What is the meaning of Avocado? Concept, Definition of Avocado

Concepts of avocado and derived words

Meaning of avocado

Persea americana is a species belonging to the family of the Lauraceae, native to Mexico. Both edible, as the tree, its fruit, is known as avocado, avocado, cure, avocado or abacate, according to regions.
Your tree can reach 20 m in height. Sheets, medium to dark green, they are arranged alternately along the stems, have 12 to 25 cm in length. Tiny greenish-yellow flowers (5 to 10 mm in diameter) produce vegetables in the form of PEAR that can weigh 100 to 1,000 g. The skin is dark green and dark purple occasionally and almost black, depending on the variety and degree of maturity. Its size, although depending on the variety, is about 7 to 20 cm in length and its maximum diameter of 6 cm, with a large central seed (about 5 to 6.4 cm long).
This species comes from the Centre South of Mexico, it is dated sometime between the year 7,000 and 5,000 B.c., several millennia before this wild variety was cultivated. The archaeologists found seeds of persea in Peru that were buried with Inca mummies dating from 750 BC and there is evidence that is cultivated in Mexico as early as 1500 B.c. After the arrival of the Spaniards and the conquest of America, the species spread to other places in the world (Téliz Ortiz, Mora Aguilera and Morales Garcia) in his book "the avocado and its integrated management.
Before the arrival of Europeans he cultivated from the Bravo River (North of Mexico) to Guatemala.
It is divided into three "breeds": Mexican, Guatemalan and Antillean.
Copies of p. americana originated in the Highlands of Central and eastern Mexico generate the Mexican race. In the Highlands of Guatemala the Guatemalan race generated, and the Antillean race comes from the first plants were found in the Antilles. Discrepancies exist with regard to the origin of the Antillean race, since it is possible that the first copies of this species, existing in the Antilles have been entered from Mexico by the Spanish or English during colonization.
These three races of p. americana, since antiquity they were mixing course between them through its own system of reproduction. The result of these mergers, produced through cross-pollination, gave rise to countless varieties, undefined natural hybrid. From the beginning of the last century (1900) began to select exemplary of Persea excellent attributes to win consumer markets, giving rise to the different cultivars that for decades they led world markets. All these new varieties worked well until a new variety called 'Hass', of unknown parents, originated in La there, a place in California, where Mr. Rudolph Gay Hass was detected among the trees of his orchard was patented in United States in 1935.

Etymology of common names

The word avocado comes from nahuatl ahuacatl, which also means testicles. The Spanish made the loan ahuacatl lexicon, creating the aguacata nahuatlismos and avocado, this last a word already known, that formerly appoint lawyers. In Portuguese is known as abacate, in German known as "butter fruit". The word guacamole comes from the nahuatl ahuacamolli, translated means avocado sauce. It is also known as aguaco or jacala.
With this name and its derivatives is known to the fruit of the Persea in Mexico, United States, Central America, the Caribbean, Spain and Anglo-Saxon and lusophone countries.
In turn, the word avocado comes from quechua, and is the name by which is known an Amerindian ethnic, the avocados, who lived in the province of Loja (Ecuador) and to the North of Peru. Probably this region the place described as the "province of avocado" by Garcilaso de la Vega in his "real comments of the Incas" in 1605, conquered by Tupac Inca Yupanqui during his March to the conquest of the province of Cari. This is apparently the origin of the name with which the Incas baptized the fruit of persea brought from the northern area of their empire and also the approximate time that the tree came from Ecuador to Peru, since it is known that the conquest of the northern provinces by Tupac Yupanqui occurred between 1450 and 1475.
With this name is known to the vegetable of the Persea mainly in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Peru and Uruguay.


It has a high content in vegetable oils, so it is considered an excellent food in terms of nutrition in moderate proportions, since it has a high caloric and fatty content. In addition it was discovered that avocado oil has antioxidant properties. It is rich in vegetable fat which provides benefits to the body and vitamins E, A, B1, B2, B3, fatty acids, proteins, minerales.5

Definition of avocado

Avocado, also known as avocado, avocat, cure, giant palpa, paltay, etc., has more than 500 varieties. He is a native of Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela, it is currently grown in Mexico, Brazil, United States, Australia, Israel, China, Kenya, South Africa and Spain.
The avocado is a very versatile fruit, its neutral flavor allows an infinite number of combinations when I enter it in a recipe, sweet, salty, or spicy, provides to the palate a fresh and creamy texture, a culinary delight.
It also offers many beneficial properties for the body one of the most recognized benefits of avocado is the regulation of cholesterol through the oleic acid which possesses, monounsaturated fats combined with beta sitosterol content, but, must be taken into account that also contributes more calories than many fruits.

