancy

With the first week of pregnancy begins a beautiful way with numerous changes, the final result will be the birth of a baby.
Pregnancy is the period between fertilization and birth. This week it is, actually, the menstrual period, since the due date is calculated from the first day of the last rule.


The female egg is divided for the first time a day after having been fertilized by male sperm. From there, it continues the division, forming a kind of ball called blastocyst, which is an embryonic, undifferentiated, cell that forms before creating the germinal layer, which can have more than 100 cells in the first four days.
As of the fifth day, the cells begin to separate into two groups. The first group of cells will form the outer ring and create the placenta, which will host the baby. The second group of cells are those that form the inner ring. Stem cells are called, and have the ability to transform into more than 200 kinds of cells of any part of the body, which will later become the embryo.
After seven days, the fertilized egg down the fallopian tubes to the uterus, so looking for their place of implementation, which will be their abode in the next nine months.


MOM will undergo a series of physical, metabolic, physiological changes, etc., that have as object, protect, feed and develop the new life that begins to grow inside.
There are women who do not feel any type of symptom that indicates that they might be pregnant, so it only find out when discover the delay of your menstruation. On the other hand, there are others who are starting to feel different symptoms such as:
• Tiredness.
• Nausea or vomiting, usually first thing in the morning.
• Increasing the size of the breasts.
• More eager to urinate, due to the growth of the size of the uterus, which puts pressure on the bladder.
• The sense of smell is developed more than normal.
• You have any craving
• Increase of pressure in the pelvis and hip.
Women will experience instability in their emotional state, having wanted to laugh, cry, sudden changes of attitude, nerves, due to the action of hormones.
Pregnancy is a unique life stage, and special, which is recommended to be positive and try not to become obsessed with fears and insecurities.

The placenta

It is a maternal-fetal organ, responsible for feeding and elimination of the catabolic (urea, carbon dioxide, bilirubin...) coming from the fetus. The placenta can weigh half a kilo when it reaches its maximum development, containing 150 mL of blood.
The exchange of substances between the mother and the fetus is carried out through the barrier of the placenta, which is that between the blood of the mother of the fetus, also protecting you from viruses and bacteria, which can not pass through this barrier, unless they have destroyed some part of it to be able to go.

Week 2 of pregnancy

The first weeks of pregnancy are very important because the embryo begins to develop the foundations of the organs, the characteristics and the nervous system. The placenta begins to form during this second week, and it is considered that it has acquired its final form around the third month. It is the organ that nutria baby in the coming months.


From week 2 of pregnancy develops what is called embryo, which is, basically, a head, a body, and a curly tail.
This week of pregnancy is marked by:
• The fastening of the blastocyst (embryo formed by a set of cells) in the uterus, because that will be your "home" during the pregnancy.
• The creation of the SAC or amniotic cavity (cover composed of two membranes surrounding the baby) including fluid, amniotic fluid that serves as a buffer to the fetus during your stay in the amniotic sac.
• Chorionic cavity, where it must be fixed to the embryo on a pedicle fixation, which will become the umbilical cord (tube that connects embryo with the placenta).
In addition, in this second week of pregnancy lacunar circulation is formed, i.e. blood circulate throughout the embryonic space and starts the period in which the embryo feeds on nutrients provided by maternal blood.
Appear two small cavities eye, as well as niche for the development of bones, muscles, kidneys, lungs, intestines and digestive system. Also leads to the development of the neural tube in charge of developing in on the brain, spinal cord, nervous system and spine


Within the body of the mother creates a secure world so that the baby can develop, protected from the outside world. This week there is a hormonal alteration, where there is an outstanding increase in estrogens, with the purpose of stimulating the uterus so that it adapts to the development of a new life.
Most moms do not notice many changes this week. There are some symptoms of pregnancy who experience very quickly as a result of hormonal alteration, although they tend to be few. They must still spend a few days so that certain more obvious alterations appear.

Week 3 of pregnancy

In week 3 of pregnancy, the embryo begins to form certain organs, such as the heart, which is a set of tiny muscle cells, which in the 22 days of pregnancy comes into operation.


The cells that constitute the heart work spontaneously. A cell shrinks and spread to her companions, starting a chain reaction that leads to all the cells in the heart to move. It is, then, when the heart starts beating. The heart is responsible for distributing the food and oxygen to all cells that form the embryo, so that you can grow and develop. The brain still does not intervene in its control, but not take much to manage this function.
In week 3 of pregnancy begins the process of Gastrulation. It is the formation of germ layers of the embryo, also called coats of primary fabrics, which are:
Ectoderm: outer layer that surrounds the embryo.
Mesoderm: layer of cells that constitute the upper part of the blastocyst.
Endoderm: layer of cells more internal embryonic Assembly.
In week 3, they also begin to define the ends:
• Cephalic region which, along with a thin filament, will constitute the central nervous system.
• Tail.
• Ventral region.
• Dorsal region.
• Left side.
• Right side.


At this time, the signs of pregnancy are becoming more obvious, noticing symptoms such as:
• Fatigue.
• Hypersensitivity in the breasts.
• Dizziness.
It is necessary to take care of feeding, ensuring one intake enough food for the nutritional contribution that will be required for the fetus to develop properly. The consumption of foods that contain protein, iron, calcium and folic acid has the following advantages:
• It prevents the appearance of anemia, because they increase blood flow.
• Calcium promotes the growth and development of teeth and bones healthy.
• Proteins create new tissue.
• The intake of folic acid before pregnancy and during it, reduces the risk of the baby is born with spina bifida or cleft lip in more than half of the cases.

Week 4 of pregnancy

Week four of pregnancy is characterized by the development of the organs of the future baby. The final phase of the first month of pregnancy is addressing why this week is particularly sensitive, and any environmental element may alter the health of the embryo and its development.

Your baby in week 4 of pregnancy

The embryo is already implanted in the uterus, with a size between 0.36 and 1 mm in length. Most remarkable about this week is that the embryo begins to acquire body shape, referred to as 'folding of the embryonic disc'. One can say that it is the time in which acquires tridimensionality, because it adopts a cylindrical form reminiscent of a Jewish.
The Group of cells differs in 3 blades or blades, which will result in future bodies:
Ectoderm: is the outermost layer, which will lead to the nervous system.
Endoderm: will lead to the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver and thyroid.
Mesoderm: will be the bones, muscles, and blood system.
Ultimately, they are folds of cells that begin to be defined, and remains to them a long way until adopt forms and positions which correspond to them.


You can perceive a little swollen abdomen, tension in breasts and an increase in their volume. In addition, you may experience different symptoms as a result of the pregnancy as:
• Frequent urination.
• Intensification in the perception of odors.
• Nausea and sometimes vomiting.
• The emotional state is altered as a result of hormonal changes.
Call the doctor to keep track of the development of the fetus.
Do not take medicines that have not been advised by specialists, as there are treatments contraindicated during this period.
Also arise some fears about the development of the pregnancy, with fears and insecurities, although this depends on each woman. We need to be positive, share feelings, and thinking about the new life that is being developed.

Pregnancy test

In the beginning of pregnancy is secreted a hormone called hormone chorionic gonadotropin (HGC). It is this hormone that pregnancy test detects urine giving positive result. The test of pregnancy, in the majority of cases, is positive even before checking the absence of menstruation.

2. second month of pregnancy

Once confirmed the pregnancy, go to the gynecologist to begin monitoring of pregnancy and know what foods you should avoid to avoid complications to the fetus, which is gradually taking human form. In this second month of pregnancy, the first analysis and first ultrasound are performed.
Second month of pregnancy
• Week 5 of pregnancy
Begin to distinguish the baby's head and they begin to form the nostrils and the retinas of the eyes.
• Week 6 of pregnancy
The heart of the fetus is already beating, and produced the formation of most of the organs. It is, therefore, the period where there is the greatest risk of malformations.
• Week 7 of pregnancy
The placenta is still forming and begins to assume the food functions along with the newly formed umbilical cord.
• Week 8 of pregnancy
It is the ideal time to perform the first ultrasound and the first analysis of blood and urine to rule out any complications.
• Week 9 of pregnancy
The embryo is taking human form and the breast begins to notice that the waist widens. The acidity of the stomach or the mood swings are common.

Week 5 of pregnancy

In week 5 of pregnancy, the embryo still does not have a human form, but can already distinguish the head, whose size is quite superior to the rest of the body; They also begin to form the nostrils and the retinas of the eyes.


The liver, intestines and kidneys will begin to form this week. The neural tube (which later formed the spinal cord) connects the brain with the spinal cord, and closes, starting out small bumps: the arms and legs.


It is an infectious disease produced by the Toxoplasma gondi. If it occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy is a danger to the fetus, which may suffer disease congenital toxoplasmosis, which will cause malformation, blindness, epilepsy, etc.
You can prevent avoiding meat consumption just made, in addition to not have any contact with cats, feline is the main transmitting agent of toxoplasma.
Contagious disease that affects man and animals, causing severe as mild febrile syndrome during pregnancy, which may cause abortion.
It has been two weeks and menstruation has not come. If it has not done so, it is necessary to perform a pregnancy test to confirm it definitively, and if the test result is positive, go to the gynecologist to start the monitoring of the pregnancy.
It is recommended to avoid the intake of certain foods during pregnancy, since some of them can cause diseases such as toxoplasmosis and listeria, and can cause defects in the fetus, or even cause a miscarriage.
Below is a list of the different foods that should be avoided:
• Raw seafood.
• Pate.
• Soft cheeses (the of goat, brie, feta, camembert and roquefort).
• Milk and not pasteurized drinks.
• Meat raw or undercooked, as well as the sausage and hot dogs.
• Eggs raw or meals that include them raw.
• The mousse and tiramisu.

Week 6 of pregnancy

Now you're in week 6 of pregnancyand the fetal heart is already beating. Growth this week is very fast, and there is the formation of most of the organs. It is, therefore, the period where there is the greatest risk of malformations.


