What is the Meaning & Definition of Tarantula

Large poisonous arachnid

A tarantula is a spider species, poisonous, of a size much larger than the typical spiders, some reaching 30 cm in length. Among its main physical signs, to the aforementioned addition, a chest with a very distinctive hair, colorful rounded abdomen, the back is black while the belly is red coloration, meanwhile, their legs also highlighted by solid and important which are.

From the Italian town of Taranto

The name that receives this large spider is not whimsical or casual but it responds to its origin. The word comes from the latin language and at the same time derives from another: Tarentum or Taranto, such as calling an Italian town, of this geographical location are precisely native tarantulas and therefore it is that it has been decided to call them that way. The predominant climate in this area generates an ideal habitat for these spiders.

Habitat and life time

Caves and rocks are the places that these bugs today are choosing to shelter and to develop. His life is not too long, they tend to live about four years, in the case of females, while male lives much less time, just two years.

Its bite is not deadly for people

Although it is not deadly, the bite from a tarantula complicates the health of the attacked person since it tends to trigger a large swelling in the affected area, now well, it is impossible that someone dies from the bite. While in ancient times there were many fears and beliefs that tarantulas could kill with their venom, we now know for certain that that is not so.
Even, had come to believe that if a person was suffering the bite of this spider could be a picture of shaking with convulsions, but again none of this is correct and true. It is only popular myths without handle.

The poison, main weapon against prey

Well, for those who if it is deadly venom of the tarantula is now to dams of these, more precisely for insects and rodents that become their main food. S this poison which enables them to hunt and feed.
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