What is the Meaning & Definition of Manager

He is designated with the term's Manager to that person who has the responsibility and tasks of guiding others, run and give orders and get things done in order to meet certain and correctly with the goal and the mission promoted by the Organization in a specific company or organization.
While the mission that stop a Manager depends largely on the type of industry and the characteristics of the context in which it operates, between their skills and basic responsibilities will be as follows: increase the State of the company's technology, give you a certain orientation and direction to the Organization, perpetuate the same, always work in favour of productivity meet and maintain a cordial relationship with employees and satisfy the wishes and the demands of the community in which it is required to insert the organization.
In addition and as well as the responsibilities, a Manager, as consequence of the position purely Executive who plays, will have a series of roles that he and only he will deploy in the enterprise in question... the hiring of the remainder of the positions, in one way or another, must pass through its approval, the evaluation of performance and compliance that carry out the rest of the departments in which is divided the Organization plan and develop goals and objectives to meet in the short and medium term, together with the annual purposes that usually arise at the start of a new year or toward the end of one, the more approximate projections that these can do and that on many occasions it depends, in addition, the approval of a stadium that is greater than the Manager is.
Everything mentioned above shows that to achieve the position of Manager in any organization either to keep it, as appropriate the case, the person must hold three types of skills: technical, human, and conceptual.
The first can be obtained via the formal education or experience and assumes the ability to use technical knowledge, methods, techniques and the most appropriate means to carry out the tasks that previously mentioned and the analytical capacity to transform all this in positive results for the company in which it plays.
Human ability is that will allow you to develop naturally and effectively as part of a group, achieving, for example, the cooperation of the rest with their cause and purpose.
And finally, the conceptual ability will be one that will allow you to view the company as a whole, with its components, the interrelationships between them and think, if necessary make changes, how will these affect the functioning of the same.
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