In week 6 of pregnancy, the embryo measures between 2-4 mm.
The eyes are more conspicuous because of the formation of retinal pigment and its location in a previous position. In addition, it begins to form the face of the embryo (the upper lip, nasal Appendix and the ears) and the first portion of the brain. The head shows stooped and next to the primitive heart.
With respect to the extremities, superior are the more developed, beginning the configuration of arms.


The physical condition of the pregnant woman depends on the organism of each woman, although general symptoms remain: nausea and vomiting, especially in the mornings.
Probably not be appreciated still weight gain; on the contrary, it is common to lose some weight due to nausea and vomiting. The chest, however, yes you will see increased its size and will be much more sensitive. The breast areola darkens gradually. Tiredness and fatigue are also very typical symptoms. Due to the pressure exerted by the uterus, urination are still very frequent.
Other very common discomfort is the heartburn or burning sensation. It is produced by the passage of gastric juices very acid from the stomach into the esophagus, due to compression of the stomach by the uterus and the slowing down of the movement of the intestine and duodenum, characteristic of pregnancy.
The emotional ups and downs are common due to hormonal changes.
We must remember that not all women suffer from these symptoms, and each pregnancy is different.

Tests during the week 6 of pregnancy

In some medical centers in week 6 of pregnancy is when is made the first visit to the gynecologist. Opens a history where the family history and personal, including issues such as previous pregnancies and abortions, as well as possible allergies to drugs and toxic habits (alcohol, tobacco, etc.) are collected.
From this moment it is possible to occur the first ultrasound, a diagnosis of pregnancy by image that is performed between the sixth and ninth week of pregnancy. Ultrasound already can be seen in the embryo in the form of white point and, inside, the heart beat. What is the ultrasound done vaginally, abdominal via it's soon to be able to see the embryo.
The specialist will determine whether the gestational sac is correctly located, if there is more than one embryo, and checks for heart rate. Query the voltage will be measured and the weight, two data will continue to be controlled in future visits to see the evolution of the pregnancy.

Week 7 of pregnancy

In week 7 of pregnancy, the placenta is formed and begins to move nutrients from the mother's body of the embryo; He is also responsible for the removal of waste. It is now when the umbilical cord, which will be the connection between mother and son has been formed.


It is approximately 1 cm. The heart is larger. The skeleton begins to take shape.
The baby's face begins to take shape, this week will be defined traits of:
• Mouth.
• The nostrils.
• Ears.
• The eyes.


During week 7 of pregnancy, the mother will appreciate the enlargement of your breasts and the emergence of small nodules on the areola called Montgomery (sebaceous glands of the areolas) tubers, becoming more pointed nipples.
It is usual to occur a bit of acidity in the stomach and constipation, which are due to food can slide on the intestines more slowly during this stage.
This week originates a mucous plug at the opening of the cervical canal, whose function is to close the conduit to protect the uterus from infection. This cap will come off when the cervix dilates to start labour.


• Eliminate the consumption of drugs, tobacco, alcohol and drugs.
• Reduce the intake of coffee, because high doses of caffeine are associated with spontaneous abortions in the first trimester of pregnancy.
• Avoid x-rays.
• Avoid contact with dangerous chemicals.

Week 8 of pregnancy

One of the most important aspects is that it begins to call the embryo fetus, coinciding with the change of dependency that has occurred, since in recent weeks the embryo depended on the yolk sac, which brought him the nutrients and oxygen necessary for their proper development. Now is the placenta that takes food functions along with the umbilical cord.


In week 8 of pregnancy originate large morphological changes in the tiny fetus. Already shown the formation of ears, eyelids, nose and upper lip. The body has lengthened considerably, reaching a length of approximately between 1, 4-2 cm. Increases the length of extremities, and elbows appear.
The skeleton is not formed by bones, for the moment are soft cartilage, which will be defined in the coming weeks of the pregnancy. The heart shows the pulmonary valve and valve aortic with much more clarity, since only a few days ago that it had begun to define these cavities. In just one week the bronchial tree as it is divided into multiple Bronchioles (small Airways that are found in the middle part of the lungs).


The uterus continues to grow inexorably, however, it is early to see changes in the abdomen or waist, especially if it is the first pregnancy. This growth may cause the sensation of pins under the belly, or passenger pains similar to those who suffer in menstruation. It is possible that cramps in the legs, which can be emphasized by night.
With respect to the common symptoms, persistent nausea, vomiting, fatigue, constipation, heartburn, and the increase in breast size.
Tests during week 8 of pregnancy
For the majority of Obstetricians week 8 of pregnancy is the ideal time for the first analysis of blood and urine, and so rule out any complication related to illness (also have been able to be done last week).
Normally, in public health three tests are performed in the pregnancy, one per quarter, although the interval between one and the other will decide the obstetrician depending on the State of health of the MOM.
In the same way, is the first Ultrasound (if not already done before), where small vertical movements of the embryo are displayed, as well as the heartbeat.
In general, the pregnant woman call the doctor every four to six weeks, except if some incident occurs, or if the doctor decides to forward the appointment.

Week 9 of pregnancy

With the course of the weeks, the fetus is taking human form; now measure less than 3 cm. Head continues to be disproportionate, since it is larger than the rest of the body. On the face, the eyelids cover partially eyes. MOM can start to notice the clothes press it and that feels more comfortable with loose garments.


In week 9 of pregnancy, are your hands, with your fingers and your wrist, which is placed at the same height as the heart. The legs get longer, are directed to the midline of the body, and in them are the foot with your fingers.
Also in week 9 of pregnancy, erythropoiesis is produced in the liver, a process that is intended to generate red blood cells or erythrocytes.
Another significant fact is the production of urine, which is eliminated in the amniotic fluid. In this way it will pass through the placental membrane into the bloodstream mother so it is discarded.


From week 9 of pregnancy the mother-to-be, you will notice a slight widening and an increase in the thickness of the waist. The clothing begins to stay small. Pelvic pain continues, along with light contractions; something normal, since the uterus continues to grow.
Furthermore, in the body of the MOM has begun to increase the blood volume, in order to meet the demand of fetal. The heartburn is a quite common symptom.
Given the normal activity of hormones during pregnancy, mood swings, are appreciated but this depends on each woman.

3 third month of pregnancy

In the third month of pregnancy, the MOM starts to notice some tummy, breasts also increase and the action of hormones makes pregnant women more sensitive. The human form of the baby begins to be defined more clearly and the brain experiences a remarkable development.
Third month of pregnancy
• Week 10 of pregnancy
The uterus has grown occupying most of the pelvis, which increases urination. We must begin to control weight gain.
• Week 11 of pregnancy
This week is marked by the outer development of the sexual organs. Ultrasound permitting already can tell if it is a boy or a girl.
• Week 12 of pregnancy
In the public health system is set this week as the beginning of pregnancy control. The first ultrasound is performed in a public Center, which allows you to diagnose any malformation.
• Week 13 of pregnancy
The MOM appreciates the changes physicists that pregnancy causes in your body, while the early pregnancy symptoms (fatigue, nausea...) diminish or disappear.

Week 10 of pregnancy

In little more than two months of pregnancy, the uterus has already increased enough in size and occupies most of the pelvis. You can not know yet what is the sex of the baby (the genital tubercle has not developed yet), but do not have much time for to begin the development of the sex organs to outer level.


In week 10 of pregnancy the fetus measured approximately 4 centimetres and weight revolves around 5 grams.
The human form is defined each time with greater sharpness, such as arms, hands, wrists and fingers; something that was already in the previous week with the peculiarity that this week there are a variety of movements in the fetus, but MOM still not able to see them.
The face is more rounded, the eyes remain closed and the mouth opens and closes. Experienced a remarkable development at the level of the brain, where the production of neurons increases in some 250,000 per minute.


You start to notice some "tummy" though the MOM is who feels more swollen belly. The uterus has increased in size occupying most of the pelvis, increasing urination due to increased pressure.
Moms continue to increase in size, and normal bras are beginning to annoy.
The action of hormones causes that pregnant women are more sensitive, and experience mood swings, easily crying or excited about events or situations that before not affected him.
Feeding is a key factor to ensure a good fetal development, with a healthy and balanced diet with fresh and natural products.
Weight gain should be controlled. Normally, it is not recommended to overcome the kilo and a half a month, but will be the specialist who take an exhaustive study of pregnancy and who will advise the most suitable depending on each pregnancy.

Week 11 of pregnancy

The transformation that has occurred since the creation of the Zygote in the first week of pregnancy, up to the current appearance of the fetus in week 11, is amazing. A 12-cell structure, has been passed to a living being formed by thousands and thousands of cells, each of them performing their function.


The fetus measured approximately six centimetres and its weight has increased to reach 8-9 grams. You can see that its growth has been significant compared the tenth to the eleventh week of pregnancy.
This week is marked by the outer development of the sexual organs. Ultrasound permitting already can tell if it is a boy or a girl. Also highlights the beginning of the production of RBCs by the body of the fetus, and the continuous development of the organs and body members.
They begin to develop the Chin and neck, which means that the head go spreading the initial position (attached to the chest). Head continues to occupy half of the embryo length, but their growth starts to slow down and, little by little, will be in proportion to the rest of the body.
Arms and legs continue to expand, appearing nails. Your fingers are separated and you will soon be able to open and close their fists. Their bones are beginning to harden.
Blood vessels can be seen because your skin is still clear.
The fetus has a small stomach the size of a grain of rice, a tiny liver that fulfills its functions, and a few kidneys that allow you to process the blood of his blood system, generating urine which will be driven into the amniotic fluid.
Another fact that stands out this week is the appearance of some reflexes, such as the so-called 'reflex patellar', resulting in the extension of the legs, causing the fetus to press the walls of the uterus and moves. This reflex ensures a proper development of muscles, being the forerunner of the action of walking at the same time.
In the case that the fetus is a male, this week their testicles will start to produce the male hormone, testosterone.


