What is the meaning of Marketing? Concept, Definition of Marketing (1)

Concepts and meanings of Marketing

Definition of Marketing

For companies, the satisfaction of their clients is an essential aspect. However, to carry out this objective, the implementation of various tools and strategies that contribute to "engage" consumers with a product or service is required.
According to the "father of marketing", Philip Kotler, this is a process in which a group of individuals exchanging goods and services to meet your needs. Some associate this term with the marketing, others like Jerry MacCarthy, it relates to the so-called "four P" of marketing: product, price, place (distribution) and promotion.
The marketing objectives
Those responsible for this area must manage to convince and make that consumers prefer your product or service, and not the others. To do so, should focus on the elements that differentiate it from the competition, among which are: the quality, distribution, and publicity to impress from the outset. Those who create and develop a marketing plan, can not do good to first.
It is necessary that, before, they have researched and have a timely knowledge about the size of the market, volumes of sales, importance and "language" of the brand, and installations, among other aspects. It is important in this process, is to find what are the competitive advantages of the product or service and know to exploit them to the fullest. Answer to the main questions of the consumer also is important: why prefer this product instead of the other? Why is this cheaper than that? are there large amounts of this, and that is exhausted? why this product is so difficult to achieve?, enters other concerns.
Stages of marketing
To carry out the process of marketing, it is necessary to comply with a series of stages that are paramount to the success of this methodology. In principle, is required, at least two parties; which should bring a value to another.
-Study and selection of the market. Studied demographic variables (age, sex, marital status), geographic (climate and type of population / rural or urban) and psychological (aspects of personality, social class).
-Definition of the "four P". Defines the primary variables of the product price, place (distribution) and promotion. This last phase, can be carried out by means of direct communication (face to face) or advertising techniques through radio, press, television, billboards, pamphlets, among others
-Design guidelines. You create and employ the strategies needed to receive a successful feedback from consumers.
-Positioning. We study the competition: their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. In this sense, we must seek ways to make that differentiates our product or service from our competitors.

Marketing concept

Deemed to Philip Kotler creator of marketing as a modern discipline, and thus comprises this practice as an administrative and social process by which individuals meet their needs creating and exchanging goods and services. In a nutshell, marketing (or marketing or marketing in Spanish) is called to commercial practices aimed at meeting needs or desires of the consumer through the development of products that generate profits.
In daily life, the marketing implies strategies, studies and developments in order to meet consumer, establish its characteristics and preferences and generate your customized products that are presented to it through advertising and other methods of attraction and offer.
Kotler proposes a hypothetical situation in which marketing takes place and that includes two parts where each one has something that has value, in that both can communicate among themselves and are free to accept or reject the offer of the other for the other.
And for this, the brands and commercial companies employ various tools, such as the positioning of a product in the mind of the customer through advertising, management of study groups or 'focus groups' where the consumer is called to comment on a new development, the generation of instances of promotion that are reproduced and disseminated by the same customers (what is known as "viral marketing").
Those who work in areas of marketing distinguished four vital concepts for their implementation: product, price, distribution and communication.
In turn, there are four possible objects of study in marketing, these are: client, members of the company, the shareholders of the brand and the company. If all groups may be satisfied with certain strategy, then you can say that this marketing strategy is effective.
In practice, the marketing of a company or product area must pass through several stages in the achievement of their efforts: strategic marketing (the prior needs of consumers, potential competitors, distribution policies, market opportunities and diagnostic comprehensive study of the product launch), the marketing mix (which includes the four concepts of product, price, distribution and communication for a particular launch)the implementation of the programme and the final inspection of their effectiveness (which includes profitability).
Finally, given the complexity of the term, many, such as the social, the relational, the holistic marketing and other types can be distinguished.

