What is the Meaning & Definition of management of quality

Quality, quality management system, also called management is that set of standards to an organization, interlinked and from which it is that the company or organization in question may be administered in an organized way the quality of the same. The mission will always be focused towards the continuous improvement of the quality. The above rules include the following: existence of an organizational structure, which are nested both management levels and management; structuring of the responsibilities of individuals and departments in which the company; is divided procedures that will result from the plan guidelines to control the actions of the Organization; the processes that pursue the specific objective; and resources, technical, human, among others.
A good quality management system, always will guarantee you the company the satisfaction of the requirements of its customers, both in regard to the provision of the service or offering the product itself.
In the market there are a variety of standards of quality management, which have been defined by a normalizer organism, such is the case of ISO or DIN. These will allow a company x that can validate its quality system through the implementation of an audit by some of these standards. One of the most popular standards is ISO 9001.
It is common to see in advertisements or in the facilities of companies that have received this audit legend that gives an account of the standardisation ISO 9001.
There are also specific rules adapted to particular sectors, such is the case of laboratories which are equipped with an own standard ISO - IEC 17025:2005.
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