From week 11 of pregnancy, he began a quieter period. Morning discomfort (nausea in the morning) may begin to disappear, although it depends on the organism of each pregnant, since some take slightly longer to fail to perceive these nuisances.
Many changes in the body, are experienced while the tiredness and sleep are two predominant factors. Blood circulation increases the baby's needs, resulting in a more rapid breathing.
Besides a pronounced smell, you may notice an increase in the production of saliva.
There are pregnant women who suffer a further decline in the hair and fingernails are beginning to fail and other women, on the other hand, are being strengthened.
Cramps in legs, at the level of the calves, as well as a feeling of heaviness, are frequent from now on.
Please be careful with sun exposure, since the pregnant women are more prone to the appearance of sunspots. It is important to use creams with a high sun protection factor, especially if it's summer.
Checkups are essential, without forgetting the food and lifestyle.
Diagnostic tests in the week 11 of pregnancy
If the ultrasound has been this week, specialists will determine the proper development of the fetus. This is based on three values:
• The biparietal diameter (BPD), a value that determines the distance between the parietal bones of the baby's head.
• The length of the femur.
• Abdominal girth.
It will also determine the presence of possible anomalies or malformations.

Week 12 of pregnancy

From the 12 week of pregnancy, the fetal period, characterized by a process of growth and maturation begins.


In week 12 of pregnancy, the fetus has increased considerably in size, reaching nine centimeters. Equally significant is the increase in weight, and can reach between 8-15 grams.
Organs (lungs, liver, stomach..) are well defined and located in place. The small intestine begins to contract to transport food.
The urinary system starts to operate, filling the bladder every 30 minutes and generating the urine.
The heartbeat is becoming more patent and genitals are well defined, in such a way that you can find on Ultrasound (if allowed to see) the sex of the baby.
Bones continue to grow, allowing length win in the extremities. Fingers begin to define themselves and spreading, starts the development of nail and appears the first vestige of hair on the body.
Already you can see how it opens and closes the mouth, allowing you swallowing amniotic fluid (contributes 10% of the nutritional needs of your baby). According to the specialists, sometimes can appear hiccups, involuntary spasm of the diaphragm which does not represent any complication, by ingestion of liquid.
This week may appear called "suction reflex". Is tata's an innate reflex is going to allow the baby to feed in the future, on the outside of the womb.
In the womb, the fetus is stretched, moves his head, opens and closes hands and lengthens the neck. It is soon so that the MOM perceives these fetal movements, although there are pregnant women who begin to notice them.


The MOM starts to show a more pronounced belly.
Although all depends on each organism, typically nausea are disappearing (60% of pregnant does not have nausea from week 12). However, there are cases of pregnant women who normally sickness until the end of the pregnancy.
The hormonal action increases, as well as blood flow, which is reflected in a more smooth and shiny skin and a very healthy-looking. Even so, the action of hormones may cause gestational acne.
Although the skin present an impressive-looking, we have to avoid exposure to the Sun, because it can cause permanent stains on the skin
At this stage of pregnancy, it is possible to start a very common symptom, as it is the burning of the stomach, due to the internal pressure of the uterus and the reduction of the space of the digestive system. Heartburn will vary in intensity, depending on each person, although it is normal to increase as the weeks progress. It is advisable, to the extent possible, avoid fatty foods and follow a diet balanced.
Diagnostic tests
Week 12 of pregnancy as the beginning of pregnancy control is set in public health. Opens the corresponding clinical history, where data on weight, voltage, a gynaecological examination, will be collected as well as the analysis of blood and urine.
Ultrasound performed this week is of particular interest, as well as being the first performed in public. It is important because it allows to diagnose any malformation, in addition to determining the thickness of the fold nuchal, which is a marker of the genetic disorders such as Down syndrome, among others. The action of the head, abdomen and femur and seen the heartbeat.

Week 13 of pregnancy

The first quarter ended. It begins a new era with different hassles, new feelings and sensations, starting in the second trimester of pregnancy.


In week 13 of pregnancy there is a large cell proliferation resulting in an increase in weight and length, which until the 25-week will be very fast. The fetus has a weight approximately between 13 and 20 grams, and measures between 6.5 and 8 cm.
Disproportionate continues the head compared to the rest of the body.
The organs are perfectly developed, now begin to increase in size and mature features that will play. The genitals are well defined and the bowel are already located within the abdominal cavity, and not within the umbilical cord, as at the beginning of the pregnancy.
Bones still forming and hardening, as the bones of the hands; the fetus will soon start thumbsucking (reflection of suction).
The human form stands out very well. Facial features are more defined, the eyes start to separate and ears are placed in proper position.
This week highlights the emergence of lanugo, named to the fine body hair covering the skin of the fetus at the end of week 23. This hair feature covering the skin in the absence of fat, becoming a necessary element in its development.


The MOM appreciated the changes that pregnancy causes in your body, waist, weight increased. Breasts are developed considerably (can reach 800 grams at the end of the pregnancy) and areola (circular area surrounding the nipple) is increasingly large and dark. Sweating, saliva and vaginal discharge increase. Also can start the secretion of very yellowish milk called colostrum, which is the first milk that baby will take at the beginning of lactation suiting their main nutritional needs).
The symptoms from the beginning of pregnancy (fatigue, tiredness, nausea, vomiting, etc) begin to diminish or disappear, even morning sickness (not forgetting that this depends on the organism of each pregnant woman). However, intensify other symptoms such as heartburn and reflux.

4 fourth month of pregnancy

From the fourth month of pregnancy, begins the second trimester of pregnancy and, with it, a new stage of development of the fetus. It is suitable that pregnant women eat a healthful diet and do moderate physical exercise to strengthen the body.
Fourth month of pregnancy
• Week 14 of pregnancy
The fetus continues growth, develop the sweat and sebaceous glands, meconium is formed...
• Week 15 of pregnancy
Appears the reflection of suction on the baby and her bones are strengthened. MOM increases weight, is time to start thinking about change of costume.
• Week 16 of pregnancy
Many changes occur in the anatomy of the baby and its sensitive ability. They begin to feel fetal movements.
• Week 17 of pregnancy
They could advise you get an amniocentesis, a test that detects genetic alterations and possible infections of the fetus.
• Week 18 of pregnancy
He is the second ultrasound, which can analyze the anatomy of the baby and its growth rate. Future baby may cry, and also hear.

Week 14 of pregnancy

During week 14, begins the second trimester of pregnancy and, with it, a new stage of development of the fetus.


The fetus weighs about 30 grams and measures approximately 10 cm of length (such as the size of a lemon). Its head and upper extremities are almost proportional. However, will be necessary some time more so this proportionality also reaches to the lower extremities.
Neck stretches allowing the ears move up and find his position. They begin eye movements, but still maintaining the closed eyelids. Head still bent in such a way that the Chin touches the chest. They appreciate is the lips in his mouth.
The skin is so thin that it is transparent, showing the blood vessels.
Featured this week is the development and functionality of the sebaceous glands (responsible for synthesizing the sebum, a substance that lubricates and protects the surface of the skin) and sweat glands (secrete excess liquid fat and sweat).
It is likely to start during the week 14 of pregnancy, the formation of meconium.
Meconium is the term used to refer to baby's first stool after birth. This deposition shows a color and a texture different from the rest of bowel movements, it is viscous, thick and very dark greenish. Typically, the baby to expel stools in the first 24-48 hours after birth.
Meconium is composed of amniotic fluid, cells detached skin and the intestinal tract, mucus, bile, and hair covering the body of the baby, known as lanugo. During gestation, the fetus swallows amniotic fluid and removes it through the urine, while other substances that loa companan passed to the intestine, where meconium is formed. In this way, the baby acts filter mode to keep the amniotic fluid, clear and clean.


Already in the week 14 of pregnancy, they have sent almost all of the discomfort associated with the first quarter. The pregnant woman, in general, is very good, however, new symptoms: gums become more sensitive and it is possible that they bleed during brushing and nosebleeds can occur by blowing, due to increased pressure and blood flow.
Belly is bulkier, which will not affect daily life. It is advisable to follow a healthy diet and moderate physical exercise to strengthen the body.

Week 15 of pregnancy

The pregnancy continues, the discomfort and complications arising are insignificant, there is joy before the arrival of the future baby.


During Week 15 of pregnancy, the fetus measures approximately 9-10 cm and weighs about 50 grams. Before transparent skin, acquires a thicker consistency. In week 13, he began to appear the lanugo, a fine hair that extends over the skin of the fetus, and this week covers the greater part of the baby's body.
Appears the reflection of suction, the baby sucks is the thumb. It's an innate reflex which will play an important role in the future power of the baby.
There is a bone strengthening (the bones more and retain more calcium), and the movements of the fetus are becoming more significant; the neck keeps its growth, increasing its functionality.
Eyes remain separate, although increasingly are they closer to its final position. Folds that compose them are distinguished in the ears and Chin initiated the separation of the chest. Head hair and the eyebrows continue to form, acquiring a color determined by their genetic inheritance.


You will notice an increase in maximum weight 3 kilos, so it comes time to begin to consider a change of costume.
A very typical symptom from the second trimester of pregnancy is nasal tamponade, which impedes breathing and speak correctly. Rhinitis Gravidarum or rhinitis of pregnancy, which involves inflammation of the mucous lining of the nose (nasal turbinates) is called. Usually lasts until the end of the pregnancy.
Another of the characteristic signs of this stage is the appearance of stains on the skin, freckles and the changes in the coloration of moles. This is a consequence of the increase in melanin. High sun protection creams is recommended.
You may also receive 'the Brown line', which is situated between the pubis and the umbilicus; 'linea alba' is called and is also due to an increase in melanin. It usually disappears after the birth. Also typical is the appearance of warts and hair in the abdominal wall, which sometimes with itching.
The MOM starts to experience a lack of concentration which results in forgetfulness (pregnancy brain), forgetfulness, clumsiness, etc. This is due to the significant change that it is operating in your body, both physiological and psychological.

Diagnostic tests in the week 15 of pregnancy

A test of prenatal diagnosis called screening biochemical Q2, which determines, by means of blood tests, the values of b-Hcg (human chorionic gonadotropin beta-specific fraction) and the alfaproteina can be at the start of this quarter. A change in their levels reveals an increased risk of malformations (chromosomal abnormalities).

