Summary: 1. Nino Bixio

Risorgimento combative 2 October 1821
16 December 1873

Who is Nino Bixio?

Nino Bixio (born Jerome) was born on 2 September 1821. Her father is the Director of the Mint of Genoa, while the mother was Colomba Caffarelli. At the age of nine, a dramatic event marked him deeply, her mother's death. Thomas's father soon remarried and Nino fails to have peaceful relations with his stepmother, which influences much family decisions.

Often skips school and relations with his family are not simple. It is for this reason that decides to leave the Liguria, climbing aboard the Brig Orestes and Pylades as hub; the destination would be the Americas. In 1837, after three years of adventures around the world, back in Italy.

Is not accepted so hospitable family, who doesn't have access to housing; in this circumstance, then living in the midst of the carrugi (narrow arcades and alleys typical Ligurian), with the help of sfamandosi brothers. The stepmother tries to exploit Nino with the intent to make these's brother, Joseph, could join the Navy.

Nino refuses to perform the given order by family, for which he was arrested and jailed for several weeks on charges of rebellion to the paternal authority. After his time in prison comes into marina del Regno di Sardegna as "voluntary". Undertakes so career in the Navy, being well-liked by Captain Milelire.

Four years later he became student pilot, finding freedom soon thanks to another sailor who decide to enlist in his place. Also, very important for his release, was also the intervention of his brother Alexander who decide to pay his ransom. In 1844 and then you can enjoy several months of rest. The year after however is invoked again from the marina of Savoy, so must start again on board a merchant ship.

The following year, after many adventures on the island of Sumatra, part of Europe at a time; After being in New York, visits the House of his brother Alexander in Paris. In the French capital he was able to break in French political environment. Sides then with factions opposed to the monarchy of King Louis Philippe. Here he also know Labya, who heads the French mazziniana coven.

Nino Bixio became a strong supporter of Mazzini and ideas back to Genoa, where he met his granddaughter Adelaide Parodi, with which it maintains a relationship strongly opposed by his family. Back in Italy, attends riformatore wind affecting the various principalities and kingdoms. Assists so a scenario different from the one he imagines, since it has an impulsive character and combative.

In recent years what distinguishes it is the take to the streets during demonstrations, showing his pride and passion for the cause of the unification of Italy. After the adventurous journey that reveals the seas of Malaysia, is located in 1847 in Paris home of his brother Alexander. In the period of convalescence spent in fraternal home he met Giuseppe Mazzini in person, whose influence will be upon him remarkable.

In these years he participated with enthusiasm to Bal uprisings of 1848, participating in demonstrations held in that year. In the same year he took part in the first Italian war of independence, showing his worth on the field during the battles of Treviso, Verona and Governolo. Later he went to Rome to defend with GiuseGaribaldi and his men the Roman Republic that is under the siege of the French army allied with the Papal State.

On this occasion, is seriously injured on the left flank; After being awarded the gold medal, back to Genoa, where he extracted the bullet. On this occasion, unexpectedly receives TLC from the stepmother Mary. Following the negative outcome of the carbonari motions of that year, he decided to resume his career in the Navy. On this occasion he decides to break away from Mazzini.

In 1855, after having the assent of the Pope with a pantry, Adelaide wedding with whom he had four children: Garibaldi, Piccarda, Josephine and Camillo. After fighting with Giuseppe Garibaldi during the second war of independence gets the Military Cross of Savoy. A short time later with the thousand participates in the expedition in southern Italy, getting great results on the battle ground.

Garibaldi entrusted him with the task of guiding the first Brigade of the Division Turr, since he great confidence in him. He then entrusted important tasks of military police. After the great successes during the liberation campaigns in Calabria, is a candidate to the Italian general election of 1861 in one of the colleges.

In this circumstance, Nino Bixio was elected as a member of the new Italian Parliament. In later years he was re-elected several times. During his political career trying to mediate between the positions of Camillo Benso and those of Giuseppe Garibaldi. The first wishes to lead a diplomatic solution with the Papal States in such a way as to add Rome to the rest of the country, the second one is more direct positions, with the aim of conquering the city in different ways.

Failing to find a compromise between the two, participates in the 1866 third Italian independence war. Despite losing the battle of Custoza against the Austrians, they decide to return the Veneto to Italy. On 13 September of the following year, after having participated in the battle of Mentana in which even prisoner, is awarded by the King of Savoy of the medaglia d'Oro al valor militare.

In 1870 he became Senator and participates with Garibaldi to capture of Rome. In the following years, being away from the military, he undertook two activities, that of entrepreneur and Explorer.

Nino Bixio dies at the age of 52 years on 16 December 1873 in Sumatra because of cholera.