Meaning and Definition of Domicile

Definition of domicile

The term home is a term in common language use since it is used to refer to that code of information that serves to identify the location or location of a person, an item or object in a specific space of planet Earth. Although the term address is used in the majority of cases to indicate the direction in which a person resides, also can be designated with domicile the place where monuments, businesses, public and green spaces, etc.
If you want to, we can understand that the notion of home is an artificial concept created by man to let them find and locate specific elements or subjects in a particular and clearly delimited space. To exist, the home must have elements that allow to distinguish it and that favor its location more or less approximate way. In this sense, the homes are characteristic of urban areas in which the presence of streets, avenues, passages and open spaces with a numbering or a specific name makes that you can draw reliably where a person resides or where a building is located.
In the case of rural areas, in the absence of such codes, streets and specially marked spaces, you can resort to other signals that also serve to mark the address. This can be a particular path, a distinctive geographical feature such as a tree, a quarry, a field All these elements also serve to establish a domicile, as it also serves the route closest to place accurate numbering (for example, when using the expression "at 84 km of Route 9").
Establish a domicile has which see, in addition, not only with the location of a person if not general purpose which is also linked with the location for economic and political purposes of a subject. This is the case when a person needs to be cited to participate in campaign events (must have a fixed address to prove that it resides in the place where such elections are held), to pay taxes, to perform various procedures that require proof of a more or less fixed, stable, or accessible residence.