What is Marketing

Marketing is an English concept, translated into Spanish as marketing or marketing. It is the discipline dedicated to the analysis of the behavior of markets and consumers. Marketing analyses the commercial management of the companies in order to attract, retain and gain the loyalty of customers through the satisfaction of their needs.
Some phrases where the term is used are: "Let's hire a marketing expert to help us in the company", "Lower prices during the World Cup was a great marketing strategy", "I'm reading a new book by marketing".
Marketers tend to focus their activities in the whole of the four p:producto, price, place (distribution) and advertising (promotion). Marketing appeals to different techniques and methodologies with the intention to conquer the market and achieve other objectives of a commercial company.
Definition of the term by experts
The marketing has been invented to meet the needs of the market in exchange for benefit for companies that use it to develop. It is a tool that undoubtedly is strictly necessary to achieve success in the markets.
According to Philip Kotler is a social and administrative process whereby certain groups or individuals obtain what they need or want through the exchange of goods or services.
Jerome McCarthy believes that it is the activities that can help a company achieve the goals proposed, and can anticipate the desires of consumers and develop products or services fit for the market.
On the other hand John a. Howard, who works at Columbia University, ensures that you are convinced that marketing is a process in which it is necessary to understand the needs of consumers, and find what can cause the company to satisfy them. And the Ries and Jack Trout, you think that marketing is synonymous of 'war' where each competitor must analyze each "participant" of the market, understanding their strengths and weaknesses and devise a plan to exploit them and to defend themselves.
According to the American Marketing Association (A.M.A), marketing is a way of organizing a set of actions and processes when creating a product "for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers, and to handle relations" and its purpose is to benefit the organization satisfying the customers.
It says that marketing is a social and administrative process because they involved a group of people, with their concerns and needs and you need a certain amount of elements such as organization, implementation and control, for an efficient development of activities.
The only function that must meet is the targets which the company arises in regards to sales and distribution to keep this current. Why it is so important not only to have a knowledge of the market, but knowing things that can develop the company which may be of interest to customers.
What makes the marketing is considered a need of clientele and, from it, design, start-up and check how it works the marketing of products or services of the company. Various strategies and tools enable the marketing positioning a brand or a product in the mind of the purchaser.
The marketing actions may have a vision of profitability in the short or long term, because its management also involves making investments in the company's relationship with customers, with suppliers and even its own employees, also advertising in the media. It is important not to confuse marketing and advertising, already marketing encompasses advertising and other issues.
It is said that marketing can have different orientations: product (when the company has a monopoly market, but anyway, aims to improve the production process), sales (intended to increase the participation of the company in the segment) or market (seeking the adaptation of the product to the tastes of the consumer).
Today there are many types of marketing, here we present some definitions:
Direct marketing: consists of an interactive system that gets supporters and results in their transactions becoming known through the advertising media from one place.
Relationship marketing: is included in the direct marketing and is based on a fundamental principle which says that we must not sell, but make friends and they will be those who buy.Get profit in exchange for the customer's satisfaction.
Virtual marketing: also is named cibermarketing and is that applied to the Internet, and that is directed to any person in the world that has a computer and connection to the network. In this marketing there are SEO tools that are those that allow companies to reach a good visibility and can better sell their products or services.

Meaning of Marketing

Marketing or marketing, is a set of techniques and methods, structured in a process that has as function know, identify, anticipate and meet the demands of the consumer, in view of their needs, causing the company to obtain more satisfactory income. Marketing Center is the client, it is he who will accept or reject the product that the company is launching. Marketing does not create the user's needs, but discovers them, anticipates and encourages.
Marketing includes multiple activities or marketing instruments, ranging from the choice of product or service to offer, according to a market research, examining the tastes of clientele, its possibilities, and those of competition, price fixing, the logistics of distribution to get products from the manufacturer to the public, sales managementadvertising, customer service, and the response to the claims.
There are different types of marketing dependent of the company to which they are applied. Thus we distinguish the marketing industry, whose product is a tangible asset; marketing services, with intangibles, where production and sale coincide at the same time, and therefore in this case there are strategies of marketing that should be discarded, as the packaging of the product, and change other aspects should privilege as the attention to the public. Finally there is social marketing, which is beyond the scope of companies to apply in all those associations that intend to have "arrival" in citizenship, as in campaign, clubs, cultural associations, or political parties.
Marketing must have a plan of action according to objectives, and must take into account the current situation of the company, its internal situation and its positioning in the market, and towards where you intend to go according to this you select the most appropriate variables that must correspond to the situation of the company according to the diagnosis made. Once prepared the plan requires its control and monitoring.

