What is the Meaning & Definition of unanimous

The unanimous Word is one that serves to designate or point out the agreement of several individuals or entities about a decision that has to be taken. Unanimity is obtained when the participants in that decision are in agreement, therefore it is important not to confuse it with other types of decisions that can be achieved by simple majority since unanimity or a particular issue unanimous condition will always have to do with the existence of an agreement between all those who participate in it. The unanimous term comes from the latin word unanimitas which means unity and that is also related to all the other words that begin with one such universe, uniform, single.
While the word unanimity can be used in a myriad of different situations in everyday life, it is very common to find this term in the field of legislative, business areas and sets when it is necessary to speak of decisions that should be taken (or were taken) while all the actors in this situation of agreement. In this sense, for example, there are legislative bodies in some countries who should be making decisions, approve laws or legislation unanimously and not by a majority. This means that not enough that a law is voted for by the majority of the members of that body but, because of its importance, is that all those who are part of it must be agreed. This is not at all common since in legislative gaps often used the notion of majority to allow dissent.
In other areas where it is much more common the idea of unanimous or unanimity is when you vote for example in business meetings, meetings of Consortium on problems or issues that affect all its members and which are so urgent that all agree or act unanimously to fix them or change them. Unanimity is also important in assemblies, popular bodies of debate, etc. Since that all would agree with any decision that you can take to avoid, eventually, possible disagreements or conflicts regarding the results.
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