What is the meaning of Predictive maintenance? Concept, Definition of Predictive maintenance
Predictive maintenance concepts and derived words
Meaning of predictive maintenance
Predictive maintenance which is based on the determination of the State of the machine in operation. The concept relies on machines to give a kind of notification before the fallen and this maintenance comes to perceive symptoms then take actions. features: the computer or device presents symptoms of failure which must be analyzed by the usuario.It's non-destructive testing, such as oil, analysis of wear particle analysis, measurement of vibrations, measurement of temperatures, infrared thermography, etc.
Predictive maintenance enables decisions until the failure occurs: change or repair the machine at a nearby stop, detect abnormal conditions of the equipment changes and correct them, etc.
Definition of predictive maintenance
Predictive maintenance is a technique to predict the point of failure of a component of a future machine, so that component can be replaced, with base in a plan, just prior to failure. Thus, minimizes equipment downtime and maximizes the life time of the component.Predictive maintenance organization
This technique involves the measurement of various parameters that show a predictable relationship with the component lifecycle. Some examples of these parameters are the following:
• Vibration of bearings
• Temperature of the electrical connections
• The insulation resistance of the winding of a motor
The use of predictive maintenance consists of establishing, firstly, a historical perspective of the relationship between the selected variable and the life of the component. This is accomplished by taking readings (e.g. a bearing vibration) at regular intervals until the component fails. The figure shows a typical curve that results from plotting against time (vibration) variable. As the curve suggests, subsequent bearings must be replaced when the vibration reaches 1.25 in/SEC (31.75 mm/sec). Manufacturers of instruments and software for predictive maintenance can recommend ranges and values to replace most of the equipment components, this means that historical analysis is unnecessary in most applications.
Methodology of inspections
Once determined the feasibility and desirability of predictive maintenance to a machine or unit, the next step is to determine the or variable physical control that are indicative of the status of the machine. The objective of this part is to review in detail the techniques commonly used in the monitoring according to condition, so they serve as a guide for your overall selection. The purpose of the monitoring is to obtain an indication of the condition (mechanical) or State of health of the machine, so that it can be operated and maintained to security and the economy.
By monitoring, understood in its infancy, as the measurement of a physical variable which is considered representative of the condition of the machine and its comparison with values that indicate whether the machine is in good been or deteriorated. With the current automation of these techniques, the meaning of the word has spread also monitoring to the acquisition, processing and storage of data. According to the objectives to be achieved with the monitoring of the condition of a machine must distinguish between surveillance, protection, diagnosis and prognosis.
• Monitoring of machines. Its purpose is to indicate when a problem exists. You must distinguish between good and bad, condition and if it is bad to indicate how bad is.
• Protection of machines. Its objective is to avoid catastrophic failure. A machine is protected, if when values that indicate his condition reach values considered dangerous, the machine stops automatically.
• Fault diagnosis. Its objective is to define what the specific problem. Forecast of life expectancy to. Its objective is to estimate how much longer could operate the machine without risk of a catastrophic failure.
Recently the tendency to apply predictive or symptomatic, maintenance has been given, this is through vibroanalisis, analyses of used oil, control wear, etc.
Concept of predictive maintenance
Definition of predictive maintenance:Based maintenance largely detect a failure before it happens, to give time to correct it without harm to the service, or detention of production, etc. These controls can be conducted periodically or continuously, depending on types of equipment, production system, etc.
To do this, diagnostic instruments, equipment and non-destructive tests, as analysis of lubricants, checks of temperature electrical equipment, etc. are used for this purpose
Advantages of predictive maintenance:
• Reduces downtimes.
• Allows you to follow the evolution of a defect at the time.
• Optimizes the management of maintenance personnel.
• Check the condition of machinery, both carried out periodically as accidentally lets make an archive copy of the mechanical behaviour.
• Know exactly the time limit for action that does not involve the development of an unexpected failure.
• Decision-making on a line of machines stop at critical moments.
• Preparation of internal forms of operation or purchase of new equipment.
• Allow the knowledge of the history of actions, to be used for corrective maintenance.
