Definition of aberration

Aberration is a term that can be used in our language in several contexts at the same time, though, it should be noted, that use mostly it we attach to it is to refer to that deviation which occurs with respect to what is regarded as normal or legal. I.e., we usually use the word to account for all those behaviors, behaviors, which have nothing to do with the ordinary, natural or expected. So when for example a father sexually abused his son it is common that such action qualifies as an aberration because precisely opposed to normal and of course what is legally permitted.
On the other hand, it is also common that the word is used to mean a serious mistake committed by our reason. Therefore, when a person holds or promotes an idea that per represents a danger or a madness for the common good, for example allowing that a convicted of rape can reintegrate working in a school, be spoken in terms of aberration.
But in addition, the word aberration holds a special employment in other areas such as optics, astronomy, and biology, which we will review below...
In astronomy, the word is used to refer to that apparent deviation suffering from the stars and found the cause in the combination of two issues such as: the speed in which spreads the light and the translation of the planet Earth.
On the other hand, in optics, the aberration will be that imperfection that suffers from an optical system and as such generates a vision with defects.
And at the behest of biology is also used to call a standard deviation which can involve an order morphological or physiological. A typical example of this type of aberration is chromosomal aberration that will result in an abnormal situation in the structure of the chromosomes, which consists of an alteration in the number, or failing this, in the structure of the chromosomes. In the majority of cases are the result of some complication, error, during the formation of gametes by meiosis, or in the first divisions suffering the Zygote after fertilization.