Definition of appetite

We need to feed ourselves because our body consumes energy and need to replace it with some sort of food. When this happens, we say that we are hungry, which is the same as having appetite. Firstly, the appetite is a physiological need. In fact, when someone does not have desire to eat has loss of appetite, which may be a symptom of something (for example, from a digestive or even caused by a harrowing situation condition).

Children with poor appetite

Some children show little interest in food. Obviously, this behavior causes concern to their parents, who probably are looking for any solution. In these cases, pediatricians advise to eat something that awakens the appetite. There are several strategies to resolve this situation: serve small portions, try to make meal time a pleasant moment, encourage children to participate in the preparation of food, etc.
From the point of view of infant feeding do try to make dishes as tasty as possible. To achieve this, two strategies who cooking a dish can be used: 1) prepare foods properly and using seasonings which enhance the flavor and 2) present the dishes in an attractive manner (as he is popularly, the food enters through the eyes).

Beyond food

When something is very interesting and striking, we say that it is appealing. Imagine if a friend talks about a trip that you want to perform and explains the project with all kinds of details. To hear his words it is very likely that awakens in us the desire to make the same trip, because it's something attractive, i.e., appealing.
The sexual impulse is also a pattern of universal practice. Current psychoanalysis has been engaged in studying and understanding the internal mechanisms of sexuality and so has coined a term, the sexual appetite. In this way, psychoanalysts argue we have appetites sexual because in us, there is an inner energy, libido.
Libido is an impulse that activates sexual desire or sexual appetite. In this sense, there are alterations of the appetite (for example, when someone has no interest in keeping relationships sexual or, conversely, when the libido is very intense and there is relentless towards sexuality interest).
The loss of sexual appetite may prove problematic, especially in stable relationships. As for the causes, in some cases they are physiological type (for example, an alteration of hormonal type), although also originated for psychological reasons (sense of routine, stress, depression, etc).