What is the Meaning & Definition of TOC

TOC initials correspond to a concept increasingly better known in the field of behavior, obsessive compulsive disorder pathologies.
Most people have small daily rituals or hobbies that are part of our everyday life. It's habits that do not have a deeper meaning, but when they become obsessions constants and that they disturb the individual can become a problem.
Obsessive behaviors typically appear to be repetitive and as a threat (think of the idea of staying away from germs and bacteria). Before this type of obsessions, who suffers resorts to compulsive patterns which act as response (for example, wash your hands constantly to prevent infections). In this way, the mechanism of the TOC would be as follows: a thought is not possible to master and that is considered harmful for the individual and, as a result, a reaction that is repetitive in form of ritual. This type of behavior causes discomfort evident, in the form of anxiety, distress or depression.
OCD specialists agree on a relevant statistic: 1% of the population suffers from this condition and a very high number within this percentage has not a diagnosis.


This pathology is due to different, both environmental and genetic factors. There are studies that show that the hereditary condition of OCD is related to the biochemistry of the brain (specifically with a neurotransmitter, serotonin) and also with stress or other environmental factors.


Before proposing a treatment to reduce the effects of a TOC and maintain a balance in the behavior, it is necessary that a professional (a psychiatrist or a psychologist) learn the personal and family circumstances of the person concerned. In this sense, we must remember that there are specific test to determine if someone has a TOC.
When there is already an accurate diagnosis, it is time to start a therapy to reduce the levels of anxiety and other disorders. Therefore this type of disorders specialists advise combine therapy with a drug treatment. As for the psychological treatment is considered a good strategy which combines behavioural and cognitive aspects. In other words, the therapist helps the patient knows what reasons drive you have compulsive obsession and known once strategies are adopted to modify unwanted behavior.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.