The avocado brings in addition to water, protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals and a small proportion of natural sugar, is antioxidant and the greatest source of lutein from among 20 most consumed fruits, so it protects against eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration.
There are scientific studies that even claim that avocado pulp has a high nutritive value, similar to that of a portion of meat, so it is also recommended in vegetarian diets as a substitute for this protein.
We are loyal consumers of avocado, that is why we like to know the existing varieties, we will summarize the five most we know, for example, the most common is the Hass Avocado, of size medium and oval, with thick skin that darkens with maturation.
We can also find avocado Reed, big and round, this avocado skin retains its color when it is ripe and is harvested in the summer. The Fuerte avocado, pear-shaped, skin smooth and soft has an intermediate size, this is found year-round, while Pinkerton variety is available between February and March, showing a long neck and also with a green skin until its maturity. And the avocado Bacon variety are marketed from October, its flesh is yellow, skin smooth and thin and oval shape.
We recall that we recently met the news that soon we will find in our market a new way of consumption of avocado, with avocado powder that occurs in Mexico.
When you buy avocados, it is recommended to not buy more than two if you don't eat too much, and if you buy more, they are in different States of maturity to always have on hand an avocado in its point. Ripe avocado will be which slightly yield to the pressure of the fingers. But if what you need is to accelerate the maturation of an avocado, save it in a bag along with some apples or paper and never in the fridge, because its flesh becomes black quickly.
To preserve half of a piece if you're not going to spend it at the moment, we recommend keeping half in which has been bone, sprinkle with lemon and cover it with cling film taking care to not touch him air.
The amount of traditional elaborations that includes avocado, we leave for the moment with our guacamole and us contarais how and with what you like eating it you'd. Have you tried it with a drizzle of honey?

Concept of avocado

The avocado is the name given to a tree of the American continent and its fruit. The tree of the Lauraceae family, is called Persea americana and it can measure up to twenty metres. It has alternate leaves and small yellow flowers, though its most salient feature is its edible fruit.
In this sense, you can say (known in some countries as avocado) avocado is a green fruit that has at its Center a semillade large size, which is usually measured more than five centimeters long.
By their high levels of fat and calories, it is recommended not to eat avocado in excess. Anyway, this food brings different kinds deproteinas, vitamins and minerals, which makes it beneficial for the organism in proportion.
There are multiple ways of eating avocado. One of the easiest ways of consumption is through salads: simply Peel the avocado, remove the central seed and cut into pieces.
It is also possible to prepare guacamole, a sauce that has to the avocado as a main ingredient. In addition to the fruit of the Persea americana stepped on or ground, guacamole carries pepper or green pepper, onion, lemon juice and salt, among other ingredients that can be added according to the preferences of each one.
It is noteworthy that the avocado can be used even with cosmetic or medicinal purposes. There are those who attributed various properties to the fruit, the oil obtained from it and up to the leaves of the tree, as its ability to operate as an expectorant or beautifying the skin.

What is avocado

World's most perfect food!Knew you that to the avocado (avocado) call it the world's most perfect food?
Not only is it a delicious fruit but that Furthermore many nutritionists assert that not only contains everything a person needs to survive, they have also found that it contributes to the prevention and control of diseases such as Alzheimer's, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and others. The avocado or avocado is regarded as one of the most important nutrients to help prevent Alzheimer's disease. This happens not only because of the content in the avocado Omega-3 fatty acids, but also by its content of vitamin E.
(Avocado) avocado (Persea gratissima or p. americana) it originated in Mexico and its oldest usage dates back to 10,000 years BC. From the year 900, avocado/avocado tree has been cultivated and grown in Central America and the South.
The avocado provides nearly 20 essential nutrients, including fiber. It is rich in healthy fats monounsaturated and polyunsaturated (such as the omega 3 fatty acids), vitamins A, C, D, E, K, vitamins of the B complex and potassium.
Foods naturally high in fatty acids Omega 3, as the avocado, are widely known as the secret to having a healthy heart, a brilliant brain and very good view.
The virtues of the avocado are too numerous to mention, but here we note some few health benefits provided by their nutritional profile:
Monounsaturated fats - this type of fat helps to control triglycerides in the blood, lower blood cholesterol and control diabetes.
Folate - vitamin water soluble B - promotes healthy cell and tissue development.
Lutein - This is a (natural pigment) carotenoid that protects against cataracts and certain types of cancer, and reduces the risk of degeneration macular, the leading cause of blindness in adults of 65 years of age and older. The avocados avocados contain more lutein than in common fruits and other vegetables or three times.
Oleic acid and potassium - two nutrients also help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
In short: The avocado is a fruit of high nutritional value. It contains all the vitamins present in the plant Kingdom and contributes to combat cardiovascular complications.