Definition of Marketing

Term that comes from the English language, whose translation is marketing or marketing and which refers to the area of study that deals with understanding the process by which, the individuals are motivated by exchanging goods and services to meet your needs. Do a good job of marketing means understanding the needs of customers and provide them with a product or service that will generate profits for the company.
A marketing plan includes certain market strategies for maximizing sales and a high satisfaction from customers. The idea is that both parties (seller and consumer) are benefited. For this purpose, will be necessary in addition, a study on the positioning of the product and develop a sales strategy.
As a discipline, marketing responds to a set of principles, techniques, and methodologies that are used to achieve the objectives of a company by specialists and in turn, get to meet the needs of customers. Through this, it is achieved: manage the marketing, the loyalty of clients, positioning the product or brand in the mind of the consumer, and the choice of product or service as a first option.
To ensure that consumers have a positive vision of a product or service, marketing plan must manage product offering, set a reasonable price, organize the publicidad(revista, radio, tv, vía pública, etc.), and care for the relationship with clients, their employees and with suppliers.
Marketing plans also set the profitability to short, medium or long term, working in conjunction with the commercial area. The success will depend in large part, to make a deep study of market and choose the most effective tools to meet pre-established goals.

Marketing concept

Marketing is a current evaluative financial existing in companies dedicated to the consumption of products in order to determine the amplitude with which it is accepted in the market. The word Marketing is an idiom, means marketing in Spanish but as Marketing has a more significant impact on the Spanish speaking population. As college career, marketing or marketing provides students knowledge and strategies for studies and probes in the markets fluctuating and evolutionary, how to manage advertising and how to react to the competition. This degree is relatively new, as university studies has had favorable acceptance and performance in the way is taught, either by its ease or projection.
A specialist in Marketing aims to make consumers faithful to the product that promotes, marketing and their impulses will seek the way with advertising strategies and business management that might be attractive in the eyes of the buyer and quality materials that are already done with industry matter, however, marketing makes a dramatic role and noted its presence in manufacturing of the product as it requires to be more quality high quality, since the face of the industry is its marketing strategy. This team of people has the task of ensuring that product will satisfy the needs of the buyer, for this scanned that it is what the person, seeks and finds it often obtains a favorable outcome with the brand and compares with others. Let's see the following example:
A person looking for detergent, located on the shelf a brand X at a price of 20 coins, acquires it and at the time of washing your clothes gets as a result I am not clean enough. Returning to the shop, located in next to the detergent X one brand, and which costs the same, advertising to its around it is innovative and ensures perfect white and brighter colors, when the person washing their clothes with detergent and you get wonderful results that propaganda bid him, so it becomes a buyer safe detergent brand and. Now comes something more interesting, then that person has time using the detergent brand and finds the news that 20 to 30 coins coins increased, while the X stays at the same price, however despite rising prices the person decides to buy detergent which is faithful by its quality, believes that the price remains comfortable and more by that meeting their needs.
Marketing is a risky and very lucky career where examples like this are also the most appreciated, in addition to this control of offers and promotions are part of the mechanics of marketing, strategies which seek that the consumer closer to the brand in search of economy and quality.

