Meaning and Definition of Implication

Definition of implication

No doubt language is very rich and the vocabulary shows the capacity of expression that we have humans being able to use different concepts, looking for synonyms or opposing terms. There is a concept that is not widely used at conversational level: implication.

What does this concept mean?

The term implication shows the consequence of an action. There are several examples of situations that can help you assess the meaning of the term inserted into a conreto context: "Smoked for many years, which means that your health has been affected by this negative habit", "has worked very hard to reach that position, implying that he is now happy to have reached this goal" "it's important to remind young people the implication of healthy life habits to be well".

On the basis of cause and effect

Ultimately, implication interpreted from this point of view shows the relation of cause and effect between two terms. An element is the source and another is the result of the previous action. Implication may also refer to the involvement of a person in a matter. For example, a person may be involved in a crime. Involvement in this case examines the degree of relationship that a person has made goals. Involvement shows that a person is part of something. From a positive point of view, a person may be involved in the happiness of another, i.e., can be part of the illusion of the other. In such a case, for example, in falling in love.

The implication from the love

In that case, the lover implies is to 100% by make the other person happy. There are feelings that make us to involve ourselves in a special way with the things we want: love. By contrast, indifference shows the lack of implication.

One is present because you're interested, and want to always improve their conditions

Show involvement, i.e. a commitment to issues professional when they get tipped over in the daily work with professionalism. But people are involved especially in the achievement of important wishes and interpersonal relationships. From a more specific point of view. the human being is involved since it was born in the pursuit of your happiness because happiness is that call that feel the heart.
What you mean not let you indifferent, in short, you care. It is of interest. A person implied in their personal development, the realization of his hobbies and his illusions.