Octavio Paz… Antonio López de Santa Anna… Johannes Kepler… St. Augustine of Hippo… Biographies Multiposts

Biographies of famous and historical figures

Biographies of famous:

  1. Biography of Octavio Paz
  2. Biography of Antonio López de Santa Anna
  3. Biography of Johannes Kepler
  4. Biography of St. Augustine of Hippo

Biography of Octavio Paz

(31/03/1914 - 1998/04/19)

Octavio Paz
Mexican essayist and poet
He was born on March 31, 1914 in Mixcoac (Mexico) when the country is in full revolutionary struggle. His father, like his grandfather wrote, in addition to devote himself to journalism and politics. These influences made it to influence policy as well as writing.
When account 17 years founded the magazine rail. His first book, which was also called rail and founded Notebooks of the Valley of Mexico, appeared in 19He met the poets T. S. Eliot and Paul Valéry. In 1937 he moved to Yucatan to teach in the field, and some time later he married Elena Garro, who attended that same year the Congress of antifascist writers in Valencia (Spain). There are published under your clear shadow (1937), and met the intellectuals of the Spanish Republic and the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda.
Upon returning to his country approached Jorge Cuesta and Xavier Villaurrutia and published not elapse! and root of man. Efraín Huerta and Rafael Solana, among others, founded, in 1938, the magazine workshop, which was attended by the Spanish writers of his generation exiled in Mexico. In 1939 appeared on the shore of the world and night of resurrections. In 1942, at the behest of José Bergamín, he gave a lecture, "poetry of solitude, poetry of communion", which established its difference with the previous generation, and was reconciled in one voice the poetics of Xavier Villaurrutia and Pablo Neruda.
In 1944 with the Guggenheim grant he stayed for a year in United States. In 1945 he joined the Mexican foreign service and was transferred to Paris. Through the surrealist poet Benjamin Péret met André Breton, also relates to Albert Camus and other European and Latin American intellectuals of post-war Paris. This stay will define with precision their positions cultural and political; moved away from Marxism and approached the surrealism, starting to be interested in the most diverse subjects.
During the 1950s he published four fundamental books: the labyrinth of solitude (1950) portrait staff in the mirror of Mexican society; The bow and the lyre (1956), his effort more rigorous to develop a poetic; Eagle or Sun?, book of prose of surrealist influence; and parole. In 1951 he traveled to the India and in 1952 to Japan, sites that received a great influence. He returned to Mexico in 1953 where he developed an intense literary work until 19In 1960 he returned to Paris and in 1962 to the India, as an officer of the Embassy of Mexico. He met Marie José Tramini, with whom he married in 19He published books of poems salamander (1961), prior to his trip to the India, and eastern slope, which gathers its production in that country, and that includes his second long poem, White.
In 1963 they awarded the Gran Premio Internacional de Poesía. He published books of essay quadrivium in 1965, four essays on Fernando Pessoa, Ramón López Velarde , Luis Cernudaand Rubén Darío; Doors to the field in 1966 and alternating current, in 19In 1968 he resigned from his position as Ambassador in India due to the murders committed by the Government of Mexico, on 2 October of that year, when it charged the army University protesters, and in 1971 founded in his country the magazine Plural, which contributed some of the most important writers of the later generation. That year the monkey grammarian, poem in prose in which merge love, poetic and philosophical reflections, and in 1974 published the children of slime, recapitulation of modern poetry; in 1975, after clear, another of his great long poems, collected the following year in return, book with which won the Critics Award in Spain. In 1977 he left Plural and initiated the return of which was director magazine. The philanthropic OGRE, continuation of his political reflections, published in 1979, and in 1981 achieved the Cervantes Prize. In 1982 was published Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz or the traps of faith, portrait of the Mexican nun and the Mexican society of the 17TH century; in 1987, in tree, last volume of poetry.
In 1990 he won the Nobel Prize for literature, and published the other voice and poetry of end of the century. In 1993, the double flame and love and eroticism, and in 1995 Glimpses of India. Octavio Paz died on 19 April 1998, victim of a cancer, in the same city that saw it born.

Biography of Antonio López de Santa Anna

(1794/02/21 - 1876/06/21)

Antonio López de Santa Anna
Military and Mexican politician
He was born on February 21, 1794, in Jalapa (Mexico).
Son of the notary Antonio López de Santa Anna and his wife Manuela Pérez de Lebrón.
Very young he joined the the arms race, which is distinguished by its value and military spirit. He served in the State of Veracruz, mainly.
In March, 1821, in Orizaba, joins José Joaquín de Herrera and adheres to the Plan of Iguala. Until 1821, he was serving in the Royalist Army. He supported Agustín de Iturbide although some time later became the architect of its dethronement in favor of Guadalupe Victoria, encouraged at the same time those who rebelled against the President; declared federalist, however always practiced a centralized and dictatorial power.
In 1829 he faced the landing of general Barradas, who wanted to retake Mexico to the Spanish Crown. For the first time it is declared President of the Republic in March 1833, but argues that he is ill and leaves power in the hands of Valentín Gómez Farías, Vice-President. He was President and ceased to be seven times. Because of his policy was the lifting of the settlers Texans, which proclaimed its independence. Three years later he took the Fort of the Alamo. Shortly after, was defeated and captured by the army of Samuel Houston Texan at the battle of San Jacinto. He was forced to sign the Treaty that gave Texas its independence. US President Andrew Jackson granted their freedom and returned to Veracruz, where in 1838 he frustrated the French attempt to take the city, which was hailed as a hero.
In 1841 proclaimed himself President of Mexico, with dictatorialpowers. In 1845 he was defeated. A year later, he returned to Mexico after having agreed with the President of the United States, James Polk, who would work for peace to put an end to the Mexican-American Guerra (1846-1848). But he went to the Mexican army in their clash against the United States. After the fall of the city of Mexico in 1847, he fled to Jamaica, but in 1853 he was called again, and again, proclaimed himself dictator. Two years later he was again defeated, so it went into exile in the Caribbean.
Finally, he was allowed to return to the country in 1874 and Antonio López de Santa Anna died in the City of Mexico on June 21, 18

