Definition of self-esteem

Love is a universal feeling, a force that creates strong relationships as shown by the ties of friendship, relationships, infatuations, family ties and even camaraderie at work. Forms of love are very varied: loyalty, generosity, solidarity, respect, affection, fidelity, honesty... However, love towards others is like a light that emanates from the love that first, a person has by itself. A kind of love that sometimes comes with certain prejudices because there are people who associate self-esteem with selfishness, pride and vanity.

Know and learn how to take care of and be

However, nothing is further from reality, self-esteem has to do with the care of one's self, with the fact of knowing what it is good for you and act accordingly. In essence, reflected in the self-esteem self-esteem shows the relationship that a person has with itself to be her best friend.

Self-esteem and the importance in childhood

The degree of self-esteem (self-esteem) that a person has throughout his life is not invariably, but it crosses different degrees. However, it should be pointed out that childhood is a crucial self-esteem growing stage since joining a structured family and receive a good education are two very important pillars in the development of child self-esteem and adult.
In any case, a person can always, from the present moment, train their self-esteem to self-love, dose of happiness, achieve their dreams and create a more adjusted to reality self-concept (sometimes, people do not see themselves as they are).

Knowledge is a valuable tool, and there are multiple resources

Courses on personal growth, a coaching process, the psychology books and emotional intelligence blogs are a fantastic resource for information on this issue. Beyond this point, have a healthy lifestyle, strengthen the bonds of personal friendship and enjoy healthy walks also are good antidotes to feed the self-esteem.
Self-esteem makes you a person aware that you deserve the best, i.e., you are a worthy person to love and be loved. And happiness is your vital North as the compass that guides your heart. Through self-love, a person also defends its rights against those who want to violate them in an assertive way.