Meaning of Marketing

The term marketing or marketing, has various definitions. According to Philip Kotler (considered by some father of modern marketing) is 'the social and administrative process by which groups and individuals meet their needs to create and exchange goods and services'. It has also defined as a philosophy of the direction that argues that the key to achieving the objectives of the Organization lies in identifying the needs and desires of the target market and adapt to provide satisfactions desired by the market more efficiently than the competition.
Marketing is also a process which includes the identification of needs and desires of the target market, the formulation of consumer-oriented goals, the construction of strategies that create a higher value, the implementation of relations with the consumer and the retention of the value of the consumer to achieve benefits.
Marketing, in Castilian, usually translated as marketing, marketing or mercatica, although other authors also translated as commercial strategy or promotion and propaganda.
On the other hand, the word marketing is recognized by DRAE; and although it supports the use of anglicism, RAE recommended preferably Spanish voice marketing. The graphic adaptation of marketing proposed by the SAR is marketing.

Objective and concepts

The main objective of marketing is to bring the client up to the limit of the purchase decision. Also the marketing aims also encourage the exchange of value between two parties (buyer and seller), so both are benefited. According to Philip Kotler, «the Act of obtaining a desired product from another person» is understood by Exchange. That occur, it is necessary that five conditions are met:
1. Must have at least two parts.
2. Each party must have something that represents value to the other.
3. Each party must be able to communicate and deliver.
4. Each party should be free to accept or reject the offer.
5. Each party must believe that it is appropriate.
If for any reason, any of the parties involved in the Exchange is not satisfied, prevent repeat again this Exchange.
It is the "set of actions whose objective is to provide for the demand of goods and services for maximum efficiency in its marketing", it is worth highlighting our days marketing deals that meet human needs, offer you goods and services that make you feel good, for example a basic necessity would be sleeping, which found that marketing offers and ideas from a wide range of mattresses for salebases for the mattress, bedding with different characteristics that, they make us feel the desire for them to feel good. As a discipline of scientific influences, marketing is a set of principles, methodologies and techniques through which seeks to conquer a market, cooperate in obtaining the Organization's objectives, and the needs and desires of the consumers or clients.
Marketing is the orientation that manages the marketing or marketing within an organization. Likewise, it seeks to retain customers, using tools and strategies; a product positioned in the minds of the consumer, or a brand, etc, looking to be the primary option and to arrive at the end user; the marketing part because the needs of the customer or consumer, to design, organize, execute, and control, the marketing function or marketing of the organization.
The word marketing also refers to a function or functional area of the Organization: the area of marketing, commercial area, Department of marketing, etc. Another way to define this concept is to consider marketing everything that a company can do to be perceived in the market (final consumers), with a view of short- and long-term profitability.
An organization that wants to ensure that consumers have positive of it and its products, a vision and opinion must manage the product itself, its price, its relationship with customers, with suppliers and with their own employees, own advertising in various media and media, the presence in the media of communication (public relations), etc. All of that is part of the marketing.
Current life would be very difficult to understand if there were no marketing. Many times we find the answer to our problems with some product that we announce; While it is true that many times the company sell us garbage, it is also true that with market studies, can generate large benefits by facilitating the daily activities. The goal of marketing is to identify the needs of the consumer and conceptualize them, to produce a product or service that meets them promoting the interchange them with clients, in exchange for a utility or benefit.
The company needs to internalize characteristics of its clients and the weaknesses and strengths of its competitors; then, establish a plan of action that allows you to position themselves, defend and attack; This generates a great benefit for consumers, since they are a greater supply, quality and a better price for a product which can complete to fully meet the needs of people

Associated concepts

• Needs, wishes and demand: the need is an internal state of tension caused when there is a balance between what is required and what is or has. Needs are usually linked to the physical state of the organism. Sometimes, when needs are translated or embodied in specific objects we have desires, i.e. the wishes are needs specific satisfiers for the individual-oriented. The demand is the desire to purchase a product, but with the addition that should have the capacity to acquire it (economic access, legal). However, the marketing does not create needs, as these are inherent to the people, although the marketing practitioner directs desires and stimulates the demand for certain product and brand; eg: need to quench the thirst, wish to take soda, cola drink demand marks 20th.
• Value and satisfaction: value is the relationship that establishes the customer benefits (functional, status, etc.) which perceives the product being offered and the costs (economic, time, efforts) representing purchasing it. Other elements such as the simplification in the decision of purchase, loyalty, and the ranking of benefits, have been included in the development of bid, through the creation of value proposals aimed to configure products and services that meet optimally the needs and desires of individuals to whom they are addressed. The degree of satisfaction is the mood of well-being or disappointment which is experienced after a good use. And although satisfaction is linked to criteria of comparison and excitement, where the perception about the offer has a very relevant place, has shown that actual performance of the offer in the care of needs, desires and order goods, has an effect, most durable and sustainable in it, reason by which the strategic marketing transits of symbolization to supply configuration.
• Exchange: it involves the participation of two or more parties that give something to get something in return, these exchanges must be mutually beneficial between company and customer, to build a successful long-term relationship.