Biography of Johannes Kepler

(27/12/1571 - 1630/11/15)

Johannes Kepler
German philosopher and astronomer
He was born December 27, 1571, at Weil der Stadt, Württemberg.
He was a sickly child who suffered from boils, headaches, myopia, infections of the skin, fever, and stomach and gallbladder disorders. With four years, almost succumbed with the ravages of smallpox.
He attended studies in theology and classics at the University of Tübingen. He was as Professor of mathematics Michael Maestlin, supporter of the heliocentric theory of planetary motion principle developed by Nicolaus Copernicus. In the year 1594, travel to Graz (Austria), which drew up a complex geometric hypothesis to explain the distances between the planetary orbits. Subsequently, deduced that the orbits of the planets are elliptical. He argued that the Sun exerts a force which decreases inversely proportionally to the distance and encourages the planets around their orbits. He published a treatise entitled Mysterium Cosmographicum in 1596.
Professor of astronomy and mathematics at the University of Graz from 1594 to 16He was Assistant of the Danish astronomerTycho Brahe in his Prague Observatory and the latter's death in 1601, he was appointed imperial mathematician and astronomer of the Court of the Emperor Rudolf II. One of his most important works during this period was astronomy nova (1609), fruit of their efforts to calculate the orbit of Mars. The Treaty contains the exhibition of two of the so-called laws of Kepler on planetary motion. According to the first law, the planets revolve in elliptical orbits with the Sun at one focus. The second, or ruler of the area, says that an imaginary line from the Sun to a planet travels an ellipse the same areas during equal time intervals. In the year 1612 was made the high Austria States mathematician.
He published you Harmonices mundi Libri (1619), whose final section contains another discovery on planetary motion (third law): the relationship of the cube in the middle distance (or average) of a planet to the Sun, and the square of the period of revolution of the planet is a constant and is the same for all planets. It was followed by Epitome astronomiae copernicanae (1618-1621), which brings together all his discoveries in a single volume. His last major work appeared in life were the tables rudolphine (1625). Based on data from Brahe, new tables of planetary motion reduces the errors of the actual position of a planet of 5 ° to 10'.
He also made contributions in the field of optics and developed an infinitesimal mathematics system, which was a predecessor of the calculation.
Johannes Kepler died November 15, 1630 in Regensburg. He wrote this Epitaph for his tombstone: "measured the heavens, and now the shadows mido in the sky shone the spirit, in the Earth rests the body."

Biography of St. Augustine of Hippo

(0354/11/13 - Unknown)

Saint Augustine of Hippo
Aurelius Augustine
Pattern of those who seek God, theologians, printing press
He frequently appears in the iconography with the burning heart of love for God.
"Lord, all my heart swell with love for you;
Get nothing in my belong to me and to not think in me;
I burn and be totally consumed in Ti;
"To love you with all my being, as fire for you".
November 13, 354 was born in Tagaste, people referred to today by Souk-Ahras (Algeria). Son of the patrician Pagan and Christian Monica. He was educated in the faith of his mother.
Until the age of eleven he remains in Tagaste and attends the school in the village. He studied at Madaura, later moved to Carthage to conclude their academic preparation. At age 20 he returned to Tagaste, as a grammar teacher. It is an excellent teacher and also a committed Manichean proselytiser. When his mother knows that it has moved away from Christianity, it prohibits eating at your table and sleep in his house.
Agustín returns again to Carthage and decides to teach rhetoric. They accompany him to some of his students of Tagaste. During these years is dedicated to reading and writes poems, managing to be laureate of literary events that take place in the city. With 26 years old he published his first book "of suitable et pucrho".
Rome gets to open a school, the next year moved to Milan. Presents a contest of opposition and win the rhetoric of that cityImperial Chair. Called the "African teacher" begins to assiduously visit the Cathedral attracted by the fame of the Bishop Ambrose, great orator.
By the end, the peace of a garden and the words of the Bible: "Walk decently as in broad daylight, not in binges or drunkenness, not in fornication or desenfrenos, not rivalry or envy, but be ye of the Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom. 13.13) dan Augustine the push he needed to become a "new man". It illustrates this profound experience of conversion: "didn't you read more. After reading that sentence, I felt in my heart as a light of serenity which dispelled all darkness of my hesitation.
He decides to leave teaching and retires with his friends to a farm in Casiciaco. There it rests, reflects, writes, and shares his preparation for baptism, receiving to reach the hands of Ambrose Easter of the year 387 . After the death of his mother, which occurred in the port of Ostia (Rome) in the year 388, goes to his hometown, Tagaste, divided his inheritance among the needy and founded a monastery where it co-exists with friends who have accompanied him. Your life plan is encrypted in prayer and conviviality. However his reputation as a wise man spreads and becomes the "Adviser" of many people, even from other countries of the Roman world. This same year, 388, die Adeodato, his son, who lived with him.
In the year 391 travel to Hippo to visit a friend. While in the Church of the city, the faithful recognize him, cheer him and ask Bishop Valerio make him priest. His fame extends throughout the Roman Empire. The influence of its pastoral action in favour of the needy, the brightness of his preaching and the wisdom of his writings marked a path that followed the Church for more than sixteen centuries. His writings make him one of the most important philosophers of antiquity, especially the confessions, the De Civitate, correspondence and sermons.!
Augustine died in Hippo August 28, 430.