What is the meaning of Palindrome? Concept, Definition of Palindrome

Palindrome concept

Palindrome definition

A Palindrome (Greek dromein palin, back to go backwards) is a Word, number, or phrase that reads equal forward that backwards. If it's a number, called capicua. Usually, palindromicas phrases resent in meaning how much longer are.
Normally understood by Palindrome who takes by drive letter, i.e. whose last letter is the same as the first, the penultimate is the same as the second, etc. It is the case of words such as recognizing or aniline. However, you can also take as unit the syllable (e.g., cat with toga, although in this case could be qualified as an anagram), the word or even the line.


Ana, arenera, Arepas, aniline, Ra'anana, Malayalam, Neuquén, Oruro, bear, radar, recognize, rotor, salas, beings, we are, we submit, among others.

Palindromes phrases

• Were there any owls here perhaps? (de Juan Filloy)
• Are their ships.
• Guess already you think, no longer thousands originates, as neither sceptre I no longer dominates monarchs, review or mulatto wagon, perhaps nicotine, no longer cited neighbor, anima kitchen, chicken piece, smooth sieve we frisk bobbin enjoys, panic walks, Onyx predicts no longer Bacon brings to light terracotta PEAR, sacred payroll and mood of dead, because neither turns eliminatesand neither poet, no longer life. (from Ricardo Ochoa)
• There by troop ported, brought to this spot of maneuvers, a chick as Captain wear beret leave me, despite hating all troop by such attired. (from Luis Torrent)
• If Maria warns and thus are going to my chair.
• Bind him, demonic Cain or me betrays. (used by Julio Cortázar, attributed to Juan Filloy in some sources)
• An atheist by Arabia was rare poet. (de Juan Filloy)
• Dabalé rice to the Abbot Fox.
• The path brought us another natural step.
• I am nothing, Adam. (of Guillermo Cabrera Infante)
• Do not tell my decorum, yielded my gift. (de Juan Filloy)
• Do not Tin, no: plowed all dilato heel to heel. (de Juan Filloy)
• Banal Catalan attack.

In German

• Ein Neger mit Gazelle zagt im Regen nie. (In the rain, a black with a Gazelle not descorazona is never).

In English

• Able was I ere I saw Elba.(James Joyce in his Ulysses)
• Madam, I'm Adam (James Joyce in that same work) (Madam, I'm Adam, a traditional presentation of Adam to Eve)
• Madam, in Eden I'm Adam (Lady, in Eden I am Adam, ingenious further enlargement of the prior).
• A man, a plan, a canal: Panama! (A man, a plan, a canal: Panama!, the epitaph of the Builder of the Panama Canal).
• Satan oscillate my metallic sonatas.

In Italian

• I topi non avevano nipoti (mice had no nephews/grandchildren, in Italian, nipote can be nephew or grandchild).
• Anna loves Ale ma Pamela loves Anna (Anna loves Ale but Pamela wants him to Anna).
• All' non Unicef sfic nulla (in Unicef, did nothing).

In latin

• In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni ("We take turns at night and we are consumed by fire", according to some a riddle whose solution was "torch", according to others a description of the flight of moths at night, and also the demons.)
• Roma tibi subito motibus ibit love.
• If bene te tua laus taxat, sua laute tenebis.
• Sole medere pede ede, perede melos.
• Signa temere me tangis

In Greek

• Νίψον ανομήματα, μόναν όψιν μη (Nipson anomemata me monan opsin, "Lavad your sins, not just your face") appears in numerous stacks of churches in Europe, and it was created by the Byzantine Emperor León VI.

In catalan

• I ara rai ("and now already little matter").
• Català, a l'atac! ("Catalan, attack!)
• Senén tea sis nens i nenes set ("Senen has six boys and seven girls')
• There, tieta Mercè, faci coffee, cream, you i til•la ("there, aunt Mercedes, make coffee, custard, tea and tila")

In Galician language

• Torre da defeat ("the Tower of defeat")

In French

• Esope reste ici et repose ("Aesop stays here and rest").
• Mon nom ('my name').

In Finnish

• Saippuakauppias (seller of SOAP, one of the words longer than palindromicas that are known).
In mapudungun
• Newen (strength, energy of the universe)
• Neuquén (correntoso, sweeping, vibrant).
• Lolol (land of crabs and holes, many moats)
• Ata (bad)

Palindrome concept

The Palindrome are some strange linguistic phenomena that can be read the same from left to right to right to left (ignoring punctuation, accents, spaces or political trends since then).
There are words palindromicas that can be easily thought of as for example:
Some not so obvious, and which are not recognized as Palindrome at first glance, like:
But build phrases palindromicas can be a much more difficult exercise. Note for example the magnificent and incredible sentence:
"The path brought us another natural step"
However there are poems and complex histories palindromicas. Also there are even letters palindromicas, or symmetrical, especially when written in uppercase. And so we find for example in Latin characters, four vowels except for the E:
A, I, O, U
In addition to the seven consonants:
H, M, T, V, W, X, AND
And also the Arabic numbers 0 and 8.
Most of palindromicas words or phrases are always characterized by an odd number of them, with a letter in the middle which I will call mirror PALINDROMIC:
"Kayak"; 5 Letters, mirror Palindromic = "And"
"Ana"; 3 Letters, mirror Palindromic = "N"
"Adam or nothing"; 9 Letters, mirror Palindromic = "O"
There are however few Palindrome with an even number of letters. The PALINDROMIC mirror then consists of the same mirrored letter:
"Anna" - 4 letters, mirror Palindromic = "nn"
"The path provided us another natural step" - 30 letters, mirror Palindromic = "or or"
There are Palindrome in all languages of the world. The writer Julio Cortázar was obsessed with the Palindrome. Ever managed to write one: "Lenin jumps atlas", according to himself, with an infinite work. He wrote also the disturbing tale Satarsa, based on the palindroma "tailing the rat".
In addition to the letters, there are also numbers palindromicas, such that:
Something interesting happens with age, where besides being leap, fastos or harmful for example, may be his! In the Millennium that runs from the year 1000 up to 2000, it's been 10 years his, namely:
1001, 1111, 1221, 1331, 1441, 1551, 1661, 1771, 1881 and 1991
From 1001 until the year 9999 should exactly 90 years his. It is curious that recur at intervals of 100 years. Too long for human life on average. But we, men of end of the 20th century and beginning of the 21st will have the unique opportunity to live 2 years his in a span of just 11 years (at best):
1991... 2002
The year 2002 will be the next Palindromic year! All event however few people think to celebrate properly.
To conclude on the Palindrome number, take the case of the famous number PI = 3.14159265358979... This enigmatic character, besides irrational infinite and transcendent, encloses between its bowels figures palindromicas as incredible as it may seem. Within the first 50 million IP numbers, it can be seen that the figure seven-digit Palindromic:
It is located at position 6866235 counting from the first digit after the decimal point (note that corresponding to that position 686 is also Palindromic!). And it is in fact the natural Palindromic in larger mirror that exists in the first 50 million digits of PI. For its part number:
It is subdivided into the 8521405 position. The reader can check it on the web site of digits of PI. Or it goes without saying that all his of the Millennium years are in PI. Some of them repeated several times in different positions. If we do have many more digits of PI, would number his most interesting or larger within them and best of all: positions probably palindromicas too... doesn't seem it strange?

Palindrome meaning

A Palindrome is a word or an expression that can be read both from left to right and from right to left (i.e., expresses the same to be read in the traditional way or upside down). It's the equivalent of that, with regard to numbers, referred to as capicua.
For example: "Anita washing tub" is a Palindrome because, if we reverse the order of the letters, the same expression will continue to still be reading. Of course, any change (for minimum that is) in the structure of the sentence, ending with the Palindrome. In this way, "Ana washing tub" or "Anita washing a tub" are not palindromes.
Beyond sentences, there are words that are palindromes themselves. That is the case of "wing", "pineapple", "gold", "dad" and "here", among many others. It is usual that the words that are palindromes have few letters, although there are exceptions (such as "submit").
Many writers have shown their interest in the palindromes, creating a lot of expressions of this type. Some of them are the Cuban Guillermo Cabrera Infante, Victor Carbajo Spanish and Argentine Juan Filloy.
The palindromes, of course, are not exclusive property of the Castilian language. It is possible to find palindromes in the English ("Was it a car or a cat I saw"), French ("a soleil du Sud lie l' I nu") and any other language.
When the Palindrome can be read in both directions but with different meanings, describes him is how two-faced: "Silk of the yesterdays" is read backwards as "I will already be solitudes".