Roberto skinny Guzman - Roberto Guzman | Notable Biographies

(1936/11/09 - 2002/08/09)

Skinny Roberto Guzman
Roberto Guzmán
Mexican actor

He was born on November 9, 1936, in Saltillo, Coahuila.
He joined the National Association of actors on January 30, 1964. She made her debut dancing in the film "the madness of Rock and Roll" (1956), and then would participate in some 300 films, including "the fastest West fichera", "laughed of migra" (1984), "the race never loses" (1985), "the impossible theft", "California Dancing Club" (1986), "The mufflers in Acapulco" (1989) and "killer Narcosatanicos" (1990).
Skinny Roberto Guzman died on August 9, 2002 of a stroke after a week in intensive care in hospital Santa Elena in the Mexican capital.