What is the Meaning & Definition of social service

Unfortunately we live in a world in which too much social inequality and in which there are many people who suffer from hunger and lack of opportunities in every sense. Meanwhile and now yes fortunately there are lots of people that too much social conscience, solidarity and love for others and then dedicated much of its time or existence to help those who need it most. With money, with containment, with much love and affection, they are some of the ways with which tend to help...
Then, is formally known as a social service to this aid that we mentioned above and that some citizens provided in time to the State, an institution or directly to the needy in general, collaborating in the carrying out of works or activities that have to do with social.
While there are a lot of people help, which performs a social service and makes it on their own, i.e. without the company or the institutional framework of an entity, i.e., works directly with an institution, with a home, it is important that we mention that in recent years have been born a huge number of organizations non-profit (NGOs) that provide assistance or aid in different levels and situations and are characterized by presenting an impeccable organization for to carry out this action.
Then, to proliferate this type of organization, many people have turned to participate in them and from there deployed their social service.
It should be noted that one of the fundamental characteristics of the product is that you it's a type of service, unpaid work for those who practice it, being primarily voluntary. I.e., all those who deploy social work do not receive remuneration for doing so much less, they do it free of charge and for the simple satisfaction of help who need it.
Values such as solidarity, mutual support, the unit, the fight in common and for the rights of the most vulnerable are those most seen in those who deploy or provide a social service.
Generally, they will be those areas, regions or territories most vulnerable resources in which more is done and carry out this practice of social service and economic level. There are other needs such as education be in these places, in addition to the lack of resources that enable them to meet their needs, such as eating, dressing, access to healthcare, among others, and which is so important to be able to get ahead in life, then, social work basically provides first appearances before mentioned and basic assistance to sustain life , but also in order to meet these deficiencies on culture and education.
There are also communities and social groups in our community who are characterized by a higher degree of vulnerability and then there is where especially addresses the performance of social service. Among them we can mention the prisons, one of the places most in need when it comes to instilling new habits of conduct, meanwhile, the social work there unfold can help a lot when it comes to the reintegration of prisoners in society. Provide them with expectations, alternatives to crime is a challenge obviously for this kind of work and it may also be helpful so that these people can return to the community with other much more encouraging Outlook ahead, by the way.