Anaximander | Notable Biographies

(Unknown - Unknown)

Greek astronomer, mathematician, and philosopher

The 610 BC was born in Miletus (in the current Turkey).
He was a disciple and friend of the Greek philosopher such of Mileto. Master of Anaximenes.
It is regarded as the first scientist to use experimentation as demonstrative method. He was a discoverer of the obliquity of the ecliptic, which is the angle that the plane of the ecliptic and the plane of the celestial equator. Also thought it was the introducer of the Sundial in Greece and founder of cartography.
The most important contribution of Anaximander was to elaborate the earliest work in prose in relation to the cosmos and the origins of life. Spoke of the universe as a number of concentric cylinders, the outermost of which is the Sun, in the Middle the Moon and the innermost contains stars. He argued that all things grow over time to the element that originated them.
He wrote various treatises on Cosmology, geography and astronomy, which had much influence in his time, but they have now disappeared, keeping only a passage.