Meaning of avocado

Benefits of avocado
The avocado has an important contribution to the preservation of our health.
* Contains 12 of the 13 existing vitamins.
* High content of vitamin E.
* High vitamin K content.
** All the b vitamins.
* Rich in minerals such as potassium and magnesium.
* 0% Cholesterol.
** The Hass Avocado contains no cholesterol, even more, the action of its monounsaturated oils significantly reduced levels of cholesterol in the blood and therefore reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease.
Considerations on the caloric value of the avocado
A brief comparative analysis allows us to establish the following:
* 100 g of avocado pulp supply us 160 calories.
* 100 grams of bread bring twice as many calories.
* 70 grams of noodles (without aggregates), provide one and a half time more.
* An egg filling (pate and mayonnaise), gives twice as many calories
Percentages that provide 100 grs. edible avocado to the daily needs of the body
Vitamins nutritional value
20% Protective skin and view. Defence against infections
B1 9% associated with the proper functioning of the nervous system
B2 8 %
B3 10 %
B6 9% controls arteriosclerosis and certain depressive States.
C 15% prevents colds and strengthens the body's defenses
E 17% antioxidant action
They represent the dietary principle for the production of energy and reproduction of tissues
Minerals and proteins
Minerals nutritional value
4% Phosphorus are vital elements for the growth, maintenance of health and the obtaining of the necessary physical force.
Iron 8 %
Mg 14 %
Potassium 22 %
Protein 4% represent the dietary principle for the production of energy and reproduction of tissues
Of the essential
The avocado is a fruit of high nutritional value. It contains all the vitamins present in the plant Kingdom and contributes to combat cardiovascular complications.
The avocado are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins A, C, D, B6 and E, minerals, fiber and water.
One hundred grams of avocado contains 2, 2 grams of saturated fatty acids, 8.9 grams of monounsaturated fatty acids and 1.7 grams of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, due to their low percentage of saturated fats and high content of oleic acid, the avocado can help combat cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
100 grams of avocado contains more than 100 per cent of the needs daily of vitamin D, 20 percent of vitamin E, B6 and C (1), and ten percent of vitamin B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (Pantothenic acid), b8 (biotin) and folic acid.
In regards to minerals, the avocado is a food rich in potassium and low in sodium, which helps lower blood pressure and thus the risk of vascular accidents.
The avocado is also a source of manganese, micro-nutrient essential for the proper functioning of the brain and metabolism of carbohydrates and magnesium, which helps in the metabolism of lipids, proteins and calcium.
Provided in significant quantities in the avocado, copper is essential for the metabolism of iron, the synthesis of haemoglobin, skin pigment and functional proteins...
The beauty of the avocado
The avocado contains a wide variety of nutrients, including vitamins C, B6 and E, which are proven help reduce wrinkles, moisturize, cleanse, exfoliate and enrich the skin.
In fact, research conducted by the University of California, Los Angeles, show that the avocado has more vitamin E than any other fruit. Vitamin E is an antioxidant of high-power known for slowing the aging process and reduce the harmful effects of exposure to the Sun, as well as help in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
The avocado, folic acid and pregnancy
A good supply of vitamin B9 (folic acid) prior to and during pregnancy, decreases the risk of that unborn baby suffer serious disorders and malformations: spina bifida and anencephaly, among others.
Vitamin B9 or folic acid is one of the vitamins that make up the vitamin B complex and is of paramount importance before and during pregnancy, especially a month before conception and during the first trimester of pregnancy.
Its importance is due to a good supply of this vitamin decreases the risk that the baby be born suffering from neural tube defects. The neural tube is going to form the nervous system of the baby, that is, the brain, the spinal cord. When this neural tube doesn't close properly appear these defects. The most common ones are spina bifida and anencephaly. These disorders are serious. Anencephaly is fatal because the baby die before birth or shortly after. The consequences produced by the spina bifida are: lack of containment of sphincters and learning disabilities, child paralysis.
This closure of the neural tube occurs around day 28 of gestation by so you need a good supply of this vitamin in any age woman of childbearing since it does not meet the requirements recently when one finds out that you are pregnant because it could have already finished this closing process. The recommendations related to this vitamin are 400 micrograms per day and 600 micrograms per day in pregnant women, therefore it is important to know which are their food source. They are: green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, avocados, peanuts, broccoli, asparagus, peas, products, whole grains, liver, walnut. It is good to know also that this vitamin can be destroyed in cooking, therefore better eat it in products like the avocado, that do not require cooking.

