What is the Meaning & Definition of telepathy

It is called as telepathy to that phenomenon which involves the transmission of thoughts or feelings between individuals who are not physically close and without that mediate the senses.
Telepathy is considered a way of extrasensory perception, precisely by that ability to get information or communication through means other than the senses.
As a result that draws on information that comes from unknown sources, it is that science does not accept it and is resisted by the scientific community. Among the main arguments underpinning science to not give course and reliability to the telepathic proposal are that the level of power that the man's brain is capable of producing does not reach so that they can transmit information. In addition, they strengthen the idea in that even not is has seen a telepathic transmission in a laboratory but only through testimonies from people who claim to have experienced, something that, for science is not sufficient or probative.
Anyway, and beyond this general and official position of science in this regard, there are some scientific factions who do not rule out that in a future not so far is can, from a sophisticated technology, interpret waves transmitting our brain and then send them to a receiver device that decode them.
It should be noted that in common language, when two people at the same time participate in a same thought is said to be telepathy.
It is an issue, a phenomenon that many people paid and believe is that telepathy enjoys great popularity and so it is that on many occasions has dealt with the issue in the media such as TV, newspapers, and also in books and in movies has been the theme in key-fiction or investigative.
Many popular fiction hyper characters, such is the case of superheroes, they have telepathy as part of the super powers that make it such and use it to save the world or to be able to transmit a thought or an idea to another person, usually another superhero, who help them in that order.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.