Week 16 of pregnancy

There are many changes that can be seen in the week 16 of pregnancy, in which highlights the perception of fetal movements and the joy that this report to future fathers.


In week 16 of pregnancy, the fetus presents measures between 10.8-11.6 cm and a weight, which has increased considerably, from 80-100 grams. However, the pace of development varies depending on each fetus.
His entire body is covered with lanugo. This hair begins first in the eyebrows and upper lip and, after the birth, dropped to be replaced by a thicker hair, which is the result of new hair follicles.
There are also the nails of the hands and feet. The eyes begin to be sensitive to the Dim light of intrauterine. It is possible to start the development of the epidermal folds in the plants of the hands and fingers (exclusive sign of each individual, fingerprints).
In addition the Hematopoiesis; begins It is a process that consists of the formation, development and maturation of the elements that make up the blood of the future baby, red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets, etc.
There is a remarkable development of the anatomy, the fetus presents a few limbs long and defined, where you can appreciate the knees, elbows, wrists and ankles. Therefore, the organism is more functional, fetus opening and closing hands, moving legs and, even, the development of the facial muscles already allows you to perform a variety of grimaces and gestures as a frown. The neck has taken shape and functionality translates into numerous head movements.
The brain gradually assumes control of the limbs and thus increases your sensory ability. Proprioception (sense which undertakes to inform the Agency of the positions in which the muscles are) is developing.
Grasping reflex can kick (press the hands keeping closed fists).


The discomfort of the first quarter have been minimized. The uterus grows and pregnancy can be seen clearly. This stage is experienced with more tranquility, the MOM feels fetal movements (describing as bubbles, gases, butterfly flapping or snakes moving) that give joy and well-being.
Dental caries and oral sepsis are more common during pregnancy; It is due to a deficit of vitamins (riboflavin, Pyridoxine and folic acid) that entails a retention of food on wheels. In many health centres, dentists perform a quarterly diagnostic of infections or conditions gums, teeth and molars. However, in case of detecting any alteration not is responsible for stopping or removed to avoid possible complicaiones.
Another hallmark is the increase in salivation that present some pregnant women; This profuse salivation, which usually stays until birth, is called hipersialorrea or anisoscoria (seems to be associated with an increase in estrogens). Recommended astringent rinses (dry mucous membranes).
Is often the appearance of night cramps from the second half of pregnancy; It is involuntary and painful contractions wide calves, arriving to awaken to the pregnant woman. They arise due to compression suffering nerves from the legs by the uterus, which is already increased in size, and because of the failure of peripheral blood circulation and low in calcium and potassium circulating levels. Please perform massages in the affected area, and follow a diet rich in potassium (bananas and raisins).

Week 17 of pregnancy

The appearance of the fetus increasingly looks more to the of a newborn, though his face is not yet completely defined.


In week 17 of pregnancy the fetus reaches a size between 12-16 cm, and weighs approximately 100 grams.
The common position is semiflexionada, with the hands to the height of the Chin and toes crossed below the exit of umbilical cord.
For two weeks the grease has been accumulating in the subcutaneous tissue; at this time the skin is completely opaque, although short of a time to mature. This fat accumulates in the tissue adiposo(encargado de mantener el calor corporal y regular el metabolismo deel organismo) during pregnancy and after childbirth.
The lanugo covers the entire body of the baby with a fatty substance called vernix cheesy. Water constitutes one-third of his body.
Cheesy Vernix
Substance that adheres more easily thanks to the lanugo delicate fetal skin and protects it from possible scratches, cracking, hardening and, according to some researchers, has antibacterial properties.
The activity that presents is greater; spends time asleep and time awake.


Shows the growth of the abdomen and waist loss. Maternity clothing is suited to feel more comfortable.
The uterus measured between 4 and 5 cm and its form is more oval increasingly moving up the bowel.
Can appear pain or discomfort at the abdominal level since the uterus is attached to the pelvic wall by several ligaments called round ligaments; These lengthening and thickening with pregnancy the uterus will grow causing the pain. It is recommended to sit aside when the pain; does not affect the baby.
Due to physical changes, it is usual that there is some clumsiness when walking; so it recommended comfortable shoe and avoid, for safety, the heel.
Discomfort of stomach, burning by the pressure exerted by the uterus increases in size may appear.
Hormonal activity is increased in the area of the breasts, which gradually increase in size and prepare to produce breast milk, which feed the baby after the birth.
Diagnostic tests
Between week 15-18 it is possible to make a test called amniocentesis.


Amniocentesis is the removal of amniotic fluid under an ultrasound control by means of a very thin needle that is inserted into the abdomen to the inside of the uterus. It takes a few minutes.
Specialists will determine the fetal cells existing in the amniotic fluid (come from flaking of the skin, urinary tract, etc) which are analyzed microscopically, studying the chromosome map and the possible genetic alterations. Amniocentesis is also used for the detection of infection of the fetus such as toxoplasmosis, rubella, Cytomegalovirus, etc.
This test is not done to all pregnant, but it is the specialist which determined to do it, if necessary. It is advisable when:
• Biochemical screening gives a risk of cromosopatias.
• The mother is older than 35.
• Have been detected malformations in ultrasound.
• Both parents are healthy carriers of a genetic disease.
• They have a child affected by a genetic disease.
• You must sign an informed consent before having this test.
In the following link you will find more detailed information about the necessary preparation, results, and amniocentesis-related complications.

Week 18 of pregnancy

It week 18 of pregnancy, is a special week, the baby may cry and also hear.


There have been connections between the inner ear and nerve endings of the auditory system, what will allow you to hear sounds such as: the blood through the umbilical cord or the heartbeat of the MOM. Depending on the intensity of the sounds they perceive you can reach shudder or panic, until you go assimilating new sense.
This week in the heart of the fetus presents a hole called the foramen ovale; It is an opening between the right atrium and left atrium that allows the circulation of the blood, avoiding to pass into the lungs. At the time of the birth, the hole closes and the circulatory system is divided into two halves. It occurs because during the tenure of the fetus in the mother's womb, it is not necessary to use the lungs, since necessary oxygen and nutrients are provided by the mother.
With regard to the eyes and the ears, they have already reached their final position, which coincides with the start of the hearing. It also performs facial gestures and even yawning. The formation of the vocal cords, which began in the week 15 of pregnancy, is nearly complete and could emit sounds when they cry.
The feet and legs are molded and, inside, there are dark shadows that correspond to the centers of ossification (gelatinous parts that, until now, have formed the skeleton are transformed into bone tissue), which grow towards the ends of the bones, along with cartilage.


In week 18 of pregnancy, the uterus has grown significantly, can be seen arriving two fingers below the level of the navel. The pressure has increased and therefore breathing may be somewhat more fatigued.
It is normal that the pregnant woman has won about 4 or 5 Kg of weight to arrive this week.
Some discomfort as the need for frequent urination by the compression of the uterus and constipation, intensifies. Constipation, may also favour the emergence of hemorrhoids, which are related to the increase in pressure in the rectal veins.
We recommend a diet rich in liquids, vegetables and fiber, sitz bath with cold water and salt, and local ointments, always under the supervision of the doctor.
Back pain possibly increase because of weight gain in pregnancy and amendment of the common position adopts to maintain balance.
Small red areas with multiple blood vessels inside may appear in any part of the body skin. Called spider veins or Telangiectasia; due to the increase in estrogen that promote dilation of arterioles.
Around this week 18 of pregnancy is the second ultrasound, which can analyze the anatomy of the baby and its growth rate.

5 fifth month of pregnancy

In the fifth month of pregnancy, the cellular and hormonal activity is unstoppable. Baby senses become more acute, shown more active and their movements are easier to feel. They are some new discomfort in the mother (increased vaginal discharge, swelling of legsand spots on the skin).
Fifth month
• 19 of pregnancy week
It increases the production of neurons and intensifies the senses of the baby, but you become accustomed to the maternal stimuli.
• Week 20 of pregnancy
He is "20 weeks ultrasound", the most expected by all pregnant, because discarded fetal malformations and confirm the sex of the baby.
• Week 21 of pregnancy
The meridian of the pregnancy has been exceeded, and changes to the future baby are notable, including the progressive development of their digestive system.
• Week 22 of pregnancy
The baby will begin to develop a more pronounced pattern of sleep and activity. Discover some tips for dealing with your complaints.

Week 19 of pregnancy

The baby is more active and their movements are easier to feel.


During week 19 of pregnancy, the nervous system and spinal cord are still developing. Brain cell activity intensifies; It increases the production of neurons, allowing that the brain is already similar to the adult.
The lower part of his body is thin and narrow compared with the head and torso. Bones and muscles continue to harden and developing respectively.
Some tummy is below the umbilical cord and enlarged genitals are appreciated.
The dental alveoli (where the teeth are inserted) contain baby teeth, and behind them the so-called permanent teeth buds are forming. The digestive system continues its development.
The senses of the fetus, such as view and heard, have been developed and sharpened, and it is more sensitive to light. No longer startle at certain stimuli, has familiar with the sound of the maternal heart and blood circulation of the umbilical cord.


Pregnancy week 19, cellular and hormonal activity is unstoppable. One of the annoyances feature this week is the increase of vaginal discharge; It occurs with a thicker consistency and a more yellowish than usual flow. Leukorrhea is called, and is due to the increase of blood flow to the vaginal mucosa. This increase also causes the vagina and the muscles surrounding it to acquire a purplish coloration typical of pregnancy; It is what is known as a sign of Chadwick. In addition, the major and minor labia may also occur more bulky than normal.
It is normal that this week the legs swell, and may appear varicose veins; It is venous dilation appearing in the lower limbs to hinder the return of blood to the heart. Preventing them is advisable to control weight, and avoiding standing too long.
Some pregnant women suffer heart palpitations; It seems that the cause is related to the increase in blood volume or anemia of pregnancy.
The possibility of appearing to spots on the skin increases, as a result of the activity of estrogen. It is a temporary phenomenon that does not contains any complications.
Second trimester ultrasound is done around this week, to assess the structure and fetal biometry, i.e. not only shows the measures ultrasound of the fetus, but it also diagnosed possible anomalies in its development. Knowing the sex of the baby is easier and more reliable.

