What is the Meaning & Definition of glaciers

Known as one of the most beautiful and impressive natural elements, the glaciers are masses of ice very compact and firm which are formed from the crystallization of snow particles. Glaciers are always formed on the surface of planet Earth, both inside and out of the water (being in the majority of cases well above the existing surface below the level of the sea, normally invisible). The formation of glaciers has to do with the accumulation of snow and not melt in times in which temperatures rise. When snow becomes FP, its structure is crystallized and therefore becomes more dense. The passage of a snowflake to the glacier ice has various stages: snow snowflake snow (or initial moment of the freezing of water), granular, the firn and finally, the glacier ice (of greater hardness and compaction that snow).
We can find different types of glaciers on our planet. The best-known include the Alpine glaciers (facing in mountainous valleys and therefore have smaller), the continental glaciers of ice cap (those of larger worldwide, spread across huge areas without being changed by the landscape), Plateau glaciers, glaciers of Piedmont (which is found in lowland) the glacial Cap (those located on mountain ranges, volcanoes or other surfaces) and glaciers of overflow (frozen surfaces which depart from one major glacier, and that will address below, formed by the natural movement of the glacier).
While we can find various glaciers throughout the world, the largest concentration of them is given towards the Poles, where very low temperatures favor the formation of impressive blocks of ice. He is considered that today, an area of 33% of the total amount of the land is occupied by glaciers, infinitely less than the existing in times of glaciations that occurred millions of years ago. In this sense, both climate change and the actions of human beings are the causes for the wear of the ice and the melting of major glaciers covering up to a few decades ago back important surfaces.
Article contributed by the team of collaborators.