• Facilitates the analysis of faults.
• Allow the statistical analysis of the system.
What is predictive maintenance
Without a doubt, the development of new technologies have significantly marked global industry today. In recent years, the mechanical industry has been under the determining influence of electronics, Automatics and telecommunications, demanding greater preparation in staff, not only from the point of view of the operation of the machinery, but from the point of view of industrial maintenance.The industrial reality, nuanced by the enormous need for effectively and efficiently exploit the installed machinery and elevate to higher levels of maintenance activity. We do not do anything with great solutions which presuppose designs, innovations and technologies of recovery, if we do not maintain our industry with high availability
I.e., the industry has to distinguish itself by a proper exploitation and efficient maintenance. In other words, the correct operation and timely maintenance constitute decisive ways to take care of what we have.
It is so predictive maintenance is a technique to predict the point of failure of a component of a future machine, so that component can be replaced, based on a plan, just prior to failure. Thus, minimizes equipment downtime and maximizes the life time of the component.
The use of predictive maintenance consists of establishing, firstly, a historical perspective of the relationship between the selected variable and the life of the component. This is accomplished by taking readings (e.g. a bearing vibration) at regular intervals until the component fails.
Once determined the feasibility and desirability of predictive maintenance to a machine or unit, the next step is to determine the or variable physical control that are indicative of the status of the machine. The objective of this part is to review in detail the techniques commonly used in the monitoring according to condition, so they serve as a guide for your overall selection. The purpose of the monitoring is to obtain an indication of the condition (mechanical) or State of health of the machine, so that it can be operated and maintained to security and the economy.
Meaning of predictive maintenance
Definition of predictive maintenance.Predictive maintenance is the series of actions taken and techniques that are applied with the aim of detecting faults and defects in machinery at the early stages to avoid failures are manifest catastrophically during operation and cause emergency stoppages and downtime causing negative financial impact.
Disadvantage of the traditional preventive maintenance.
Preventive maintenance traditional, based on time of operation (hrs., cycles, RPM´s, etc.) and which is the basis of the maintenance programs of most of the plants has the great disadvantage that only applies to approximately 11% of the total number of failure modes that are present in it the machinery in the industry today and have a predictable aging age.
89% Of the remaining failure modes do not have a predictable age and therefore doesn't apply preventive maintenance tasks to prevent failures in operation.
Advantages most important predictive maintenance:
1 Faults are detected in its early stages so it is has enough time to make the planning and scheduling of corrective action (corrective maintenance) in scheduled stoppages and under controlled conditions that minimize downtime and the negative effect on production and to also ensure a better quality of repairs.
2 Detection of maintenance techniques predictive are mostly technical "on-condition" which means that you inspections can be with machinery operating at its maximum speed.
3. The predictive maintenance is proactive maintenance since it allows to manage failures before they occur in operation and not afterwards as the reactive maintenance does.
Techniques of predictive maintenance.
The requirement so you can apply a predictive technique is the incipient failure to generate signals or signs of their existence, such as; high temperature, noise, ultrasound, vibration, particles wear, high amperage, etc.
Techniques for detection of failures and defects in machinery vary from the use of the human senses (hearing, sight, touch and smell), the use of control data, process and quality control, the use of statistical tools, to fashion techniques such as; vibration analysis, thermography, Tribology, motor circuit analysis and ultrasound.
Effectiveness of predictive maintenance:
A predictive maintenance program be considered effective this must increase reliability (reliability) and the operational performance of the machinery while that at the same time reducing production costs including maintenance costs.
To design and implement an effective predictive maintenance program it is necessary to determine that; Computers, machines or processes the implementation of the programme is justified both technically and economically.
To achieve this required;
First - know the different failure modes and the negative effects that these cause about machinery (RCM analysis),
Second - know the advantages and limitations of different techniques of predictive maintenance to choose the technique more applicable and justifiable economically.
Third - count with a team of highly competent technicians in the techniques of predictive maintenance.
Fourth - changing the culture of reactive maintenance to proactive maintenance culture.