What is the meaning of Teetotaler? Concept, Definition of Teetotaler
Teetotaler: Compendium of definitions and concepts
Define teetotaler
The teetotal Word, its etymology, reminds us of the latin "abstemius". "Temetum" translates as alcoholic beverage and 'abs' indicates absence or deprivation. That's why we define to the sober as a person who does not consume alcoholic beverages.It is a form of abstinence or waiver in this case drinking wine or other liquors. The decision to be abstinent may take for reasons religious, ethical or health, or simply dislike the taste of drinks of this type.
There are groups devoted to treat that alcoholics stop drinking, generally formed by those who suffer from the disease, which kept its name in reserve. However, who has consumed alcohol, and then leave to do so, generally not considered a teetotal, because this term designates has never tested to whom alcohol.
Between abstainers famous can appoint the Bladimir Putin Russian politician, born in 1952. Hitler considered a teetotal since his teens, was in reality a recovered alcoholic.
Buddhists are encouraged by being teetotal, because alcohol is toxic to the mind, and under their influence may cause harm to third parties. Islam also prescribes the prohibition of drinking alcohol, to impair the dedication to the divine and transcendent and be bad for the same person, their relatives and other human beings. Only Catholicism considered harmful alcohol when its consumption is excessive. Within Christianity, evangelicals are abstainers.
There are movements of Temperance seek to encourage abstention to alcohol or at least its moderate consumption, which began in Europe especially in England from the year 1830.
Define teetotaler
Teetotaller is a word of origin from the latin "Abstemius" and this in turn from the combination of "Abs" indicates absence or deprivation and of "Temetum" which translates as "Alcoholic beverage". It can be defined as a person who does not consume alcoholic beverages. There may be several factors by which a person decides to deprive alcohol; a person becomes sober either due to religious, ethical, health or by simple displeasure to alcohol. He is considered sober person who has never consumed alcohol, therefore those who at some point have been alcoholic and have renounced the same by addiction or consequences to suffer health problems can not be them classified with this term.In the religious world, Buddhism, Muslim and some Christian groups such as Evangelicals promotes the teetotal. In Buddhism it is essential to achieve greater clarity and understanding, alcohol consumption causes exactly the opposite. When converted to Buddhism certain precepts are accepted and one of them is that you should not use alcohol as way to cloud judgment and as it is for what are mostly used, Buddhists are abstainers.
Alcohol is prohibited in many Muslim countries for a prescription vetatoria that appears in the Qur'an, for example, the prohibition of alcohol was carried out in a gradual way, not immediately. Oldest verse tells believers "Not approximate to the prayers with a cloudy mind, unless they can understand everything what they say" (4: 43), then it's a prohibition of drunkenness; "If they ask for advice on wine and the game, tell them:"There is some advantage in them for men, but the sin is greater than the benefit"(2: 219)." However, there is much diversity in the application of the teetotal by country and era. Saudi Arabia prohibits the production, import and consumption of alcohol and imposes severe punishments which violate the prohibition: weeks or months of prison and possibly lashes and Arab pony. Kuwait also has laws that veto the consumption of alcohol, but not worth with lashes (but also with prison). Qatar prohibits the importation and punishes those who are drunk with penalties of imprisonment or deportation. However, you can get alcohol in the restaurants and bars in certain hotels, and foreign citizens can obtain alcohol through a permit system.
Concept of teetotaler
Teetotal (from latin abstemĭus) is who does not drink spirits, such as wine or liquor. The concept is linked to who opt for abstinence (the voluntary resignation of satisfying an appetite or satisfy a desire).Abstinence, in general, can be linked to various types of Disclaimers: sex, certain foods, etc. This decision can arise by practical considerations (someone who refrains from eating fatty foods because you don't want to get fat) or on religious or cultural grounds (sexual abstinence in the case of Catholic priests).
The term teetotal, however, usually refer to those who do not consume alcoholic beverages. There are several reasons that may lead a person to become teetotal: consider that alcohol is a sin or a path towards sin, fear that taking derive on addiction (alcoholism) or observe the damage caused by alcohol in a loved one are reasons that explain the reason for such a decision.
In a strict sense, there are those who consider that the abstainers are those who have never taken alcohol in a lifetime. In this way, subjects who have decided to stop drinking in certain moment or recovered alcoholics are not abstainers.
Social consideration on the abstainers is diverse, although you always have to recognize that you it's a personal decision. Some believe that the abstainers are fearful people who don't believe power control to a stimulus such as alcohol, while others congratulated the fortress to take a similar position and not be subjected to pressure from society.