Week 20 of pregnancy

Future baby in week 20 of pregnancy can be 14-18 cm and weigh approximately 260 g.


The proportions and shape of the baby are completely human. Skin still maturing resulting in two layers: the (most superficial) epidermis and the dermis.
In the epidermis begin to form the wrinkles that give rise to the characteristic patterns of each human being, what is commonly known as fingerprints. They are located in the palms of the hands, soles of the feet and toes. These wrinkles or epidermal furrows are exclusive signs of identity of each individual.
The fat begins to appear beneath the skin. Starting this week, the skin glands secrete a whitish and doughy substance called vernix caseosa; undertakes to protect the skin of the fetus against the aggression of the amniotic fluid. After the birth, the baby is covered in vernix.
With respect to the movements made by the fetus, they remain reflexes that allow you to grow and strengthen. each movement is essential for any type of deformity is not displayed in the joints.


The advance of the weeks of pregnancy implies an increase in fatigue, light back pains and problems to digestive level, due to the pressure exerted by uterus on the internal organs.
May occur dizziness, especially to incorporate bed or the stand up after sitting awhile; It is the result of a drop in pressure (hypotension) of pregnancy. It usually appears in the second quarter, although it depends on each case.
Other causes of dizziness may be due to anemia (low levels of iron in the blood) or altered levels of blood sugar. A diet rich in iron, as well as a supply of extra iron can prevent it.
It is important to follow a balanced diet and eat small amounts of food throughout the day instead of three large meals.

Tests at week 20 of pregnancy

Morphological ultrasound is performed between weeks 19 and 20 of pregnancy, although many also named it "20 weeks ultrasound". It is a routine test to be performed all pregnant women, regardless of their age or possible risk factors.
This ultrasound is the most expected by all pregnant, because it's reassuring to know that no malformations of fetal (thus reducing the anxiety of the mother) is not and reveals the sex of the baby at the same time.
Thanks to the quality and high resolution of the current ultrasound scanners, many malformations before passing unnoticed can be diagnosed.

Week 21 of pregnancy

The meridian of the pregnancy has been exceeded, and the countdown. Changes to the future baby are notable.


Week 21 of pregnancy, the fetus weighs approximately 300 g and measuring about 18 cm.
Your digestive system has developed progressively over the past few weeks, and it already allows you to swallow amniotic fluid, absorb part of the liquid in the small intestine and the rest to the large intestine. In this way, continues to grow and mature to be prepared when you make your first shot.
For the moment, it receives almost all of its nutrients through the placenta; the blood of the mother carries everything that you need for a suitable development: oxygen, minerals, vitamins, etc.
This week 21, you can open your eyes, but you only receive light; form tabs, whose function is to protect the eye.
The fetus moves with lots of freedom, and mother appreciates those movements in areas near the pubis or the upper part of the abdomen.


It already shows that the gut has increased; the abdomen acquires greater volume as the uterus grows. The navel can flatten out or leaving out in the form of hernia. May appear, in the abdominal wall, a line that seems to divide it; It is called diastasis recti (straight muscle of the abdomen are stretched sideways, and can be separated in the midline). It is not of any complication, is neither painful nor dangerous, and facilitates the perception of movements of the fetus.
The activity of the baby will be appreciated more during the night, in horizontal position.
When the mother rests, it is a pleasant moment in which it is advisable to speak to the baby, putting music, etc.
It is considered the most pleasant phase of gestation; discomfort are not as accused and certain unpleasant symptoms, such as nausea, have referred.
Diagnostic tests in the week 21 of pregnancy
The cordocentesis or funiculocentesis is a diagnostic test invasive that is carried out starting from the 20th week of pregnancy (not before, since now the umbilical cord has a large enough as to access it) through ultrasound control, and with an informed parental consent.
It consists of extracting blood from the vein of the umbilical cord through a needle that passes through the abdominal wall and the wall of the uterus.
It serves to detect genetic abnormalities, blood diseases, infections and Rh incompatibility. Its advantage over the amniocentesis is that you get a faster result.
This test is mainly performed in preparation for diagnosis to confirm a suspected ultrasound, and also has a therapeutic use, such as treatment of some diseases of the fetus.

Week 22 of pregnancy

From week 22 of pregnancy the baby will begin to develop a more pronounced pattern of sleep and activity, inactivity and rest periods combined with periods of activity, which will especially appreciate when the MOM is resting.


The fetus weighs about 350 grams and measures approximately 22 cm.
As the eyelids, eyelashes and eyebrows facial features are distinguished. The nails of the fingers are also visible.
The bones and muscles are still strengthening and developing; Hence the movements of the fetus are more marked.
An important feature of this week is to heighten the senses of the fetus, emphasizing touch and taste; the taste buds are developing.
In the previous weeks, the stimuli produced reflex responses; now, however, the brain processes stimuli, that translates into feelings, thanks to the development of the limbic system. The limbic system is a brain system that manages the physiological responses to the reception of different emotions; in the coming weeks of pregnancy the fetus will experience mood changes, related to processed emotions.
The liver continues to prepare to metabolize bilirubin and bile (which is responsible for digesting food), produce process which will not start until shortly before the birth. Therefore premature infants are more likely to become yellow (called jaundice), since his liver is still too immature to metabolize bilirubin, which is increased in their blood levels.
If the baby is a girl, both ovaries and the uterus will be placed in its appropriate place. If it's a male, throughout this week begins the descent of testes from the abdominal area to the scrotal sacs, place where the testicles will be staying.


The uterus is located above the navel and will become increasingly more apparent movement.
Normally, at this point in the pregnancy the waist has been lost and has gained around 5 or 6 kilos.
The inner pressure continues to increase, affecting the circulatory system; wrists and ankles may swell, especially at the end of the day.
Many hours of foot can cause great heaviness of legs and even tingling in the feet and hands; It is due to the compression of the veins by the uterus, which hinders the venous reflux, and hormonal changes.
Sometimes, the swelling and heaviness can result in the appearance of varicose veins.
Breathing, fatigue and tiredness are made more obvious, like back pain, something that is linked to weight gain, overload the muscles of the back, and the variation affecting the spine.
The MOM tips:
• Stretch your legs when sitting, making movements with your feet up and down, or in a circle, to facilitate venous return.
• Walking an hour a day to brisk and avoiding many hours standing without moving.
• When lying down, put a pillow under your feet.
• Insert the feet and hands in cold water with sea salt may decrease swelling and sensation of heaviness.
• A lymphatic massage applied correctly can also improve circulation and reduce swelling.
• Compression stockings worn for pregnant can facilitate venous return and mitigate the heaviness.
• A diet low in salt, and drink at least one litre and a half of water a day.
• A diet rich in vitamins C, E and B5 helps to regenerate the fibers of collagen and elastin, more effectively preventing stretch marks. It is also advisable to use specific creams.

Stretch marks

The skin tends to yield and formed cutaneous atrophies, which appear as thin whitish lines located in the epidermis. The rapid increase in weight and volume, and the dryness that may be skin, cause the fibers of collagen and elastin, hence breaks stretch marks.

6. sixth month of pregnancy

In the sixth month of pregnancy, the baby measures begin to be more proportionate. In these weeks develops its maximum activity. In addition, already you can hear you, so it is important to go talking and taking contact with him to get used to his mother. At this point the mother should already be targeted birth preparation classes.
Sixth month of pregnancy
• Week 23 of pregnancy
The skin acquires relevance and begins to color thanks to the action of melanin, at the time that the lungs develop.
• Week 24 of pregnancy
Although it is still very small, starting this week is considered viable and is quite likely to survive in the event of a premature birth.
• Week 25 of pregnancy
Stretch marks, itching, gas and heartburn are some of the inconveniences facing the mother. Here are the solutions.
• Week 26 of pregnancy
The baby sleeps most of the time and the mother will feel more vital. Be ruled out using the test of O'Sullivan that there is gestational diabetes.
• Week 27 of pregnancy
It is a good time for a 3D ultrasound done because the development of the fetus and the amount of amniotic fluid allows for adequate visibility.

Week 23 of pregnancy

She is less so that the end of the sixth month of pregnancy, and the baby measures begin to be more proportionate.


In week 23 of pregnancy, the baby can already hear his mother; you have hardened the bones of the ear. It is important to talk, to tell stories, etc; ultimately, take contact with him by the sound of the voice to go getting used to his mother.
His measures begin to be proportionate, and this week reaches a length approximately between 20 and 24 cm, with a weight of 350-400 g.
During week 23 of pregnancy becomes relevant the skin, which begins to colorize thanks to the action of melanin (protein responsible for pigment the skin, hair, and the iris of the eyes) produced by melanocytes. The type of melanin and its concentration will determine the final color of the skin.
The skin covering the body still is thin and wrinkled. The lanugo covers the baby's body completely.
Another remarkable event this week is the lung development, allowing you to breathe the baby after the birth.
The alveoli begin their development and begins to form a substance that covers them, called surfactant; This substance allows stability pulmonary alveoli remain open, allowing gas exchange and oxygenation.
It continues the transformation of the cartilaginous bones, that are hardening and transforming into bone tissue which, together with the tightening of the muscles, provides fetal movements.
Amniotic fluid continues to maintain proper temperature baby and uterus makes a perfect place for baby to continue its development.


During week 23 of pregnancy, the breast is well, since they have gone the discomfort of the first quarter and still does not experience the drudgery of the end of the pregnancy.
The uterus is about 22 cm, and it is normal that there is tightness level rib and in the pubic area. Some pregnant women confuse these discomforts with uterine contractions.
The increased pressure causes blood circulation is slow in the lower extremities, with the consequent appearance of varicose veins.
At this point it is suitable that the breast is targeted birth preparation classes, since the baby can move.

Week 24 of pregnancy

The baby develops its peak between 24 and 28 weeks. As the weeks passed, the baby starts to have less space to move around, kicking...
Fingerprints are formed.