Definition of avocado

The avocado is an ancient plant whose origin is recognized in Central America and Mexico, the latter country that gave the name of avocado (derived from the word voice native aocatl or ahuacatl, which means testicle).
It is, however, a female fruit (well suggests Dr. Sapetti uterine shaped), soft texture and delicate flavor. The Spanish conquistadors brought him to Europe and spread fame of stimulant and aphrodisiac.
It is scientifically the Persea Gratissima or Americana, dicot plant of the order of the Ranales and the family of the Laureaceas.
Currently it is a crop expanding since its fruit has demonstrated very valuable nutritional properties, highlighting its high concentration of proteins and unsaturated oils and the absence of cholesterol. Geographically the expansion includes many tropical countries of the world, highlighting different varieties of fruits, in turn obtained from 3 different breeds of avocado as the Mexican, Guatemalan and the Antillean.
The chemical composition of all of them is similar as well as its nutritional bioavailability and here is where stands this vegetable, with regard to what is known, since its easy preparation and its natural state without the need for cooking make to remain intact all concentrations of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that possesses.
Each serving of avocado is in calories to 50 grams of bread, a dish of noodles, a dish of salad tomato and carrot with oil, or an egg filling, but in none of the examples above the bioenergy of this vegetable, is reached especially in what refers to proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Also, all the oil that contains the avocado is perfectly assimilated, contains no cholesterol and conversely, regular intake of avocado favors the positive balance between so-called "good"cholesterol (HDL) and the so-called "bad cholesterol" (LDL). This fact is reinforced remarkably by the high content of potassium and low content of sodium of avocado, as well as by its content of Ascorbic acid, copper, manganese, magnesium, iron and calcium. The avocado contains all the fat-soluble vitamins in very significant quantities with respect to daily requirements, which transforms it into a food of very high biological value. This represents a transcendent fact from the nutritional point of view because in general, foods that have a proportion of vitamins and minerals equivalent, have cholesterol in its composition. The same goes when balancing quantity and quality of some vitamins and minerals to the detriment of others, to prepare a diet, cholesterol and saturated fatty acids are always present.
Just consuming 100 grams of avocado per day, obtained nearly 20% of all minerals and protein needs, although in some cases such as vitamin D, this requirement is covered in 100%.
To better exemplify the value of avocado compare your composition with oil of olive (recommended for cardiovascular problems and hipercolesterolemias and dyslipemia in general); While 100 grams of olive oil contains 14 grams of saturated fatty acids, 72 grams of monounsaturated fatty acids and 9 grams of polyunsaturated fatty acids, avocado has 10, 78 and 10 grams respectively, which puts it in a better position than the one since it also has nutritional values possessing own olives or olive oil.
In summary of the above we can say that avocado not only lacks cholesterol, but regular consumption favours the descent of the same and provides minerals, vitamins and enough calories to become a food of choice in the composition of a natural diet.


• WATER: 75 grams
• FIBER: 1.6 g
• PROTEIN: 1.7 grams
• FAT: 15.4 g
• SATURATED oils: 2.2 grams
• MONOUNSATURATED oils: 8.9 grams (96% acid oleic)
• OILS POLYUNSATURATED: 1.7 grams (98% linoleic acid)
• Vitamin A: 85 Ug
• Vitamin D: 10 Ug
• Vitamin E: 3 Mg
• Vitamin C: 14 Mg
• Vitamin K: 8 Ug
• VITAMIN B1: 0.11 Mg
• Vitamin B2: 0.20 Mg
• Vitamin B6: 0.45 Mg
• Niacin: 1.6 Mg
• PANTOTHENIC acid: 1 Mg
• BIOTIN: 10 Ug
• FOLIC acid: 32 Ug
• CALCIUM: 10 Mg
• Iron: 1.06 Mg
• SODIUM: 4 Mg
• Cobre:0, 35 Mg
• Sulphur: 25 Mg
• Calories: 160
Really the avocado has been endowed with a remarkable chemical composition and this are realizing numerous countries in the world to begin to adopt it in their feeding programs.