What is the Meaning of: Privilege | Concept and Definition of: Privilege

Meanings, definitions, concepts of daily use

Privilege, from the latin privilegĭum, is a special advantage or an exemption from a duty enjoyed by someone through the concession of a superior or by his own capacity and circumstance. The term is also used to refer to the document containing the granting of this privilege.
There are many ways to understand the concept of privilege. In a judicial or regulatory sense, the privilege may be special permission granted by the authorities. The privileged, therefore, have better conditions than ordinary citizens.
By extension, means class privileged one that has more power and wealth and which, therefore, is an elite. In the former regime, the nobility and the clergy were privileged classes and were maintained by the third State (the plebeians).
Nowadays, the upper class is the privileged social group. Means high society all those who have the economic means and production, which have access to any type of services, living in comfortable houses, which have economies, etc. Less privileged people or non-privileged, however, belong to the lower classes: they are poor, they have no access to health services or education, they live in substandard housing and are, most of the time, unemployed.
Beyond the socio - political conditions and the exercise of power, a privilege can be a natural and innate ability. Examples: "Diego Maradona is born with privilege to dominate the ball at will", "Having absolute pitch is a privilege that I have to thank nature."
Note: This translation is provided for educational purposes and may contain errors or be inaccurate.