The fetus weighs about 600 grams and measures about 25 centimeters. Although it is still very small, starting this week is considered viable and is quite likely to survive in the event of a premature birth.
In week 24 of pregnancy, the sense of balance is already developed to the ear internal, specifically the semicircular ducts, has completed his education.
As a result of the sense of balance appears orientation; the baby already known if it is found face-up or face-down.
In short, until this week all the senses of the fetus have been developed.
The senses allow future baby sense stimuli that plays abroad, and accelerates their learning.
The view, however, not matured completely, but the baby is already capable of opening and closing the eyes.
In terms of lung development, which began last week, the pulmonary alveoli will terminate form.
Baby still has plenty of space that allows you to move from one side to the other, turn, turn, kicking and change position several times a day.


The MOM increasingly supports more weight; as a result, back pain can be more noticeable. In addition, swelling in the feet, even cramps in the calves, which are due to circulatory difficulties can manifest itself. They are transient discomfort that can decrease walking, avoiding remain long foot, etc.
It is normal that from this moment appears anemia; baby demands are increasingly older and need more iron for its development, therefore iron levels fall in the blood of the mother, well because it decreases the number of red blood cells, either because these carry less amount of iron.
Starting this week you can practice a (O'Sullivan test) test to check blood glucose levels and to detect the possible existence of gestational diabetes.

Week 25 of pregnancy

Week 25 of pregnancy the baby makes many gestures, which can be seen on ultrasound, and increasingly are more noticeable movements, since you still have enough space to move and change position.


Open your eyes, which already have tabs, though its color is not defined and will vary during the first weeks after birth.
In week 25 of pregnancy, already have well-developed ear and clearly hears the sounds coming from the mother's body, as well as the noise causing it to move in the amniotic fluid, since sound waves are transmitted at a higher rate in this fluid in the air. The voice of his mother stands out from the rest of foreign sounds, and the baby will recognize it when it is born.
Its weight reaches 700 grams and measures about 26 centimeters.


The uterus continues to grow, as well as the abdomen, where the dreaded stretch marks may arise. The tension in the skin, due to the increase in volume, also originates itching, which can be alleviated by applying creams, which serve to improve stretch marks and attempt to make these disappear after childbirth.
Arise typical inconveniences of this stage as gas and heartburn, due to pressure exercised by the uterus on the intestines and stomach. On the other hand, progesterone (a hormone responsible for preparing the uterus for implantation of the fertilized egg) negatively influences the digestive tract; slows down digestion, and prevents entry into the stomach valve is closed properly, which causes stomach acids to go up into the esophagus and cause what is known as heartburn or heartburn.
To prevent these nuisances as far as possible, it is suitable to distribute food in several intakes per day (not very abundant), avoid foods and beverages flatulentas, sleep with made digestion, and take infusions of anise and fennel.

Week 26 of pregnancy

In week 26 of pregnancy, the baby spends most of the time sleeping, but when the mother is awake note it because it has acquired more force and their "kicks" are quite more powerful than in previous weeks.


Already measured between 26 and 28 centimeters and weighs 900 grams. Your five senses are fully developed. Moves with power and captures easily the external stimuli. In addition, finger, sucks since it purchased the reflection of suction.
The eyebrows and eyelashes can be seen clearly and the hair is longer and more abundant.
From the week 26 of pregnancy, you will gradually increase the body fat, to be able to adapt to temperature change when you leave the womb.


Deepens back pain and discomfort may appear in the pelvis, due to the increase of weight and pressure from the uterus. Also increases the frequency of urination, although the amount of urine in each urination is scarce. This is because the bladder is compressed by the uterus.
Constipation is another common problem, since the rectum is also pressed, and iron supplements usually taking pregnant women, cause constipation in some people.
Despite these drawbacks, the breast will feel more beautiful and vital during this stage. It is convenient that it rests properly and sleeping, it is best that you place on your left side to facilitate blood circulation.

Week 26 of pregnancy tests

If high glucose levels are detected when the O'Sullivan test, repeated test taking higher amounts of glucose; It is what is known as "glucose curve". Between 2 and 5 percent of pregnant women will suffer diabetes gestational and, for this reason, it is necessary to perform these measurements, since this condition does not produce symptoms. Where gestational diabetes is diagnosed, the doctor will order a proper diet and regular checks.
Diabetes usually disappears after the birth, but in some cases remains, so that women who have experienced it during pregnancy must be carried out new evidence a few weeks after the birth of your baby.

Week 27 of pregnancy

It week 27 of pregnancy, is the first week of the third quarter, and the appearance of the baby is very similar to will have at birth, but in miniature.


It has hiccups, and sometimes MOM can perceive it because it produces spasms, although it's a soundproof hiccups because the lungs, still being developed, have no air inside. The fetus gets oxygen through the umbilical cord and the placenta.
It measures approximately 30 cm and already weighs 1 kilo. In this third quarter, your weight will increase at a rate of 250 to 300 grams per week.
Your skin appears smoother thanks to the fat that is accumulating under it, and already you can feel your heart beat by placing the ear on the mother's abdomen.


The most significant change occurs in the breast, which has almost tripled its size since the start of the pregnancy. The breast areola has also increased and has darkened, like nipples. The downside is stretch marks may appear on the chest.
Changes in mood, so frequent at the beginning of pregnancy, are also common in this stage. This phenomenon is closely related to the MOM's concern for the welfare of the baby, as well as the hormonal changes of pregnancy and childbirth.
It is also a characteristic swelling of feet, legs and ankles, weight gain and fluid retention. The pressure of the womb on the veins hinders the blood circulation and originates this retention.

Week 27 of pregnancy tests

1 in 20 pregnancies shows a complication known as preeclampsia or toxemia, which consists of pregnancy-induced hypertension and that, in severe cases, can be fatal to both mother and baby. For this reason, it is important to monitor blood pressure and check if there is protein in the urine, which are signs of pre-eclampsia. The symptoms that can make suspect to the pregnant woman are: strong headaches, sudden swelling of the face or hands, blurred vision and severe stomach pain. It is also a good time for a 3D ultrasound done because the development of the fetus and the amount of amniotic fluid allows for adequate visibility.

7 seventh month of pregnancy

From the seventh month of pregnancy, the fetus is facing the last trimester of pregnancy. His brain develops rapidly, disappears the lanugo covers your skin and increasing your body fat. Meanwhile, the mother feels heavier each day, and death muscle pain is frequent. Starting this month the fetal survival in case of a premature birth is approaching 90%.
Seventh month of pregnancy
• Week 28 of pregnancy
They begin to feel Braxton Hicks contractions and insomnia and other complications related to maternal weight gain may appear.
• Week 29 of pregnancy
The baby begins to fit within the uterus, positioning itself for the future birth. MOM will have to control weight gain, stretch marks and hemorrhoids.
• Week 30 of pregnancy
The ultrasound of the third quarter, which enables you to determine whether the growth of the fetus and the situation and functionality of the placenta are correct is already possible.
• Week 31 of pregnancy
If it's a pregnancy risk, through different methods you should begin to monitor fetal well-being and be alert if necessary to expedite delivery.

Week 28 of pregnancy

As of week 28 of pregnancy, the fetal survival in case of a premature birth is approaching 90%.


The brain of the fetus develops quickly, and your nervous system is similar to the of a newborn. The disappearance of the lanugo and increased body fat makes its appearance more rounded.
In week 28 of pregnancy baby measures approximately 35 cm and weighs 1,250 grams.
He is very receptive to the sounds that come from the outside, their movements are increasingly intense and they may do harm to the mother, which is able to distinguish more clearly the periods of sleep and activity of its small.


The abdomen has increased considerably, MOM feels heavier each day, and death muscle aches and, above all, back pain is frequent.
If in the first trimester of pregnancy, it was normal that the pregnant woman feel the need to sleep more hours than usual, now, on the contrary, it is frequent that I suffer insomnia, which increases the fatigue generated by the overweight. Several factors favour its appearance: the acidity of stomach, the difficulty in finding a position that is comfortable to you, muscle cramps and back pain, heart rate increased, urination... In any case, it is convenient to sleep on its side, on the left side, because it facilitates blood circulation and prevents the uterus rests on the liver (which is located on the right side).
Called Braxton Hicks contractions, may start even though some women begin to notice them much earlier (around the fifth or sixth month of pregnancy). It's muscle contractions that prepare the uterus for delivery. They are not painful and are perceived as a tightening of the abdomen that lasts between 30 and 60 seconds.

Week 29 of pregnancy

Week 29 of pregnancy, the baby's head is still large with respect to the size of the rest of the body, although less now is to achieve proportionality.


It weighs approximately 1,500 grams and round 40 cm.
He began to engage in utero, positioning for the future birth, normally with your head upside down, by which their "kicks" will be directed towards the ribs of the mother. Its position can vary, although increasingly have less space to move inside the uterus due to the constant increase in size during these last weeks.
Your lungs continue doing rhythmic movements that mimic breathing, and allow that baby get to breathe when it is born.
His ear is highly developed and, although you can not see, can already distinguish the clarity of the darkness.


Week 29 of pregnancy, the dreaded stretch marks are most evident. The relaxation of the skin because of the volume of the abdomen and breast increase causes these white lines, which are extremely difficult to remove after pregnancy. It should, therefore, prevent to the extent possible, and see a specialist to employ the most suitable for each type of skin products.
Constipation and pressure from the uterus can also favour the emergence or worsening of hemorrhoids. A diet rich in fiber and perform moderate exercise can alleviate this common problem in pregnancy. A balanced diet will also help control weight gain which is more pronounced in the last trimester of pregnancy.

Week 30 of pregnancy

In week 30 of pregnancy, the lungs are not mature, so if there is a premature birth will be necessary to use corticosteroids to accelerate his maturation.


This last trimester of pregnancy is characterized by the growth of the fetus, weighing significantly increases week by week. You can already reach 1,800 grams, and measuring 42 cm.
They begin to develop the olfactory neurons, which will serve the baby to appreciate odors.
Continues to grow the amount of fat in the body of the fetus, and the swallows amniotic fluid cause hiccups several times a day.


