Biography of Elena Rabbit

July 3, 1977
Elena Coniglio was born on 3 July 1977 to Domodossola in Piedmont. As a child grows the passion of dance, which continues at a professional level: in 1999 he took part in "champions of dance," transmissions broadcast on Channel 5, and later on the flagship network Mediaset, "La sai l'Ultima? VIP ". In 2003 is Italian champion of Latin American dancing A2. On Raidue Elena Rabbit starred in "Telethon" and "a drop of the sea", while on Raiuno deals with folk dancing in the show "Unomattina Saturday, Sunday ...". In 2006 he joined the team of dance teachers of "dancing with the stars" show by Milly Carlucci broadcast on Raiuno: is paired with Tiberio Timperi. Later, in "dancing" is the choreographer of children, and has the honour of performing with super guests, including Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, Gianni Ippoliti, Gigi D'Alessio, Mike Tyson, Gianni Rivera, Arrigo Sacchi and Flavio Insinna. Entrance into the Corps de ballet of "Domenica In" in 2007, she studied acting and diction at "the Foundry Arts", accademia romana directed by Giampiero Ingrassia; always in the capital attending an acting class to "Auroville" directed by Augusto Zucchi. In 2009 try so acting career: at the cinema in the film "the voice" (directed with the same Zucchi), and on television in the fiction Ho sposato uno sbirro ", alongside Flavio Insinna. Elena Rabbit leads, then, on Raidue "Almanac", historical daily appointment with the sections "The Saint of the day" and "the facts", and paired with Fanny Cadeo "Cercasapori-sms consumers", every Thursday morning: a traveling program created in collaboration with the Mipaaf, the Ministry of agricultural food and forestry policies. Found Flavio Insinna shortly thereafter, the "Corrida": is prima ballerina of the historic program channel 5 but also of "the arm and mind" unfortunate game show being closed earlier than expected because of low ratings. In 2013 back in Rai is one of the competitors of the ninth edition of "dancing with the stars, paired with the actor Massimo Boldi.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.