The mix of marketing (the "four P")

(Also known by the term marketing mix) marketing mix are the tools that the company uses to implement marketing strategies and achieve the established objectives. These tools are known as the P of marketing.
Many authors do not reach an agreement with respect to the number of elements that make up the mix. Thus for example Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong exposed that you it's four variable marketing; However, more recent authors have adopted different theoretical structures that change the four traditional "P" (price, distribution ["Place" in English], promotion, and product), taking into account more aspects as people and processes, which have full administrative aspects, but they are part marketing decisions.
• Product: Any good, service, idea, person, place, organization or institution that is offered in a market for its acquisition or use that satisfies a need. The policy of product includes the study of 4 key elements:
1. The product portfolio
2. The differentiation of products
3. The mark
4. The presentation
• Price: Is the value of exchange of the product, determined by the utility or satisfaction derived from the purchase and use or consumption of the product.
or is the element of the mix that is more fixed in the short term and that the company can quickly adapt according to competence, cost...
or it is distinguished from the rest of the elements of the marketing mix because it is the only one that generates revenue, while other items generate costs.
or to determine the price, the company must take into account the following:
  • The costs of production, distribution...
  • The margin that you want to obtain.
  • The elements of the environment: mainly the competition.
  • The marketing strategies adopted.
  • The objectives laid down.
• Distribution ("Place"): the mixing element which we use to get a product successfully reaches the customer. Four elements make up the distribution policy:
1. Distribution channels. Agents involved in the process of moving products from supplier to consumer.
2. Planning of the distribution. Decision to implement a systematic of how getting products to consumers and the agents involved (wholesalers, retailers).
3. Physical distribution. Forms of transport, stock levels, stores, location of plants and agents used.
4 Merchandising. Techniques and actions that are carried out at the point of sale. It consists of the layout and the presentation of the product to the establishment, as well as the advertising and promotion at the point of sale.
• Promotion:
or communication aims to disseminate a message and that it has a response from the target audience to that intended. The main objectives of the communication are:
  • Communicate product features.
  • Communicate the benefits of the product.
  • You remember or you buy the brand/product.
or communication is not just advertising. The different instruments that make up the mix of communication are as follows:
  • The advertising.
  • Public relations.
  • Personal selling.
  • Sales promotion.
  • Direct marketing.
• People: A company has staff that serves its customers. The satisfaction of these is affected by the good or bad service they receive from the company.
• Processes: Processes must be structured correctly, either to talk about the creation of a product or a service, that take us to the logistics of the enterprise to reduce costs and increase profits.

Object of market study

• Clients. Products and services are looking for better and much faster if they are properly arranged instead, satisfied any need for people, and people are willing to pay for them. Without customers there is no company. Without a product that meets a need, there is no company.
• Workers of the company. Most companies forget that marketing is also the needs of the people who work within them. Search for the satisfaction of the personnel is also crucial.
• Shareholders. Those who take the risk waiting to see their efforts rewarded. A good marketing strategy should achieve the company to generate utilities to their owners.
• Society. A company must be beneficial for society.[citation required] Black such as drug trafficking or prostitution turns satisfied customers, their people and investors (when available), but do not help the social welfare.
A company marketing efforts must focus to meet the needs of these four groups of people. Only then you can say is that a good marketing strategy.