It is normal to MOM to gain more weight in these last few weeks, around half a kilo per week.
They may appear varicose veins in the legs because it slows down the blood circulation, so it is very convenient to walk, and avoid garments and footwear which constrain the legs and obstruct the venous return.
Kinds of birth preparation, which normally begin in this last quarter, they resolved the doubts of parents about pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium, and give them tips on breastfeeding and baby care. They also teach the pregnant breathing and relaxation techniques to control pain during childbirth.
It is very important to perform exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor, such as Kegel exercises, and the perineal massage, are also very beneficial to relax that area and prepare it for delivery. Combining both techniques, it is possible to decrease tears and reduce the incidence of episiotomy.

Week 30 of pregnancy tests

Around week 30 of pregnancy, third trimester ultrasound is already possible. It is very important, since measuring the head, abdomen and fetus femur and calculate approximately the same weight to determine if his growth has been right. In addition, checks the situation and function of the placenta. This is important because the placenta may be wrong (placenta praevia), and cause bleeding, as well as the possibility to hinder the proper development of the fetus in the last weeks of pregnancy, or rush delivery.

Week 31 of pregnancy

During week 31 of pregnancy, the fetus tends to be already positioned in the position which is known as "cephalic", i.e., upside down, that is the correct position for the birth.


The maturity of your brain is an increasing, making the movements of the arms and legs are more frequent and the breast feel kicks more often. In addition, you already have a considerable size which lets you see how flashes or gestures on the ultrasound.
The color of his skin has gone from red to pinkish, and fat gain makes its appearance smooth, wrinkle-free.
Lungs start ripened to the form of surfactant, a substance needed to breathing outside the womb's time.
The foetus measures about 44 cm and his weight round the two kilos. During the rest of the week you will not gain weight and grow in length.


Approximately in week 31 of pregnancy begins the more annoying mother pregnancy period because it feels heavy and is more difficult to rest deeply at night.
As the baby often already have been turned over, his head begins to press the bladder, and this makes that MOM has to go to the bathroom more often. It is necessary then to increase the hygiene of the intimate parts to avoid possible urine infections, which are common in this period of pregnancy. This intimate areas with water and neutral SOAP as usual, should be washed as well as use little fitted cotton underwear and avoid intimate deodorants that can irritate the area.
The secretion of colostrums through nipples can increase, and now moms will notice is heavier and swollen yet, since they are preparing to nurse the baby after the birth.

Week 31 of pregnancy tests

During week 31 of pregnancy control, will be by ultrasound in the third quarter, if this has not been done the previous week.
If it's a pregnancy risk, either by the health of the mother or baby, you must begin to monitor fetal well-being and be alert if necessary to expedite delivery. There are different methods for the well-being of the fetus:
Not stressful Test: consists of placing records in the gut of the breast to detect the heartbeat of the baby and its response to uterine contractions.
Biophysical profile: in it are valued by ultrasound body, breathing movements, the amount of amniotic fluid and fetal heart rate.
Eco-Doppler: is an ultrasound that allows to know how blood flows by the fetus and thus detecting small alterations that indicate possible future complications.
These and other tests are not performed in normal pregnancies until week 38 of the life of the fetus.

8 eighth month of pregnancy

Bodies and major systems of the baby are quite developed, why at this point the fetus could leave the uterus in preterm labor with many chances of survival without sequelae. Increase discomfort and tiredness for the expectant mother, so it will need more rest and more family support than ever before.
Eighth month of pregnancy
• Week 32 of pregnancy
The baby continues to increase its growing in length and accumulating fat weight it to be protected when it is born.
• Week 33 of pregnancy
It is the most annoying for MOM period, especially if it is early, since not a few annoyances that had not expected the previous weeks.
• Week 34 of pregnancy
This is the final leg of the pregnancy. The baby is ready to be born and prospective parents must already have everything ready to receive him.
• Week 35 of pregnancy
The mother's body begins to prepare for childbirth and the contractions become more frequent, without that necessarily mean that the time has come.
• Week 36 of pregnancy
MOM will be tremendously upset, while the baby begins its descent toward the uterus. Any sign of disease must watch with magnifying glass.

Week 32 of pregnancy

Arrival week 32 of pregnancy, the fetus could leave the uterus in a premature birth, although usually inject corticosteroids to ensure complete lung maturation.


Bodies and major systems of the baby are quite developed and the lungs may already have sufficient amount of surfactant, which makes them valid breathing free air and would already be possible to give birth to the baby and that it had many chances of survival without sequelae, although it would be a premature birth.
The baby continues to increase its weight, growing in length and accumulating fat that is going to protect when she is born through the birth canal and also will serve as insulation against temperatures lower than that exist outside the uterus. It already reaches 46 centimeters and weighs approx. 2200 g, but now the differences in size and weight between different babies are more obvious.


MOM has increased its volume of blood by 40%. If we add also the other retained liquids, 6-8 liters of total retained body fluids can be achieved easily. After delivery, you will lose them little by little. Also starting this week the blood pressure of the breast will no longer decrease and will increase to normal values presenting before the pregnancy.
Although hemorrhoids have not been a problem so far, in these last few weeks is more likely to appear, due to the increase of the blood pressure in the hemorrhoidal veins due to the weight of the uterus and the slowing down of blood circulation. It should take into account that sedentary and constipation also favour the emergence of hemorrhoids, and try to avoid them.
Many pregnant also observed body hair growth, and increased density of the hair of the head; This is due to a hormonal stimulation and disappears after childbirth.

Week 32 of pregnancy tests

In week 32 of pregnancy, the only test to perform is to repeat the Coombs test if at the beginning of the pregnancy came out negative. If the Coombs test is still negative, it will be necessary immunoprophylaxis of Rh to the mother when the time comes.
To avoid several trips to the gynecological consultation, ultrasound of the third quarter and the Coombs test are usually performed in a same inquiry.

Week 33 of pregnancy

It is the most annoying for MOM period, especially if it is early, since not a few annoyances that had not expected the previous weeks.


During week 33 of pregnancy, the baby still increasing weight and growing in length; easily reach the 43 cm and weighs about 2 kg.
The kidneys work perfectly and come to excrete up to 500 milliliters of fetal urine a day, which is the fundamental component of the amniotic fluid where the baby is immersed. This amniotic fluid is being swallowed by the baby to mature your digestive, but there is a greater amount of amniotic fluid, which swallow the fetus, so little by little the uterus contains amniotic fluid.
Your digestive system begins to function normally and is Lee, who are known as meconium. Baby not eject feces and retains them in their intestines until after birth. If the ejected before it is a sign that has lost its welfare, and is also bad to your skin and eyes come into contact with meconium.


MOM still gained weight and soon will reach its maximum value. This makes that you get tired more easily and that the joints of the legs are sore from having to make one greater effort. The rest, therefore, must be more frequent, better with her legs high to reduce fluid retention in the ankles.
Back pain, lumbago, also occur frequently, since the weight of the casing power pain. To alleviate it, MOM should consult their physician what medicines can be taken. Bathrooms with warm water, are also advisable that they relax the back, relieving pain.
This week the uterus reaches its greatest height in the pregnant belly and reaches the bottom edge of ribs, making it difficult to breath of the mother not to expand the lungs more easily. Occasionally, you may feel short of breath and need to rest. You can elevate the head of the bed for better breathing at night.
With all these, it is normal that MOM feels tired and have bad mood. Family support during this last stage of pregnancy is very important to make it more manageable.

Week 34 of pregnancy

Week 34 of pregnancy, It can be cosiderada as the beginning of the final stretch. The baby is ready to be born and the prospective parents must already have everything ready to receive him.


This week, the baby receives mother large quantities of immunoglobulins and other substances very necessary to create natural defenses that protect you from germs out of the womb. These substances are transferred across the placenta throughout pregnancy, but now the placenta is larger and it has small cracks where can circular molecules more easily.
The baby's growth is unstoppable, already about 46 centimeters and overcomes the 2'5 kgs. Being so large, the uterus starts to stay small and is normal for MOM to feel less movements and kicks. Anyway, if you notice the sudden and total disappearance of movements of the baby are you must seek medical advice quickly to assess the status of the fetus.


Discomfort are unchanged from the week before, in any case have increased, so the irritability is usually greater. It is important that MOM does not sacrifice quality of life despite this and find activities that are fun and comfortable.
The energy needs of the baby and the mother are very large at this time of pregnancy and it is very important that MOM drink water and eat enough. It's normal that MOM feels hunger several times a day, and is good to quench it with a balanced diet that your doctor will recommend. It is also important that you carry a bottle of water to moisturize frequently; This does not increase the water retention that the mother, suffers to some poorly informed people can say otherwise.

Evidence in week 34 of pregnancy

It begins the final stretch of the pregnancy and tests performed in the gynecological consultations throughout this last quarter are intended to prevent complications during childbirth and after it.
Around this week the gynaecologist will take samples with an algodonado stick of the entrance of the vagina and the year. These samples are studied in a laboratory to find a germ: Streptococcus agalactiae. This germ can cause illness to the newborn if comes into contact with it during childbirth. So, if MOM has the germ, you should take an antibiotic that delete it prior to delivery.

Week 35 of pregnancy

Week 35 of pregnancy is normal childbirth, can advance both the baby and the mother are prepared for this, although it is better that the baby continue developing in the womb


The only task remaining baby is grow and grow. It measures already 47 cm and weighs about 2700 grams.
His head began to engage in the pelvis of the mother. To do this, place your side head and neck slightly flexed, as cramped. So you're ready when the labor begins, and will advance easily through the pelvis. However, in mothers who have already had a pregnancy before the baby's head not will click into the pelvis until a few weeks later. This happens because the baby has more room in the Uteri that have previously hosted other babies.
His entire body is covered by a white common butterwort, which remains after the birth, and which facilitates slipping between the bones and muscles of the mother during birth.


