What is the Meaning of: Namesake | Concept and Definition of: Namesake

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

Homonym is an adjective that allows to designate two or more persons or things of the same name. The term comes from the homonymus latin which in turn is taken from a Greek word.
For example: "the argentine team River Plate must meet with his namesake of the Uruguay. This phrase refers to a likely clash between Club Atlético River Plate of the Argentina, based in the city of Buenos Aires, and the Club Atlético River Plate of the Uruguay, based in Montevideo. These two clubs are homonymous due to share the same name.
Another example: "the Foo Fighters have started with a homonymous disk. In this case, the American rock group Foo Fighters named his first album under his own name ("Foo Fighters"). However, the Group and the disk in question are homonymous.
Homograph homonyms are words which are written in the same way but who do not want to say the same thing. "Palace" is an example. This Word can be used in phrases such as "your House looks like a Palace" or "this wine is a delight for my palate".
Homophonic homonyms, on the other hand, are words that coincide from the phonological point of view while that may or may not be homographs: "Marie kitchen pasta as a person!", 'children, do you know to tell me how many legs a horse?'. "
Partial namesakes are terms that are distinguished both by their sense that by their grammatical category, while full homonyms belong to the same grammatical category, but their meanings are different.
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