Rebellion of Pontiac and its legacy
The total number of fatalities during Pontiac's rebellion is unknown. Around 400 British soldiers were killed in combat and about 50 were captured and tortured to death. George Croghan estimated that some 2,000 settlers were killed or captured. The violence drove more than 4,000 English to flee their homes in Pennsylvania and Virginia. Data
on the losses of American Indians are even less known, although it is
estimated that during different clashes killed 200 warriors, to which we
should add all the deaths caused by smallpox if one accepts that the
stratagem of infected blankets was successful.
Guerra has been traditionally seen as a defeat of the Indians, but it
is more accurate to say that it was a military tie: while the Indians
failed in their attempt to expel the British, they were unable to
conquer the lands of the natives. The end of the war came through negotiations and not by victories in battle fields. The
Indians, in fact, had an important victory to get the British
Government to abandon the policies of repression of Amherst, and instead
seek an alliance with the natives in the style that they already had
with France.
between the settlers and the Indians, who had been severely damaged
during the French and Indian war, returned to decline during Pontiac's
rebellion. The war highlighted by violence on both sides, apparently moved by a genocidal fanaticism. The
people of both sides reached the conclusion that both settlers and
natives were totally different by nature and could never live with each
other. According to historian Daniel Richter,
during the war the idea that all natives were Indians, all white
Europeans and that each mission was to destroy the other.
The English Government also came to the conclusion that the settlers and Indians should remain separate. On
October 7, 1763, the Crown drafted the Royal Proclamation of 1763,
which wanted to reorganize the American territories after the Treaty of
Paris. The rebellion occurred when the Decree was
still in the process of preparation, which had to be approved quickly
as soon as the news of the uprising reached London. Officials
drew a boundary line between the British colonies and the lands of the
natives to the West the Appalachian mountains, creating a vast India
reserve that ranged from the Appalachians to the Mississippi River and
from Florida to Newfoundland. To prohibit settlers to enter Indian lands, the British Government hoped to avoid new events as Pontiac's rebellion. From this moment, segregation characterized relations between Europeans and natives in North America.
The effects of Pontiac's Guerra is noted for a long time. Since
the Decree recognized some rights to indigenous peoples over lands
which they occupied became known as the Charter right of Indians (Indian
Bill of Rights in English). English settlers and land speculators, however, the Decree seemed refusal to occupy the lands they had conquered the French. The
resentment which this created undermined among the settlers towards the
Empire, determined the uprising that led to the American Revolution.
American Indians, Pontiac's Guerra demonstrated the importance of the
union of all the tribes to resist the advance of colonial. Although
the conflict divided tribes and villages, first multitribal resistance
against Europeans was created during this war and was the first who was
not a complete defeat of the natives. However,
the Royal Proclamation of 1763 did not that Britons try to expand
westward, so that indigenous peoples were forced to form new resistance
movements. The first began in 1767 after a
meeting organized by the shawnee and the following decades there were
various leaders such as Joseph Brant, Alexander McGllivray, Blue Jacket
and Tecumesh, for example, that attempted to create new confederations
to revive the resistance movements.
Source: Rebelión de Pontiac y su Legado