The contractions occur more frequently, without implying that the time of delivery is more or less close. Anyway, if they are very frequent, last long, or simply cast doubt to the breast, it is good that you see your doctor so that report and explore if necessary.
The body begins to prepare for childbirth. Therefore, the cervix begins to dilate and shortened so that, when the time comes, the baby can extricate him. Moreover, the articulations of the pelvis gain elasticity. It is a good time to practice pelvic thrusts of rolling and other exercises that taught in childbirth classes.
It is not so rare that birth later to these dates, so it's best to begin to prepare the House for the arrival of the baby.

Week 35 of pregnancy tests

From week 35 of pregnancy, obstetrical consultation will be every 1-3 weeks. In them, the doctor will assess dilatation and shortening of the cervix with scanning and ultrasound. Any sign that make suspect the onset of other diseases in the breast should be measured, to avoid problems in childbirth or to directly affect the baby's health.

Week 36 of pregnancy

MOM will be tremendously upset this week, while the baby begins its descent toward the uterus.


With each contraction, the baby will fall and will fit you deeper and deeper into the pelvis. In addition, will begin to tilt his head to both sides to put dent in the neck of the womb.
Sometimes, the baby does not head into the pelvis, but it has feet. If it is located as well this week, already considered that the birth will be breech. The breech birth is somewhat more complex natural vaginally and has more complications, so it almost always opts for a Cesarean in these cases, it is safer. At other times, although much more rare, baby is on hand, with feet and head to the same height, making it essential that the delivery is by caesarean section.
Babies who are already in week 36 of pregnancy vary greatly in length and weight, but tend to haunt the 48 centimeters in length and almost reach the 3 kg of weight.


If MOM was uncomfortable in the past weeks, pregnancy is now really annoying and MOM will want to get the time delivery as soon as possible, and thus see the face of your baby.
The cervix will decrease, still shrinking, and hormonal changes are still favoring muscles and tendons and ligaments, internal and external, to achieve the necessary elasticity at the time of delivery.

Week 36 of pregnancy tests

It is important to be alert to any signs or symptoms that indicate that the mother has contracted a new disease. Even with a simple cold call the doctor that provide the most appropriate medication at this point in the pregnancy.
It is in these days when testing for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis C, should be repeated if MOM has lived at risk these last months. If you give positive, you have to choose the safest treatment option for mother and baby, as well as the method of delivery to less risk involves for both, which is usually the caesarean section.

9 ninth month of pregnancy

In the ninth month of pregnancy, increases fatigue, contractions and checkups are intensified. Delivery can occur anytime from now, so it is important that you are ready to begin the adventure of parenting.
Ninth month of pregnancy
• Week 37 of pregnancy
Checkups are intensified and help to know approximately when will be the day of the birth of the baby who is about to arrive.
• Week 38 of pregnancy
Contractions are becoming more frequent, so you have to be vigilant and go to a hospital if symptoms indicate that delivery is next.
• Week 39 of pregnancy
The baby is already fully developed, so the birth is imminent. If deemed necessary the gynaecologist may decide to advance it.
• Week 40 of pregnancy
If at this point the baby has still not born, probably doctors decide to enter the mother and result in the labour using medicines.

Week 37 of pregnancy

Delivery can occur at any time from now. The medical checks are frequent and help to know approximately when will be the day of the birth.


The baby, which easily reaches the 50 cm of length and the 3 kg of weight, has the head embedded in the pelvis, either the new MOM or not. At this time, it is very important to know very well their size to know if you have or no problems to pass through the pelvis, the cervix and vagina.
Their movements are already very scarce because the space in the uterus is very small, but still occur. His neck is flexed more, to leave the Crown in the tip that advances through the pelvis, and press water that is under it so you go by shortening and erasing of the cervix.


These days the breast will feel some relief for breathing. This improvement occurs because, on the descent of the baby into the pelvis, the uterus compresses the lungs less and is easier to breathe deeply. However, the descent of the baby makes the bladder of the breast is compressed more and urinate more often still. It is also normal to feel more heaviness on the buttocks and pelvis, causing you difficulties to get out of the seat.
Any home remedy has proven to accelerate delivery, although walking and staying active is healthy and can help expedite the birth of the baby. Certain medicines and natural substances Yes may precipitate labor, but this is very dangerous for the baby and the mother, and only a doctor can determine if it is necessary to get ahead a childbirth.

Week 37 of pregnancy tests

Visits to the specialist always will be carried out explorations of the cervix because this is which provides more information to find out if delivery is next. Ultrasound shows how to measure cervical length, and if it has already begun to fade by the advance of the baby's head.
It is also common to use the amnioscopio. It is a tube that is inserted through the cervix and allows you to see inside of it. So you can check what color has the amniotic fluid, which should always be clear like water. If it is brown or green may indicate an infection, or that the baby has expelled the meconium, which means she has lost their well-being on the inside of the uterus.

Week 38 of pregnancy

Week 38 of pregnancy is very common that childbirth. In fact, MOM feel that contractions are becoming more frequent, so you have to be very careful and go to the hospital if you think that your symptoms may indicate that delivery is next.


The uterus is no longer indispensable environment so that it continues the maturation of the baby. Some devices continue their development after birth, such as the nervous system, but the baby is now able to live outside the uterus normally.
Its size depends on the set of the development of pregnancy and own fathers inheritance, but will continue growing and gaining weight until the last day of pregnancy. The average length is 50 cm and the weight is 3300 grams.


At this point in the pregnancy the mother feel one thing especially: fatigue. You will have difficulties to rest at night, and during the day the minimum effort is large. The most common is that MOM has no desire to do anything, and the best thing can do is stay relaxed and resting face childbirth.
Any symptoms that do think the MOM that labor has begun, is sufficient to consult the doctor, it is best to prevent pregnancy is so advanced.
As in the rest of the pregnancy, but giving greater importance if it is worth, the hygiene of the private parts should exercise. At this time the vaginal discharge is thick and abundant, is urine frequently, and the holes are dilated. Proper hygiene prevents infections that hamper the development of a normal delivery. It is also important that the MOM know if ever had a genital herpes, and be attentive if these days you notice typical itching that indicates that it will repeat is an outbreak.

Week 38 of pregnancy tests

He is added to gynecological exams and Ultrasound also the CTG's baby registry. It consists of placing the mother some detectors by his gut so to register the baby's heart rate and contractions of the uterus. It is normal when the womb shrinks, the heart of the baby to beat faster for a few seconds. This indicates that everything is fine and that the baby has a good state of health.

Week 39 of pregnancy

In week 39 of pregnancy, the baby is already fully developed, so delivery is imminent, although it may move or be delayed a few days.


His maturity is complete and the uterus is no longer only a space for the baby, but now it may be a little environment, since the size and development of the foetus is such that, on occasions, the placenta is unable to provide the nutrients necessary for the welfare of the baby in the breast.
The head is located just steps from the exit of the womb. Bones forming it are tough enough to protect the brain during childbirth and, at the same time, are not United strongly as in the adult, but it can be fitted between them to make smaller your headband.
The umbilical cord will continue to function normally until a few minutes after birth.


The body of the mother will experience feelings or symptoms indicating the start of the birth.
Uterine contractions are more frequent and intense, and it can be somewhat painful. The contractions help that the baby's head still more snaps in the pelvis, and to go down slowly. In addition, the cervix will be increasingly softer and that facilitate that when it reaches the time of delivery can expand without problems.
It is normal that before birth MOM spot with a little blood underwear; This is because the mucous plug that blocks the opening of the uterus are expelled. The desire to go to the bathroom are more frequent during the remainder of the pregnancy because the baby's head is located so far down that prevents the bladder to hold much urine. The baby also compresses much the pelvis, and muscle cramps that hinder that MOM can walk normally are frequent.
In addition to the above, MOM will feel very uncomfortable and nervous, with a restlessness that will ease once begin childbirth. If in doubt about whether childbirth has begun or not, it is better to go to the nearest hospital to dispel doubts and if so being attended with guarantees.


At this point in the pregnancy the doctor will check the woman every three days, or even every day, to check that the baby is well and still can be expected to delivery to start itself only. Sometimes, the gynecologist decides that do make childbirth administered to the pregnant hormones like oxytocin, because the baby is not well within the uterus, or for other medical reasons. The breast must be well informed the motives and the method that will be used to advance the delivery, as well as the possible alternatives.

Week 40 of pregnancy

Today it is very rare that a fetus reaches to comply the 40 weeks of gestational age, do not occur naturally, physicians prefer to cause labor with drugs, because they consider that it is better that the baby is already outside the mother for the sake of both.


As long as it remains inside the womb, the baby will grow if all goes well. This is not entirely positive that if it grows a lot it will be trickier to get out through the birth canal.


The feelings that you had the previous week continue equal or increase. It is frequent that if delivery has not occurred yet is decided upon the entry of the mother in a hospital. It is better, since it has greater control over the State of the baby and MOM, and you can attend with immediate delivery. In addition, MOM can relax better and feel more peaceful to be monitored by the physician. The rest of the breast should be absolute, so will spend almost the whole day lying or, in any case, sitting.


The medical supervision of the mother and the baby is constant. Several tests are performed to MOM to check the welfare of the baby:
Amnioscopio: is a tube that is inserted in the uterus to check that the appearance of the amniotic fluid is appropriate. The head of the baby near the entrance to the uterus can be at this point in the pregnancy.
Registration CTG: placed sensors in the gut of the breast to observe the reaction causing uterine contractions on the rhythm of the heartbeat of the baby. Sometimes the doctor causes contractions with drugs to make sure that the baby is well.
Ultrasound: is very important, especially to see the placenta is still functioning properly and has not collapsed. You can also see if the umbilical cord is tangled in the baby, which could hinder the delivery.
Eco-Doppler: is a type of special ultrasound that shows how blood flows by the placenta, umbilical cord, and the body of the baby. So you can know if your baby is still getting the breast enough blood to feed him and give him oxygen.
It is very important, in addition to medical control and the necessary tests for monitoring fetal well-being, that MOM is in a calm and familiar atmosphere. The family should be at your side during these last days of pregnancy, providing emotional support.
Traduction authorized by the website: MedlinePlus
Note: This translation is provided for educational purposes and may be imprecise and inaccurate.
Disclaimer: The information provided herein should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition.