What is the meaning of pecuniary? Concept, Definition of pecuniary

Concepts of pecuniary and derived words

Meaning of Pecuniary

adj. relative to cash.
monetary, chrematistic.
Monetary refers to the minted coin or trustee (League, monetary circulation), or to the general economy of money (monetary crisis); in this latter sense is used also chrematistic. In general pecuniary has more humble applications; for example: talk about the pecuniary situation of a family and a country's monetary or chrematistics situation.

Definition of Pecuniary

pecuniary,-ria adj. relating to money: pecuniary value.
Manual of the Vox Spanish language dictionary. © 2007 Larousse Editorial, S.L.
adj. relative to cash.
Vox encyclopedic dictionary 1. © 2009 Larousse Editorial, S.L.
pecuniary, pecuniary
monetary, chrematistic.
Monetary refers to the minted coin or trustee (League, monetary circulation), or to the general economy of money (monetary crisis); in this latter sense is used also chrematistic. In general pecuniary has more humble applications; for example: talk about the pecuniary situation of a family and a country's monetary or chrematistics situation.
Dictionary of synonyms and antonyms of the Vox Spanish language Manual. © 2007 Larousse Editorial, S.L.

Pecuniary concept

With the word pecuniary refers to everything to do with the cash. It comes from latin "pecuniarius" suetimologia. This term in turn comes from "pecus" that it was cattle, cuyapropiedad served in Roman antiquity as a sign of wealth. When appears the money, this replaced the cattle for its value in commercial transactions.
In the trials of the first epoch, in the archaic system of lasacciones of the law, you bet between litigants, on the outcome of the dispute, and that bet was in sheep or cows, according to it outside the economic importance of the issue. Then, the sheep were replaced by 10 ACEs each and cows by 100 ACEs (in total were five cows or sheep).
Currently everything refers to money is pecuniary, for example the fine penalty is pecuniary punishment consists in the delivery of certain monetary sum in favour of the State. Following in the legal sphere, when it is operated in civilian headquarters seeks to repair pecuniary question, if things cannot be again to its State prior to the conflict, while in criminal headquarters, as we have said, the only pecuniary penalty is fine, since the imprisonment and confinement imported deprivation of liberty: "By the pecuniary part demandaremos in civilian headquarters".
They are pecuniary amongst others, the content of the wage, the interests of a debt, the valuation of the property, the amount that is paid as consideration in a purchase sale, the price of the rental, and so on.